Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan earmarks $123 million in medical supplies for Gaza

January 1, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan’s Doctors Union, a pro government syndicate, will send a relief convoy to embattled Gaza at the cost of 270 million Sudanese pounds (US$123 million), reported a state news agency.

Gaza is a densely populated strip of land on the Mediterranean cost between Egypt and Israel.

A six-month truce between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) expired in Gaza on December 19. When the ceasefire expired, Hamas launched rockets at Israel and Israeli forces launched air strikes at Gaza.

About 400 Gazans have been killed and 1,700 have been wounded during Israeli air strikes on Hamas, according to health officials in Gaza.

Sudan announced after the hostilities escalated that it will send an aircraft of relief supplies to the Gaza Strip via Egypt and also claimed to have started extensive campaigns to donate blood for the Palestinian people.

The medical convoy, containing emergency and life-saving medicines and including a number of Sudanese surgeons, anesthesia specialists and medical assistants left the premises of Sudan Doctor’s Union Thursday on its way to Gaza.

Addressing the departing medical convey, Dean of Sudanese Doctors Abdul Aziem Kablo said the union will be in continuous session in order to prepare for successive medical conveys in support of the people of Palestine in Gaza. He called on the members of the union to send urgent contributions and support to the central chamber at the premises of the Union.

He explained that other medical conveys will be sent to Gaza in the coming days, adding that the current convey comes at the initiative of the Sudan Doctors Union in collaboration with the Arab Doctors Union.

The state news agency SUNA also reports that dean of the Sudanese Bar Union, Fathi Khalil, who also is the chairman of the Sudanese Popular Campaign in support of the people of Gaza, addressed the event and said what is happing in Gaza by all means is contrary to the international law and all the human values.

Khalil further criticized the stances of the Security Council and some Western countries toward the Israeli aggressions on Gaza. Likewise, in the wake of the attacks, Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir had encouraged Arab countries to rethink their relations with the United States of America.

Hamas blames Israel for making food and medical supplies scarce, whereas Israel claims that Hamas is hindering the flow of supplies that it does allow into the strip. Ninety aid trucks crossed the border from Israel on Thursday.

Sudan has strong political ties to Hamas.

The latest round of violence in Palestine precedes major anticipated political events in both Sudan and Israel, including elections in Israel in February 2009 and the possibly forthcoming arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir on charges of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.



  • Kur

    Sudan earmarks $123 million in medical supplies for Gaza
    There is nothing wrong with providing help to those in need, but I feel that there is something unusual here. There are millions of Sudanese people in urgent need of medical assistance at this time; however, Tthe government is sending medicines worth millions of dollars to Gaza while those who own the money spent on those items will definitely die either of disease or hunger.

    The obvious example is the large number of IDPs in Kalma Camp in Darfur. Those people need medicine, food, water, and the list of needs is endless. How can those in Khartoum have the gut to send millions of dollars of our money to Gaza while we are dying of poverty in Sudan? The Sudanese people must know that the first enemy is this brutal regime run by NIF criminals. These janjaweeds need to be apprehended and punished forever for crimes they have been committing in Sudan against the Sudanese people.


  • Patriotic

    Sudan earmarks $123 million in medical supplies for Gaza
    As suggested by Kur, there is nothing wrong with helping others who are in need, however, it is good to remove the log in your eyes before removing a tiny wood in somebody’s eyes. Most sudanese are living below poverty line and it is too unpartiotic to send $123,000 to terrorists who have caused choes in middle east.

    SPLM can’t do anything to stop this help initiated by terrorists, victims of racial inferiority complex, supporters of Islam who are not believers. However bootlickers and idiots like Bona Malual, Prof. Dechan should stop supporting Beshir otherwise they will be castrated in daylight.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Sudan earmarks $123 million in medical supplies for Gaza
    It reads “SUDAN has strong ties with Hamas”, and I’m very dissapointed to hear about it. The Hamas is not about for Palestinian of Gazan. In fact, Hezbollah of Damascus, Syria and Lebannon are the enemies of ISRAEL and much of monetary founded by IRAN and IRAN is supporting all the terrorist casuality against ISRAEL, and using the name Hamas, but more of all, Persians manupilated Palestinians to fight with Israel. Iranians doesn’t care about Palestinian life, but they just want to use Palestinian life. The geographically Gaza is situated next to Africa, and Iran want the position of use the extension of their territory of Hezuballah pan-Africa. That’s why Egypt does not want IRAN to come into Egypt via Gaza strip.
    SUDAN must wake up, the IRANIANS are the enemy of AFRICANS.
    AND this battle, ISRAEL will destroy Hamas, because this campaign of battle is about Hezbollah of Damascus, and Iranian Almadinejad regime. PLEASE don’t even welcome “ANY” IRANIAN single peoples into SUDAN, they might be a spy against AFRICA, and they are the ENEMY of AFRICANS.

  • SudanSudan

    Sudan earmarks $123 million in medical supplies for Gaza
    Look at these Arabs with hatred toward Sudanese and Africans while holding on toward their Arabs in Gaza. This is the true color of NIF/NCP government intention to brand rename Sudan as an Islamic Arab nation through arabization and islamicization. Where were the Palatines and other Arabs when southern Sudan was in dire need of essential commodities for sustaining lives? Where were they in Congo, Rwanda, Seri Leone, Liberia, Ethiopia, and Uganda just to name a few? Where are they now in Darfur and Zimbabwe? This is just ridiculous and outrageous to see the Sudan government does stupid things in a broad day light in Africa. Where are African leaders and Nations? I am calling on all African nations to look into these insults by Arabs who claim themselves Africans. The resources the Sudan government are using ($123 millions) come from oil in Africa, not from Arab oil. Sudan has its own problems that need money and it’s an ideological hatred toward African when money and relief worth $123 million is sent to Gaza for stupid war of useless ideology while people are left suffering at home.,

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