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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks

December 29, 2008 (LONDON) – The Sudanese government said today that it received an apology from Paris on statements by President Nicolas Sarkozy earlier this month in which he warned that time is running out for his Sudanese counterpart Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, delivers a speech after signing bilateral agreements with Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, unseen, in Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2008 (AP)
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, delivers a speech after signing bilateral agreements with Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, unseen, in Rio de Janeiro, Tuesday, Dec. 23, 2008 (AP)
“We need the help of the Sudanese government to finally find peace in Darfur” Sarkozy said in an address to mark 60 years since the adoption of the UN rights declaration.

“But President Bashir has very little time to decide, his fate is in his hands” the French president added.

The Sudanese Minister of State at the Sudanese Foreign Ministry Ali Karti told the London based daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat in an interview that Sarkozy’s adviser for African affairs Bruno Joubert apologized over the remarks.

“We do not pay any attention to these threats and we heard an apology from Sarkozy’s adviser Monsieur Joubert saying that what Sarkozy said exceeded what is agreed on in French policy” Karti said.

The Sudanese official further hinted that his government may suspend the implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) if an arrest warrant is issued for Al-Bashir.

“The international community must decide whether it wishes to continue to implement the peace agreement for Southern Sudan, in particular thousands of peacekeepers guarding it or he wants to give up his role in Sudan” Karti warned.

“Does the [international community] want to stay and solve the problem or does it want to terminate all aspects of full cooperation with a responsible government. Everyone has the right to decide before the Sudanese government makes its own decision on what it wants” he added.

In mid-July the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno- Ocampo filed 10 charges: three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder and accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

The ICC judges are still reviewing the evidence before making a ruling that could come as early as next month.

Karti said that there will be no cooperation with the ICC “under any circumstances” and said it will amount to “giving up their sovereignty” if they did.

He reiterated the ability of the Sudanese judiciary to deal with Darfur crimes and stressed that there is no evidence implicating two suspects wanted by the ICC including Ahmed Haroun, state minister for humanitarian affairs and militia commander Ali Mohamed Ali Abdel-Rahman, also know as Ali Kushayb.

“All criminal investigations commissions did not press any charges against Haroun…Even Kushayb there were lots of allegations against him but none were confirmed. They mention his name [Kushayb] without asserting it was his him. They [victims] say that all attackers masked… then how did they identify him?” Karti said.

The Sudanese diplomat’s statements on Kushayb contradict those made by Khartoum that it will move forward to prosecute him.

Last October The Sudanese justice minister Abdel-Basit Sabdarat told the Associated Press that Kushayb “is in government custody”.

“Kushayb will be tried in Sudan’s domestic courts. He is under investigation. He will be held accountable” Sabdarat said.

Sabdarat did not say on what charges will Kushayb be prosecuted despite earlier assertions that he has been cleared from any wrongdoings.

Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statute, but the UN Security Council (UNSC) triggered the provisions under the Statute that enables it to refer situations in non-State parties to the world court if it deems that it is a threat to international peace and security.



  • cansellor

    Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks
    There has never been a popular website in Sudan than the present sudan’s tribunal. another day another funny news reports wow!what a fun! Nothing funny ever drew my attention to laugh than what I have just read that continuation of arrest warrant again president Omar Al Beshir will result in Comprehensive peace agreement CPA with South Sudan suspend, followed by some lies that French president Nicholas Sarozy apollogize to Mr Bashir for his statements. Guys ladies and gentlemen these statemente are not trues feel free! don’t be terrorise by these vogues allegation.the were created by someone who knew it that there are some cowards living in South particularlly Mr Logic boy with his partener Gatwech. all Arabs criminals did not dies in silent.example is from Sadam Hussien when he was alive, he used to shout death to America!! untill his departure.

  • justice

    Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks
    ‘An Arab speaks more than an action’they said they wanted to suspend the CPA well if Al bashir is indicted by the ICC,it’s becouse their civilians in Khartoum did not smell blood as did the Darfurians and the south sudanese.When SPLA entered Khartoum after the CPA,the civilians were terrified and others began going to Saudi Arabia,Egypt and etc thinking there is giong to be war in Khartoum.Nevertheless we southerners are never happy coz not a single arab civilian wittness how a bullet force a person to die mytriously and painfully.If they say they want to suspend the CPA well they are welcome to see one day that the people in khartoum with their sky scrapper will be destroyed to ground level.I as a southerner i love how nice an Arab complain and groan to death painfully,ok this is going to happen to Khartoum soon.I wish JEM should do it again.No problem JEM with the combination of the SPLA after the suspension of the CPA will led to the ruin of Khartoum and the Arab race in the Sudan and we shall at last stay in harmony and peace.With the issue of sudan trying to threaten france is like they want to play with fire.’
    If france sneezes one day Sudan will catch cool’so they should stop joking with superpowers.But an arab does not understand even if you beat him to half death he will still he can fight.They don’t accept defeat but our Israel will teach them a lesson.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks
    Mr.Sarcozy, what is your gesture??? Do you wanna Di*KKK??? You looks like you want some more! Here comes more of Di***K from “Fush Buck” your friend! And his Di*k for you.

  • Kur

    Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks
    Those who wish to conduct war in South Sudan this time will be surprised how stupid they underestimated our resolve to defend our freedom. Identifying and presecuting the war criminals such as Bashir and his other janjaweed friends has nothing to do with South Sudan. The human rights abuse in Darfur will not go unpunished. You have killed as many people as you wanted but you will never escape justice. So, the threat of war in South Sudan is an other war crime that ICC must also investigate.


  • Ahmed

    Sudan says France apologized for Sarkozy remarks
    BALLERS……….Long life Mr. president
    this ppl hve greatest mind ever

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