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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates

By Isaac Vuni

December 27, 2008 (JUBA) — The employees of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) from grade fourteen to super scales four will have to undergo mandatory screening to ascertain
originality of their certificates, a statement said today.

There are cases of Southerners claiming to have degrees and diplomas from Australia, USA, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Khartoum, though they never actually attended training.

A statement to the press read by Undersecretary Dr. Julia Aker Dueny, the acting minister of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development, emphasized that GOSS employees will be screened for fake education certificates, with attention to the unprecedented promotion of junior officials to super scale now hindering quick progressive development of South Sudan that has emerged from 21 years of destructive civil war with northern Sudan.

The screening committees will start work from January next year. Dueny assured Southerners that the seven committees will be lead by Martin Elia Lomuro as chairman, with representation from Parliamentary Affairs, Public service, Information and Broadcasting, Education, Health, and Legal Affairs.

They will thoroughly investigate all cases that hinder and deprive recruitment of qualified Southerners in government and NGOs, which are accused of mostly recruiting foreigners in positions meant for locals.



  • Afonso

    South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates
    As a fellow african, I quite agree with screening fake documents fromm good ones before employing anyone. But I beg our GOSS brothers/sisters not to discriminate their fellow Africans and deny them jobs.Some jobs in NGOs are strictly for expatriate staff and how many South Sudanese are working in positions denied to citizens of nearby African countries? Go to Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, DRC, South Africa you name it. The South Sudanese working there are not better qualified than the original citizens deprived ot those positions.Lets see African Union as our key concept and avoid the continous harassments Africans are facing in South Sudan. This includes rape on Ugandan and DRC ladies, threats on people by drunken SS soldiers busy looking for women and alchohol. The list goes on and on. Remember we need each other and Africans accepted South Sudanese without reservations now you want to start rejecting and expelling the people who helped you and shared all the little they had with you during your long war for freedom?? Its too early to be so unfaithful to your feloow Africans, Dr John Garang never meant this.

  • Imatong Ikosok
    Imatong Ikosok

    South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates
    Wow!!!WOW!!! Bravo, Dr. Julia Aker. This is really a turning point for the real development in our beloved south Sudan. I believe, Dr. Martin Elia will do a great Job. Please do not get discourage like the so called Anti- corruption commision. You are going to face alot of challenges, but just keep going. As an individual south Sudanese citizen, I am hereby registring my sincere blessing for this committee. I have over 10 years of working experience, a dgree in political sciences, master in public administration, a high diploma in devolpment studies, yet I could not be employeed because I have no relative or friend working with GoSS. Bravo once again, Dr. Julia and God bless your effort

    Imatong Ikosok

    Muniki B, Juba

  • Imatong Ikosok
    Imatong Ikosok

    South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates
    Mr. ALFONSO,

    What you are talking about! Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and others have looted everything from us, yet you are saying they should be given jobs in south Sudan. Are you out of your mind? I would like to ensure you that you are going to see more of Dr Julia and Dr. Martin in southern Sudan. Enough is Enough

    Imatong Ikosok

    Muniki, Juba

  • Imatong Ikosok
    Imatong Ikosok

    South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates
    Dear Biar!

    I think you did not understand my comment, try to read it again. I am a nationalist south Sudanese. I know many Ugandan and Kenyan women currently working in (GoSS) Ministry of finance, MRC, UNMIS and enven in SLA and president office. I would like to ensure you that I am, at present, working with CE state, I refused an offer from GoSS because it did not consist with my educational background. It seems you have no idea about what is going on in Juba. Are you supporting Ugandan, Kenyans, Ethiopians and fake diplomas holders to be given jobs rather than qualified Equatorians and south Sudanese, in general? or you are ONE of THEM? Give me a break!!


    Muniki, Juba

  • Imatong Ikosok
    Imatong Ikosok

    South Sudan employees to be screened for genuine certificates
    Dear Biar!

    I think you did not understand my comment, try to read it again. I am a nationalist south Sudanese. I know many Ugandan and Kenyan women currently working in (GoSS) Ministry of finance, MRC, UNMIS and enven in SLA and president office. I would like to ensure you that I am, at present, working with CE state, I refused an offer from GoSS because it did not consist with my educational background. It seems you have no idea about what is going on in Juba. Are you supporting Ugandan, Kenyans, Ethiopians and fake diplomas holders to be given jobs rather than qualified Equatorians and south Sudanese, in general? or you are ONE of THEM? Give me a break!!


    Muniki, Juba

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