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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic

By Philip Thon Aleu

December 8, 2008 (BOR TOWN) – Two people have been killed and seven others wounded in Jonglei’s Twic East County on last Saturday. Survivors blame Pibor County men for December 6 ambush on South Sudan’s army truck and cattle raiding in Mar Payam.

Makol Yout, a victim of Saturday’s attack and a SPLA soldier, told Sudan Tribune at Bor Civil Hospital on Monday that army pick-up car was ensnared by wrestlers at about 8pm local time, killing one soldier.

“One colleague [soldier] was shot in the chest and dies on spot,” he said. One civilian grazing cattle was also killed earlier at about 3pm local time, he added.

Seven men-including five SPLA soldiers and two civilians-were injured while providing reinforcement to raided village in Mar Payam and resisting raiders respectively. Ten cattle were lost to the attackers.

Yout says there is reasonable evidence that the attackers were Murle men of Pibor County. “I heard their voices before they took-off,” he said.

Idheri Mohamed, an SPLA soldier accompanying wounded colleagues says the raiders were well armed and dressed in military uniform. “They wore in ‘Majat’,” he said referring to military uniform known for Sudan Armed Forces.

Mohamed, a born from Funj, said no raider was injured either.

The army is part of Division 8 carrying out disarmament in villages in Jonglei State.

In a related development, a trader from Bor Payam of Anyidi was killed on Friday while heading for Pibor area. The thirteen men convoy was scattered at Wer-Paac, losing one as six others went missing. Wer-Paac is mid way Anyidi and Pibor headquarters.

Murle tribesmen are too, pointed at, for the attack.

Efforts made to obtain reactions from Pibor officials remain fruitless due to the Eastern County inaccessibility by telephone.



  • Michael Madit Magot
    Michael Madit Magot

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Murle has struck again. It was said that they were disarmed but despite the allegation they are heavily armed and are killing our people.
    When will these thugs learn about the important of peace and harmony in the state.
    They peace is being enjoyed by Southerners but they are still being armed by the Sudan Armed Forces.

    Please Murle change before the law change you.
    We can disarm you in a matter of week if you continue with your dirty business against Bor.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    This is the culture of junglese, killing is what they deserve in life, however today i believe that this blockhead who call himself James will get a credit of suppport from me, because i will not agree on the prove of those junglese who said that the voice was exactly for murle. You cannot prove something with an ear rather than your eyes and the same to your nose, sometimes you can smell a cooking which is exactly to chicken meat or a previous smell of a meat, but when you come face to face your may find that it is not a chicken or whatever you might have though of, eventualy a criminal always conceal his identity by pretending like someone. So i disagree with this fake prove, becacuse killing is a common thing in jungle and the prove does not have enough evidence for a genuine person to agree on this. Both murle and dinka deserve killing which is one of the major thing that i urge the two sides to co-operate on it so that they can behave like human beings. It is not some thing that people just create for you, it is your own act which tell the world that you both need alot in life, because you keep acting like your in 17 century. Selfishness, jealousy and gluttonise is what you have adopted as your culture, dinka look at murle cattle with jealousy and glutton and thesame to the murle.

    NB: Junglese stop being liars, think before you talk. leaders like ordinary giving false information always. LIAR LIAR LIARS !!!!!!!!!!

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Public enemy number one to the southern suddenness people are those Animals

    Dinka Toriya Muslim slave

  • J.James

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Hi Jongkoth

    Actually this is a negative allegation that doesn’t deserve any reply at all. Dinka Bor always love to hide their barbaric and horrific crimes by pointing figures to other communities, yes they normally want to blame others for their own crimes. The only way to trape Bor from blaming others is by catching their greedy crimals red handed like late April when SPLA soldiers gun down four (4)Bor gunmen who went and raid Murle villages. If by grace of God those criminals were not caught red handed, Bor would have switched the identities of those criminals to be for Murle.

