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Sudan Tribune

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Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan

January 9, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese ruling National Congress Party (NCP) denied speculations that president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir will withdraw his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections later this year.

Nafi Ali Nafi, a top aide to Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, gestures as he speaks during a press conference at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo last year (AFP)
Nafi Ali Nafi, a top aide to Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir, gestures as he speaks during a press conference at the Japan National Press Club in Tokyo last year (AFP)
Al-Bashir has been accused by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) last July of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

The ICC judges are reviewing the evidence before deciding on whether to issue an arrest warrant for the Sudanese head of state.

“Any such talk is wishful thinking. Bashir will remain in power” the powerful presidential assistant Nafi Ali Nafi told a rally in Eastern Sudan.

“There is so much speculations on a palace coup ousting Bashir and him going to exile in Saudi Arabia” he added.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which was signed on January 9 2005 between the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) calls for elections no later than July 2009 as part of a democratic transition in the country.

But observers raise doubts about the organization of the general elections next year. The independent commission is the sole institution that has the authority to fix that date of the elections and to delay it.

The ICC issue has cast doubt on whether the Al-Bashir can exercise his functions as president should he be indicted by the court.

Nafi also denied any talk of differences between Al-Bashir and his 2nd Vice president Ali Osman Taha.

“These are rumors by those who want to weaken the NCP. They are the same people who want to create a broad based coalition government to get rid of NCP figures” he said.

However the Sudanese official said that a new coalition government “is like trying to lick your elbow”.

The NCP has adamantly refused to incorporate more opposition power in the government and insists that any such changes must to be made through the elections.

“The Islamic project if it came through elections in 1989 would have been suppressed but it came by force” Nafi said.

He also lashed out at the ICC saying it is a tool used by “neo-colonialist for a regime change”.

Despite a UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution issued under Chapter VII empowering the ICC to investigate in Darfur, Sudan has refused to recognize the court.

This week Sudanese officials including those from the military have warned of “grave consequences” should the ICC issue an arrest warrant for Al-Bashir.

The African Union (AU), Arab League, Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) have called on the UNSC to invoke Article 16 of the ICC Statute which allows the council to suspend the ICC prosecutions in any case for a period of 12 months that can be renewed indefinitely.

But so far no such country in the UNSC has introduced any such resolution owing to threats by the Western veto wielding members such as US & France that they would block it.



  • hawa

    Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan

    Nafi Ali, I will react back to you that Bashir must go whether he doesn’t withdraw or not. He must go. This election is not going to be done by a military coup but by a fair election.

    Go ahead and corrupt it and you will feel it. It is either going to be separation or Kiir must win this election.

    Donkey Albashir is going to campaign in jail or in hell. ICC is drawing near and the truth is revealing. Are you bashir or bulshit.

  • Gatbentiu

    Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan
    Whether Beshir withdraw his candidacy or not, is not Sudanese’s problem only fair,just and democratic election will show the future of this country.
    Beshir and his NCP advisor will only servive if they declared the truth behind the Darfur killings.

    [email protected]

  • spanner

    Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan
    Dr,you are a big fool,stope barking like a barking dog,you are next,your time has come,OCUMPO told me he is still studing your case,you will soon be name after your boss becouse you are his second brain,you have killed innocent people in darfur,now you want to blame it on westren countries, did this countries you acusted told you to go to war and kill innocent civilian in darfur?or did they give you the go ahead?
    Weither he(this criminal) called Al-Bahsir withdraw his candiency or not its your own buisness with him,all that the people of sudan need, is a clean election,remember sarkozy said the clock is ticking fast for bashier,
    Truely your name is Dr Nafe al manafa,b******t*****d

  • destiny

    Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan
    Wishful thinking is Bashir being elected. For heaven sake hes commited war crimes yet Sudan Goverment claim he’s innocent and people are still dying?
    Either Kiir rules or North and South separate. Either way Bashir’s days are over and someone should get it through his advisers thick head.

  • The Jungle fire
    The Jungle fire

    Bashir candidacy in presidential elections will not be withdrawn: Sudan
    Why LRA gorilla are distroying our people,they are stupid,just living in the bush in many years for nothings. Kony himself is not educated and how comes for him to rule Uganda. untaught kony have to remains in the bush while eating monkeys meat and others vegetable staff in the bush. Fuck Him, He killed my father, lets God Keeep watching his feet.One day he will be gun down belive me. The blood of innocent people still around him.

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