Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals

By Philip Thon Aleu

December 1, 2008 – Aiming to restore the denied human dignity of black people in the Sudan, marginalized Sudanese took up arms in 1983, which culminated in the January 9, 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the granting of Southern Sudan with partial self-governance. The historic campaigns from here have a lot to achieve rather than being hooked up by internal differences. Conflicts over states’ and counties’ borders, continuing returns of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and power struggles on tribal basis are issues that Southern Sudan should turn to after 2011 (the date of the referendum for independence).

For an enthusiastic society, when a lion invades a village, residents defend together despite internal differences. In such a response, villagers would defeat the common enemy and later on solve minor issues. This culture is vital at the current situation in Southern Sudan, for there are many more external outstanding issues than just family issues. Implementation of the CPA is made difficult by the National Congress Party (NCP), and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) is lobbying for a united Southern Sudan to defeat a common enemy in Khartoum. The Khartoum government on the other hand won’t feel the effect of self-governance in Southern Sudan when tribal hatred, internal land issues and power struggles dominate daily lives.

A case in question is the issue of Nimule (Madi) land-grabbing by Dinka Bor, as put by some. Dinka Bor and Madi communities would have no common border had it not been for the decades of Sudan’s civil wars that hit Bor the worst, moving thousands of Bor natives to various states of Sudan in due course of military operations and displacements. Bor civil populations settled in the Equatoria states’ towns of Nimule, Kaya, Maridi, Nadapal and others, as IDPs and indirect suppliers of food supplies to SPLM’s military wing, the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA). As human beings, Dinka Bor made a settlement by erecting houses, practicing agriculture and participating in business. And when the SPLM began setting up administrative structures, after gaining an ability to counter the Sudan Armed Forces, the IDPs there took offices at the borders and life went on. Those were days of complaints of occupation of land by Arabs through the barrel of a gun. All Southern Sudanese knew this and none bothered to talk about land occupations by Dinka, Kaku, Nuba, Kuku, Acholi, Bari, Zadi, Murle, Mundari, Moro, Pajulu, Didinga or Toposa and the rest. All we knew was that Arabs are oppressing us and we must fight for liberty. That is why the SPLA fought irrespective of ethnicity and geographical diversity.

Unfortunately, the course for dreamt liberation is thousands of miles away but commentators whose aims are not known are stirring up tribal differences with lands odes, singing what they call “Madi Land Grabbing.” An article appearing November 30, 2008 on Gurtong Peace Trust, entitled ‘Land Issues in Nimule, Equatoria State’ empathized that “Nimule saw massive displacement during the war as the town was intensely fought over. The indigenous Madi community mainly fled to Uganda in late 80’s and early 90’s during fighting between Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).” The article continues: “The SPLA controlled Nimule from 1994 until the signing of the CPA in 2005 and it became a refuge for IDPs fleeing fighting further north, mainly Jonglei.”

The truth is that both Nimule and Bor saw massive displacement. The question is, why didn’t the Bor community take refuge in Uganda like the Madi? Was there any condition stopping Bor from fleeing to Uganda? No. And the article does not consider why the Dinka Bor were untouched by “massive displacement” in Nimule during the war that they remained there and the Madi did not. The SAF never took full control of Nimule town, rather shelling the town from Achwa using heavy artillery. Most Dinka Bor lived in Mugale IDPs camps, about 12 miles north of Nimule. Soon after the SPLA retook Achwa from SAF in 1996, the IDPs took control of Nimule town, given its strategic locality. There was no competition over land ownership and there should be none before 2011 if we want to achieve a durable freedom, restoration of humanity and abolition of modified slavery.

The choice is ours and Khartoum can watch us wasting time over internal issues, supplanting the focus on external threats. One ought to be moved by a Southern Sudanese writer questioning the speed of CPA implementation, particularly the south-north border demarcations; yet land disputes articles are easier to write and draw more interest. If one wishes to use rhetoric of claiming “grabbed land” within Southern Sudan, then apply the same style to south-north border issues.

Not denying the Southern Sudan’s ethnic diversity, varying economic and social norms and poverty—amalgamated with a long history of wars—the society has sundry problems. Unfortunately, these internal constraints are overwhelmed by mistrust between the Khartoum and Juba governments. This is where Southern Sudanese unity and suspension of internal differences becomes critical. We have a choice: To deal with internal issues as Khartoum’s brutal ruling party (NCP) spends sleepless nights to destroy us, or to ignore our differences in order to achieve a common goal. This is the same thing at state assemblies, where MPs take time debating about land and leave out contentious issues affecting people’s lives. When will the government be in effect?

The goal is attainable once we abandon tribal differences and deal with the national issues. Southern Sudan is a region of possibilities. The CPA of 2005 is an answer to anyone who doubts the ability of this region for good governance and total freedom. People around the world could not believe that SPLM/A pressed the Khartoum government militarily to accept the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, given its strengths and rigid disrespect for humanity as shown in Darfur. If Southern Sudanese come together against a common enemy, we shall reach the shore and thus, SPLM/A shall win.

The author is a Sudan Tribune Journalist and can be reached at [email protected]


  • Michael Madit Magot
    Michael Madit Magot

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals
    Well stated article Thon Aleu!
    Everybody who need knowledge on SouthSudan issues must read it!.


  • J.James

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals
    Hi Mr. Alieu

    Your article is very appealing and touching to everyone’s heart special to those who love to see unity among south Sudan people. Unfortunately, many of our people don’t learn by minds and heart, instead they learnt through eyes and when the pain is inflicted through our bare skins.