    If you people are not dumb to your toes, is Mar Payam not the same village attacked by your own greedy gunmen five (5) weeks ago? Why should you want to blame others while knowing those who always attack this village comes from your own community? Please shut your ugly mouths and turn figures back to yourselves or try to investigate the crimes within your community.

    But case if Murle criminals were the ones behind this, then it might be those traders whom their cows were looted by Bor soldiers around Juba last week and therefore Bor have to be blamed.

    I don’t know why Bor always cause problems and they expect other parties to remain silent? When you raid cows which belong to the traders, make sure those traders deserve full right to follow their cows till the last distination.

    Matter of fact, Murle are tired of Bor crimes, Murle tried all they have to give Bor traders wide freedom to go and buy cows deep inside their land (Murle land) but Bor still refuse to see Murle traders within their villages, what type of relationship is that? Also Bor includes those who are in SPLA army keep on shooting Murle traders both on their way to Juba and even within Juba which is also the city of semi-autonomous region. Now who is the worse criminal, Murle who tend to retaliate or Bor who normally causes the problems? I think Bor.

    Pleae if Bor really want attractive peace, they need to stop attacking Murle traders because we know Dinka Bahr El Ghazzel don’t have time to attack Murle for cows since they don’t even have easy ways to take those cows home. Also soldiers who are originally from Equatoria don’t need even cows, so those who always attack Murle traders in Juba are purely Bor. Bor should also give Murle freedom to go and sell their goods inside Bor villages and returned safely, otherwise one-sided peace will not take us anywhere.

    And for disarmament, yes that should be done across south sudan because there are other areas which are worst than Jongolei, the two people who died yesterday are less than 96 people who died in lake state two months ago, so let disarmed every community.

    Lastly, those who foolishly want to blame the entire Murle community need to watch their dirty mouths, because there are also crimes comminitted by your people and no one dare to put a blame to the entire Bor. So shut shut shut and shut your dark dry and food loving gaps and try to talk about unity not war between tribes.

    I hope every Bor agree

    The writer is the north south veteran who freed Logic from arab slavery. Now Logic can cross Juba bridge at night.

  • J.James

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Mr. Mess, messiah or whatever dumn name you were named after:

    Your comment is purely dominated by foolady, mental shallowness and villagery concepts. I am deeply surprise to see you mentioning the name of almighty God and killing of mankind using the same mouth. You should try to find another mouth to use when you want to talk about killing if you had used your big mouth for mentioning God’s name.

    If you call all Dinkas to go and finish Murle, what will you say if all other tribes come together against Dinka whom almost is hated across the country? Please don’t let something simple uproot your feet, remember, those who were killed by our common enemy are more than those who died through friendly hands.

    Mr. Jayo is very right to named you as one of those criminals. Because if you encourage more killings, than you are criminal yourself.

    Mr. Logic is also right today because we normally believe on evidence observed throuhg naked eyes not through smile or ears except recorded messages.

    Bor who were also with Deng Kelich and Arok Thon do dress on the same uniforms. Uniform can also be purchased by criminals simply to disguised themselves from being Identified.

    Hence, all your evidence look baseless and suspicious. Therefore stop lying about Murle and try to be unionist rather than being crazy tribalist.

    I hope you learn from others.

    God bless

    The writer is villager after his goats in Pibor.

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Logic Boy

    You seem to be like you think because you kill yourselves secretly using your magic which Murle and Dinka do not have. You have a lot of problems that can scare people but you are covering up. A bird at hand is too worst inthe bush.

    You are childsih to debate over this web site. Go to warm yourself with alcohol which you tasted beforeyou were a year old.

    First reason!

    The Wiseman of Sudan.

  • J.James

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Mr. Trueson of tribalism

    You are negative ill-minded parasite worse than tape-worm inside dog’s intestines.

