Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Joint units to pullout of Abyei – chief administrator

December 13, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The newly appointed head of Abyei interim administration said today they decided to withdraw the Joint Integrated Units from the disputed area where 2 regular troops were killed on Friday.

a_woman_walks.jpgThe decision of the local administration comes at a time where the few population that returned recently after May deadly fighting begun to leave the leave the area again.

“The local government has decided to withdraw the joint-forces by next morning to avoid further friction with police,” said Arop Moyak, chief of Abyei’s administration.

It is not clear whether the withdrawal would be definitive or provisory. The UN, and national, international bodies dispensed a lot of money for the training of these JIUs and JPIUs and their transportation to the area.

Yesterday two police officers were shot during a limited clash between northern soldiers from the Joint Integrated Units and southern policemen from the Joint Integrated Police Unit.

Conflicting reports say among the two deaths there is a northern soldier.

The latest clash comes six months after a relative peace in the disputed area.

After last May fighting between the northern and southern Sudanese armies around 50,000 people fled the area. However after important efforts around 10,000 returned recently to Abyei.

But the traumatised population began since yesterday to flee again the contested the area.

Despite the signing of a protocol on the status of Abyei, the agreement remained unimplemented till last June where the two peace partners agreed to pullout troops and to deploy JIUs, the formation of interim administration and resolve their difference on the findings of Abyei border commission through an international court of arbitration.



  • Majoor Atem Deng
    Majoor Atem Deng

    Joint units to pullout of Abyei – chief administrator
    The decision of the Abyei interim administration regarding redeployment of the Joint Integrated Units outside Abyei need to be supported by the SPLM and the NCP. The eruption of fightings inside Abyei caused alot of suffering to the local population. The time has come to evaluate the role of the JIU since it failed to keep the peace in the area, they must leave as soon as possible and let the UNMIT forces with the local police keep the peace and security in Abyei.

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