    Though I read the article you mentioned above, I still fail to understand whether Dinka Bor had grabed Madi land within Nimule town or Madi villages. I will really feel uneasy if Bor expelled Madi away from their villages by force and occupy them unofficially. However, I didn’t hear something of such nature, Bor civillians have been accompanied by SplA leaders whom I think they would have not allowed Dinka Bor to do something ugly like that to Madi who are our own brothers and sisters.

    As far as I know those who are writing such nasty articles are former Sudanese who were naturalized as Ugandan citizens during the war and they became landless after CPA.

    People like the pest named himself Logic is nothing but LRA member who want to destroy people of South Sudan and you don’t need to mind about such rootless folks.

    Writings like this one must be writen frequently to inject some sort of lessions into the ears of those who don’t even know where theur nationality is and how is it important than tribal sectoring.

    I hope everybody learn from this

    God bless

    The writer is the former North south veteran who freed Logic from Arab’s slavery, now he can cross Juba bridge at night.

  • Philip Bol

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals
    Thon Thiirgoom, your opinion article is well balanced and written. However, our people are armed with latest information and “tribal politics” as you put it earlier. What we are aiming now in South Sudan, is chairmanship. Who will be a President? Only that title believe.

    Main Nyieth.

  • Deng Gai
    Deng Gai

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals
    Dear Philip Thon Aleu,Thank you for posing such an educative article over this web.I wish if all the people in the sudan were like you south sadan would have been a better place to live in.why I say so is because we the generation of today fails to understand things before taking action due to fact that we believes in our relatives statement without tracing their selfish interest,while at the end of the day they will not be affected.e.g most of the tribal conflicts are sponsored by the selfish leaders inorder to secure their position in the Goss and after getting their position they stop excusing their opponent even if the thing in which they use excuse it is still in pratice.so let us be united and bring unity to our people and leave alone the people without future.

  • J.James

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals
    Mr. Ambago

    Better to consider that I am one of the people who always don’t keep my lips sealed on isssues that tend to bring crack among south sudanese societies of which one of them is this matter of land grabbing or renaming. At the same time, I don’t support Dinka Bor to occupy Madi land. But, what put me in deep dilemma till this point are your own mix messages posted here and there by your Madi people themselves. Most of you complained about the entire Madi land while others talk about Nimule in particular, these kind of messages send many of us stray.

    If your land is taken, I think Madi community have right to ask GOSS to repatriate Bor back to their villages, and that should not be and issue that need to generate physical confrontation. One thing that some of us want to know is whether your prominent leaders including James Wanni Igga aligned himself with all those bunch of Madi writers or not, and if not than where is his voice as a son of besieged land in his almighty position as speaker of the house.

    Apart from that, I have strong opposition with Madi community when it comes to the land problem in Nimule because I have never seen a single commercial town which is also in border like Nimule which is occupied only by its locals, that don’t sound economically and politically right Mr. Ambago.

    Yes you are very right no one should take your priviledges away in Sudan though you might have naturalized few years ago as Uganda citizen, but in relation to the land problem, that may have little bit some effect in one way or the other, not only to you personally but to most of us who happened to be out of our respective motherlands. I personally wouldn’t expect my undocumented piece of land where I erected my shunty shelter 20 years ago to remain empty till I return from London in the next ten (10) years, that is not right too brother.

    You people need to sit down with your elders and try to find solution for the land. You know I went to Juba few months ago and I heart some disturbbing messages regarding the land in Juba, some unknown folks talked about expulsion of Nuer, Dinka and Murle from Juba, I don’t know whether educated people like you had really agreed to support people who proposed such kind of negative agendas or not. One thing most of you failed to recognized is that, we all fought for this land, in addition, you should also remember that, Murle have ancestral land in Equatoria. Some of you should ask our left behind brothers and sister of Boya and Didinga and Tenet, let them tell you about a place called Chauwa where Murle, Didinga and Boya inhabited centuries ago so that most of you have to start respecting Murle who are in Equatoria. Good also to put in high tech that We are all Southerners working together to develop, defend, liberate, and share this land equally and peacefully. That is how it should be.I think those who want to expell some particular groups within the towns in Equatoria might have calculated miserable math. You people should thank God who chose Juba as South sudan capital near your backyards instead of simiring havoc against others.

    Please try to work on something.

    I hope you agree

    God bless

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Southern Sudanese: Let’s fight for common goals

    You have gone astray a little. You said that Bor did not defend the madi land because they were IDPs and if they could defend, why couldn’t they defend Bor. What we all have to know is that, Bor did not run from Bor due to Arabs. Every thing started in Bor and this was why the first ever bullet of 1983 was in what is popularly known as Bor Town. It was liberated and as we continued, people forgot the vission.

    When Bor were in millitary fronts, Nasir faction swept across the whole Bor were civillians stayed defenseless while soldiers were in the front. What took Dinka Bor to Equatoria was the faction.

    If you say that they did not defend themselves from Nassir soldiers, I will agreee but they did much aginst the Arabs as you could hear. They did much in Achwa, pageri at the days when Madis ran to uganda.

    Land is for the Madis and will be left to them but let us be patient. Impatience of the Nassir supporters did what we all know but we expect we learned a lesson. Whether who sustained which degree of harm is not important but it is imperative to know that the dislikes among ourselves shall calm down when Arabs make every thing taut.

    So, why do we unite at times of pressures and we refuse to bear what ever burning issue to prevent external pressures after which we shall come to sit as brothers and sisters who are faced by misunderstandings at home? Let us not fuel any thing. Dinka elites are able to understand this complaint but let Madis calm down this and we shall sort out. Every body knows what is ture and even as you talk you know that your words will take us back.

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Sudan.

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