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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan Legislators boycott discussion of human rights bill

By Isaac Vuni

December 30, 2008 (JUBA) — The Legislators of Southern Sudan have today boycotted deliberation on the much-awaited Bill of Human Rights in its second reading, simply because Christmas bonuses were only paid to specialized committees chairmen.

Some lawmakers interviewed emphasized that they will continue boycotting deliberation partly because the government has failed in its commitment to zero tolerance on corruption.

When the honorable Speaker entered the hall at noon, there were only 25 MPs present compared to 66 registered. He then declared the House adjourned until the next day.

The chairperson of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Hon. Margaret Abudi Peter alleged that many Equatorians are daily killed by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army in their detentions in and around Juba. She appealed to Archbishop Lokudu and Assistant Bishop Laila to urgently call for forgiveness and a reconciliation prayer day for all Equatorians.

Present were ministers Michael Makuei Lueth, Martin Elia Lomuro, Dr. Luka Monoja Tombekana and Commissioner Joy Kwaje of the Human Right Commission, among others.



  • Martin

    South Sudan Legislators boycott discussion of human rights bill
    I hate corruption but I am responding to the boycot of Human Right Bill deliberation due to SPLA revenges against the terrorists who wanted the capital of South Sudan be moved out of Juba. Korkory is back and should be considered as a terror act.

    Korkory is going on again in Equatoria and that sort of terrorism will not be tolerated this time and those who committed or conspired to kill an SPLA soldier or citizen in the name of tribalism and other related prejudices must be executed as well. Enough is enough and the SPLA army cannot and will not be cowed by the Korkory acts. Those who do not want the GOSS to be hosted in Juba must leave to join their fucking masters in the North or live peacefully with all the Sudanese people. Some of the Equatorian politicians in the GOSS parliament and other high ranking officials should be neglected, demoted, or fired if they get involved in the Korkory compaign. Korkory will not succeed this time. The terrorists must be killed! No joke!!!

  • Bonifacio

    South Sudan Legislators boycott discussion of human rights bill
    Dear Martin, please don’t talks as if we are not democratic government, every one has freedom of expression in the government of South Sudan, but if it is Dinkaweed government continue with your unwise wards.

  • Emo Tongun
    Emo Tongun

    South Sudan Legislators boycott discussion of human rights bill
    To Martin

    Whatever you hide your dinka name, it is clear from your rotten hatred language you want the rotten SPLA soldiers to continue their barbaric, culprids acts against Equatorians civilians. That you wanted to killed Equatorians, we as Equatorians will not allowed you to carry your agendas.

    We wanted to form a democratic nation in the South, if that was your positions, Thank you go a head with your projects of killings in Equatorian People. God is great. WE shall meet.

    We in Equatoria now understands your evil plans. We in Anya nya 1 were very kimd of giving peace to every Southerner where ever he was because we believed in God’s judgement and human justice and fairness. Now you have shown how evil you are wether you are in the GOSS or not.

    It appears from your language you are totally shallowed,narrowed minded. Speaking of eleminating, Equatorians who are presenting a human abused,secret killings of innocients people by SPLA sick minded, wicked tribalistic mentality like you are. And threatening “this time, this time, this time” don’t know even to spelled Kokora saying Korkory. If you are not a real coward Dinka, come out openly in a daylight speak your killing plans if your fucking mouth will not be put to death with one bullet of AK 47. Wait and see the time is appraouching, your claiming of that you are a majority tribe wanted to killed any men from another tribe.

    You are the real Arab Slave, history of Able Alier, Aldo Ajo, Bona Malwal and many more…. is written down in the South. Nimari and Your type know who are the pioners of a liberation struggle in the South.
    Shut up we will get your ass fucked up SOON! SOON! from the “Civilized, High Moral Land”; people who tought you how to dress cluthing in your open fucking ass working with it arround Juba town, with the bottle of cow milk, crying Roob, Roob, Roob,and begging money in the streets of Juba, today they are saying that they SPLA is civilize.

    Shits… What about “SAFIA MOYO” water to dring you used to carry it in your shoulder did you forget it?.. being called Jenge jenge jenge Arian jenge.

    No body in Equatoria one day ever carry water in his shoulder selling it, and i wanted to remind the Martin Dnka it will not happen what ever he things he wanted to change the history of South Sudan.

    Or riding a Donky with the barrel of watern accross the residential areas those images after the 1972 Addis Abbaba accord will never disappeared from people’s eyes what ever you may do! what now. Coward. come in the fight with empty hand or one to one, face to face if you don’t see blood in your fucking nose and face.

    Time will tell Who was right and Who was wrong. And who stoled the SPLA from Anya nya 2

    Nuer form Any nya 2 with excelent objectives anybody in the South knows that, and this is the right history. We in the Equatoria are writting all these facts down; later Garbino Kuanyin Boll join them in the bush by the too Anya nya 1 battalions.But John Garang came as a hijacker.

    Even though the CPA was sign by Garang, we as Equatorians still know that United States George Bush was the man behined the CPA. He is the one who was fighting terrorist across the world, and Sudan was among the countries sponsoring terrorists. So he was intrested in pressurizing Sudan.

    He said unless Garang join United SPLA Nasir fuction, sign peace with NIF, then will get the USA support. These fucts everybody in the South Sudan will never never never forget it whatever people like the so- called the fake name Martin the (Dinka Bor) wanted to claim. Bitch Bitch Bitch, Son of a bitch, get fucked -up your dirty ass.

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