    First of all I want you to know that, Murle have no problem with all Dinkas, because there are very good Dinkas like Dinka Ngok, Agar, and some from Dinka Bah Gazzel who respect other tribes day and night. Particularly, we have problem mostly with Bor who always steal things from each other and attempt to blame others for their fauls.

    Please don’t try to bring all Dinkas into the crimes of your loose hearted village-mates. You know Murle don’t bring Didinga, Boya and Tenet into whatever they do and all those tribes above are called Murle speakers just similarly as you are called Dinka Speakers. So stop generalization, now we want to start treating every criminal as individual not as a group so that those who are frequently causing problems has to face their own music accordingly.

    Trying to brand your former masters who used to buy even your own hated cousins with few heads of cows as slave will not work. Murle had never been and will never be Bor slaves though you are going to rule the whole world. You will still remain slaves and ugly regardless of any office you hold.

    When you want to talk about SPLA that most of you want to proud of, remember when those of Ngachigak, Late Lukurnyang, Pagan and others captured Buma in 1982 your Garang was still kneeling infront of his former master Jaafar Nimieri in Khartoum. So Murle did not follow Bor to the Bushe nigger. Secondly SPLA was not founded by Garang as some of you tried to claim, it was founded by Karabino who was given power by his brave Murle in-laws and William Nyuon from Nuer, so you didn’t do anything to the southerners except stealing GOSS money. Please try to watch your mouth when you try to talk.


    You are also one of those Bor dry skin boys who were expelled by Nuer 1991to refugee camps of Mole and Polotaka with little knowledge about education.
    In english, it is ok to make at least three or four mistakes when you write and that doesn’t means you are not educated leave alone one spelling error. So since your parents don’t even spelling single letter from your names, one spelling error means nothing. By the way you need to check your primary writings before questioning professional writers like James.

    I hope you leaned now.

    God bless

    The writer is Logic in-law who paid him two skinny goats.

  • Wunashuei

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Mr. Philip Thon Aleu,

    What happen again with Murle? does the guns you reported early been returned back to Murle?

    Come on Man, that is why I said last time that you need not just to report any thing with no concrete evident, can’t you see what has happen now as a result of your report to the media that thousands of Guns were been collected from Murle, And beside that where are those folks who react last time to my comment on Murle disarmament?(by Philip Aleu) Guys can you prove me right now and regrets your hash comment whom you were posting against my name?

    I know very very well more then any one else the trick use by Murle and theirs associate like Mr. Thon Aleu to divert the attention of people of South Sudan regarding Murle case. It is good that same Thon Aleu who reported the Disarmament is again the one reporting on the killing carried out by Murle. I think this time Mr. Thon and those who believe in him will learn from this report.


  • youngdinka

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic
    Fuck all the shit talkers.

    It time for me or any dinka of Bor to fire a bullet at murle soon if that looting,raiding and abduction can comes to an end.

    J.jame,illegic, toposa slut whatever you name is i don’t a fuck of who you are.

    I heard someone mentioned but can’t remember who it was .He says Dinkas cilivians should take guns and fight murle who arent human nature. murles don’t know peace,it state brothers of Jonglei State.

    Murle u can be armed by your leader who you will not hear of him forever.


  • J.James

    Gunmen kill 2 people in Jonglei’s Twic

    You are just a stupid with young mind like your own clown assss. Your mother Nyandeng and his crook Garang were the ones who started mistreating other tribes first in 80s, so what do you want others to do, kneel on your ugly faces? that will not happen stupid man

    Regarding our leader that we will not hear of him anymore, Please Mr. joke with other things because Murle don’t want to hear Dinka who killed Lukurnyang and Ngachigak without reasons to talk nonsense again.

    This time if you attempt, there will be not what is call Bor in Jongolei, am serious and read my lips & words one after another.

    I don’t want to talk to you about things like that otherwise something will happen this days against you.

    Good luck

    The writer is your peaceful neighbor who you normally try to put him down and that is impossible forever.

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