Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister

December 26, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan minister of energy has blamed the southern Sudan army for perturbing oil extraction in the areas of production saying they obstructing the work of oil companies.

SPLA soldiers
SPLA soldiers
In statements to Al-Ray Al-Aam daily, the Minister of Energy and Mining, Zubair Ahmed Al-Hassan, said the disorganization and the lack of discipline of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) represent a threat to the production of oil.

The minister said the SPLA hostility to foreign firms and the mentality of war push local officials to hinder activities in oil areas and arrest oil rigs.

Al-Hassan further said he had held talks with Sudanese Vice President and President of southern Sudan about the hindrances exercised by some SPLA officials. He further added that Salva Kiir directed to put an end to the security problems and to punish responsible, however he added that these orders were not implemented.

The minister underscored that according to the 2005 peace deal and the constitution the Sudanese army and the joint units are only in charge with the protection of oil fields.

Security problems in southern Sudan and Southern Kordofan delayed the maintenance of wells where the production decreased and disturbed the oil production in the Unity state

He also said Sudan discovered reserves of oil reach around six billion barrels.

Sudan’s oil production is estimated to reach between 500,000 and 600,000 barrels per day this year, but output is expected to rise in coming years and the boom in exploration is mainly in the southern region.

Despite US-led sanctions to push Sudan to resolve the bloody war in Darfur, direct foreign investment in Sudan soared to 2.3 billion dollars in 2006, fueled by energy-hungry Asian economies led by China and Malaysia, just seven years after the country began exporting crude oil.

Local populations complain from pollution and contamination of water. When oil is extracted, large amounts of saline water, or brine, are injected into the sub-surface to maintain the pressure of oil reservoirs, which enhances oil recovery, said human rights and Christian aid group Sign of Hope.



  • Kur

    SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister
    This looter who called himself the minister of energy is trying to find other ways and reasons to bring their criminal elements of janjaweed to the oil producing areas of South Sudan. They will not be lucky this time because the security of South Sudan including the oil fields is in the hands of the SPLA. Oil fields are not separate entities they are integral part of South Sudan, and so the SPLA has the right to police those areas whether it pleases some body or not.


  • cansellor

    SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister
    Hurry up Gatwech!!
    son of witch!!

    Have a look at these SPLA soldiers responsible for disturbances of oil production in Unity State. Just try to identify them. do they look like cowardic nuer? No!! Then you are the pure liar that has never been produced in africa. Thank you Mr journalist responsible of bring this report and images on to this website. this ‘s the only way needed to defeat nyagats and liars trying to planed another betrayal destruction on this website. Now you saw it with your own eyes that the security of Unity state is in the hands of Dinkas. would you be considering to appologise for the lies you have created that you liberate the Dinka people of Abiyiei? another thing, you with your boyfriend Logic boy always pretended to be heroes and fearless. now we want to put it on test. If you are a heroe you ‘ll be able to get out of anormity and give your full name and location where you live at the moment with out fear. I will start it first. cansellor is my professional tittle, but my real name is Pagai Alerkol pagai, I live in 132 EBN street Hylliopolis Cairo Egyp. if you know someone In Cairo tell him to meet me at Zamallek’s Queen Niffetti royal hotel. I use to work there. What about you coward! would you be able to give your details? No! ha!!ha!!ha!!never will it happen!

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister
    It is absurd and irresponsible statement from irresponsible minister. If such an issue exist it should be discussed within institutional channels not through the media.

  • musa daud
    musa daud

    SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister
    Dear Mr. Cancellor

    Dear Mr. Gatwich,

    Please and please let us not reduce South Sudan into a mere conflict of interest between Dinka and Nuer.

    If the truth is to be said, the defection from SPLM to Arabs was not just a Nuer trade mark. Almost most tribes did the same, super stared by Commander Kerubino, Commander Arok Thon arok, who are Dinkas, plus Nuer and some Equatorian Commanders. thus I failed to understand why you only blame Nuer people.

    Why don’t we address facts and matters which can bring us together to realize our common goal of forming a democoratic state of Southern Sudan?

    The minister can say what ever he wants to say. after all he is a Jalaba and his bitterness towards Southerners is explainable. But what I can’t understand is how we can obtain our free state with this kind of bitterness among ourselves.

    I’m very sorry to say that what the minister has said is part of the painful truth that we have to digest and swollow it quietly.

    Sometimes you have to consider comments of your enemy. Because we all know, SPLA is suffering from serious problem of organization and decipline. we need to instill alot of military code of conduct and ethics among our gallant army if we really mean bussiness, because what is present is a gorilla army not a conventional one.

    No professional military personnel can work both as a soldier and as a bussiness man. Officers cannot be illitrate, if they happened to be so during the war, why don’t we educate them now?

    A deciplined army cannot wonder aimlessly on the road, drunk to the brim, while in uniform, and carrying his riffle ready to shoot at a slightest provocation.

    Let us stop playing kids game on this web site and start talking about the real challenges.

  • Thyinka

    Moving pieces in a chessboard politic
    This is pure politic. The idea is to get rid of the SPLA forces from the oil field and instead bring back the SAF forces to Southern Sudan. I hope people will see through this tactical ploy as a strategic move to reoccupy. No one can expect an intelligent person to accept vague accusations such as having “mentality of war.” What has SPLA done specifically to hinder oil production process and what reasons where given for doing what they did.

    Oil production in Southern Sudan is even suppose to be under the ministry of energy in South Sudan. Federal system of government should not just be on paper. Most importantly, the ICC decision should have been taken this month so that we can finally say that “Le marchand de la mort est mort.”

  • youngdinka

    SPLA disturbs Sudan oil production – minister
    SPLA oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…..SPLA have 100 percent authority to do what ever they feel like to do or says.

    Stop hating on Dinka… We liberated so many tribes in south sudan. now those tribes we secured from being rape and slaved by arabs are our number one enemies.

    SPLA do whatever takes it to discipline NCP and arabs in Sudan.

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