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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 45

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 45

18 December 2008

Key overall developments

– 17 December, Khartoum: The Humanitarian Air Service (WFP-HAS) in Sudan welcomed a €2.7 million contribution from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO). The latest donation has brought the total contributions from the European Commission to €11.7 million for 2008. Which will allow WFP-HAS to keep flying for the rest of December to serve the entire humanitarian community in Sudan.

Needs and response by sector

Food Security and Livelihoods

West Darfur

– Mercy Corps is training 27 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in sewing and carpentry, including seven women, at its livelihoods centre in Um Dukhun. New trainees for the Um Dukhun demonstration farm have been selected by local livelihoods committees, and training will begin next week.

South Darfur

– The World Food Programme (WFP) raised concerns that their efforts to deliver food to Gereida next week might be affected by spreading insecurity in the areas south-west of Nyala.

Health and Nutrition

West Darfur

– The Ministry Of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in West Darfur are investigating the increased number of Malaria cases in the Western Corridor. In the last three weeks malaria cases have been reported from Bendisi (609 cases) and Mukjar localities (270 cases).

– Medair conducted three (3) four-day refresher training courses in Geneina for a total of 86 clinic assistants from around 20 rural locations on subjects such as growth monitoring, malnutrition, vaccination, malaria, breast-feeding, dangerous health practices, and oral rehydration.

– Medair successfully conducted a three-day refresher training course for a total of 20 local Hygiene Promotion Coordinators and 15 local Health Educator Coordinators.

Non-Food Items (NFIs) and Emergency Shelter

The United Nations Joint Logistic Centre (UNJLC) is currently preparing for the end of year physical stock count of NFI Common Pipeline warehouses to verify stock levels. As the Common Pipeline warehousing and transportation partner, CARE will manage the count with participation from UNJLC. The count is due to start on 15 December in Nyala and Geneina warehouses, followed by El Fasher on 21 December.

North Darfur

– In North Darfur, Oxfam replenished 5,467 households with blankets and plastic sleeping mats in Shangil Tobayi IDP Camp, El Fasher and in the Kebkabiya locality.

Protection and Human Rights

North Darfur

– The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) worked closely with the Government gender-based violence (GBV) unit — headed by the Wali’s Adviser on Women and Children and the Ministry of Social Affairs. The GBV unit formed a planning committee comprised of women representatives from the ministry, women’s union, the civil society, the media, the women’s labour union, women in business, women from El Fasher University.

– The North Darfur State bill on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) was recently passed and the Wali’s office is in the process of disseminating the bill to all localities to prevent FGM. An FGM Committee was formed four months ago with substantive technical capacity building and support from UNFPA.

– The UNFPA and the United Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) White Ribbon Campaign in 2008: This was the first year in which UNAMID celebrated the White Ribbon Campaign in a joint effort between UNFPA, and the UNAMID gender and human rights section. The campaign created awareness on sexual violence (SV) and the response mechanisms in place for SV. The chief of the substantive units, General Anyidoho, was in attendance and read the UN Secretary General speech on the urgency and need to address SV. He also launched the White Ribbon Campaign by pinning the ribbons to the ‘Champions’ who will do the same to their unit members.

– UNFPA supported the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF) to conduct youth dramas in IDP camps. The dramas were entertaining and educational and captured life as lived by the IDPS. They addressed FGM, early/forced marriage, domestic violence, sexual violence and HIV/AIDS. All performances ended with a dramatisation of the major key messages.

West Darfur

– With the support of UNFPA the campaign to end violence against women was officially inaugurated in Geneina, where the Wali of the state, chair of the legislative council, Wali adviser for women and children, a woman representing IDPs, and the UNFPA made speeches on the occasion, and were followed by cultural activities including songs and theatrical sketches. The aim was to reaffirm the commitment of the state government towards ending violence against women.

– UNFPA — in collaboration with the Wali adviser unit for women and children and the State Ministry of Education (SMoE) — organized activities on GBV targeting students and teachers. Activities included morning classes and speeches on GBV as well as cultural activities. A total of 997 schools were estimated to be covered by this activity.

– UNFPA — in support to the state committee on combating violence against women — conducted a two day training on the inter-agency standing committee (IASC) guidelines for prevention and response to gender violence in humanitarian settings.

Water and Sanitation

West Darfur

– Mercy Corps organized training in School Health and Environmental Education in Darfur (SHEE-D) for 30 teachers in Mukjar.

– Mercy Corps water and sanitation team — in collaboration with community members — dug one (1) well in Shariq area and established two (2) drainage systems in the locality and Shariq areas of Mukjar.

** Please note that this will be the last issue for the Humanitarian Action in Darfur Bulletin for 2008. Due to the upcoming holiday season our next issue will come out mid-January 2009.

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