Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir

January 13, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese First Vice President Salva Kiir issued a stark warning of the possible fallout from the indictment of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

First Vice President and Chairman of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) Salva Kiir speaks during the 4th anniversary celebration of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, ending more than two decades of civil war in the southern town of Malakal January 9, 2009 (Reuters)
First Vice President and Chairman of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) Salva Kiir speaks during the 4th anniversary celebration of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, ending more than two decades of civil war in the southern town of Malakal January 9, 2009 (Reuters)
Kiir was speaking at the Saint Teresa Cathedral Kator in Juba last Sunday revealed that he brought up the issue with US officials during his visit earlier this month and with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

“The problem we have here in South Sudan is what would happen to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) if Bashir is charged by the court?” South Sudan president asked.

“What about the outstanding items in the peace agreement? Will they be implemented afterwards? Will we have a referendum in 2011? These are urgent questions that everyone should pay attention to” he added.

This is the first time Kiir speaks out strongly in public against the ICC move. Southern Sudanese officials have in the past focused on advising the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to deal legally with the court.

Observers say that South Sudan is concerned that the CPA could unravel if the NCP decides to unilaterally scrap the agreement.

ICC judges are reviewing ten counts presented by prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo in mid-July that include three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder and accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

Sudan has sought to lobby the UN Security Council (UNSC) to invoke Article 16 of the ICC Statute which allows the council to suspend the ICC prosecutions in any case for a period of 12 months that can be renewed indefinitely.

However Sudanese official acknowledged that a suspension is now unlikely and said that an arrest warrant for Bashir appears inevitable.

Kiir said that US officials turned down his plea for intervention in stalling the ICC move telling him that “they have influence” over The Hague based court.

“Let’s assume that the NCP said that our president now stand accused so we are not obliged with the agreement [CPA]. What will the situation in Sudan be like? People will revert back to war because anything that happens to the CPA will suspend the constitution that represents the agreement in itself” he said.

However the SPLM leader expressed confidence that the NCP will exercise self restraint should the ICC issue an arrest warrant “and not resort to violence”.

The CPA signed on January 2005, ended more than two decades war that left 2 million dead. The deal created a national unity government, and another semi-autonomous government for the ten states of southern Sudan. It also organizes a democratic transition in the country through general elections in 2009, and allows southern Sudan to vote for self-determination in 2011.



  • Nuer

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    Thank you Mr.President for taking that stand on the ICC case. You’re brilliant!!!!!!

  • Gen. Double Wood
    Gen. Double Wood

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir

    I don’t think taking El Bashir to the Hague will bring about CPA broke down, it has happened to the president of liberia, and still there were some voilence but it didnot affect the peace agreement. Liberia went through with the election. let El Bashir go to hague he will not be hung but he will either be put in prison for some years and he will still come back to sudan as a citizen.

    this is in my View.

  • J.James

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    Mr. Kiir

    I am personally at your back and in fact I have been against this indictment since the beginning of the case. First of all Bashier would have been charged for the lost of two million people who died in Southern Sudan during civil war between north and the south not by 300 000 Darfurian who died recently based on UN records.

    The death of two million people who were slaughtered indiscrimately by Bashier’s Majadehen across the south should strong stampted out the word genocide on the hearts of all those world powers years ago, and yet I don’t understand where the United Nations (UN) United Nation Security council(UNSC) and International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as European Union (EU)were from 1983 to 2003?

    However, southerners need to learnt healthy politics than just stuffing everything to Bashier for the past war resentiment between them and us without reviewing the consequences that we may face as a result of Bashier’s indictment.

    So Mr. president, I think you pressed very sensitive button that most of us had been waiting you to hit on and we appreciate your fortitude.

    I hope all agree.

    God bless.

  • Daniel Lual
    Daniel Lual

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    it is disappionting to see our leader betraying us like he did! he is giving clues about what Arabs will do if ICC warrant is can not tell your enamy what worried you most.this is distructive, He better shut up and secretly lay out his plans about what to do if the warrent is issued

  • Mantelezu

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    Woo! I am now very confused about the CPA. I was made to understand that the CPA is unbreakable irrespective of what regime is in or comes to power. Now Salva is saying that it is an agreement between NCP and SPLM. No wonder it has been wrong sailing for implemetation of Abyei and the the rest…. GOD FORBID!

  • Manyieldit

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    I Think Kiir should not worry about the fate of CPA, Bashir is an individual and if he is arrested the CPA will not collapse as it didn’t during the death of Dr. John. Mr. Kiir should recall the quote of Late Dr. John ( “CPA does not belong to Dr. John, nor it belong to Taha or President Bashir, The CPA belong to the people of Sudan”). Bashir can go and another Bashir will come and the CPA continues as we have an other John Garang in place.

    So I advice our President Kiir to let the Justice take its course so that the citizen of the country will be freed from brutal act of those criminals elites.

    CPA will be minus Bashir, Taha or Kiir.

    Those who think that CPA will collapse if Bashir is arrested are completely wrong and should revise their thinking.

    Bashir is the main obstacle to peace in Sudan he must be remove to pave the way for peace in the country or otherwise we will continue with instability and corruption for life.

  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    Thank you FVP Salva Kiir for your political awareness and early response highlighting your appreciated efforts for dismiss or suspension of ICC Warrant issued against our President which a step we hope it will meet all success whoever US turned down your pleads also you have well done your roll abroad hoping for continuous similar activities across the country towards public aware enhancement and precaution measures have to be taken at the highest levels if the country supposed being at stake. let’s stick together at this crusical bottle-neck time.

    for those who wave banners of Albasheer arrest have to think of him being the sponsor of the CPA if really has meaning to them.

  • John Juba
    John Juba

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    Appreciation to the President of Southern Sudan Government base in Juba with his move defending Al Bashir from an ICC indictment fearing CPA break down and a possible return to war.Mr. President Salva Kiir, you are the light who will lead southerners out of darkness during the forthcoming referendum in 2011 and if you talk like that would put the people of southern sudan in despair. Let Al Bashir go to hague and defend himself with the atrocities he committed.

    If you pull out one grass out of your house, your house will not leak so let go Al Bashir to court for judgement becoz he is not CPA. What if he dies today instead of ICC indictment.can we go back to war or continue with sign accord?

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    I like what Mr. President said because it corresponds with my argument in that the ICC should not issue an arrest warrant to a sitting president of the Sudan at this moment because this is going to have consequences on the CPA. That is, a Risky Legal Precedent on the President.

    It is known that the rebels of Darfur do not care about the CPA and may wish it to be thrown to dogs so that Self-determination for the people of South Sudan disappears.

    However, as it is rumoured that the Arrest Warrant is already signed by the three ICC women judges and are only waiting for the crisis in Gaza between Hamas and Israelis to get calmed so that they create another crisis in the Sudan, the important strategy the GoSS and the SPLM leadership should deliberate on is how to declare a Unilateral Independence of South Sudan in case the NCP suspend the CPA and Interim Constitution. But mere declaration of Independence is not enough because this need to be backed with heavy military protection, which USA is not ready to offer to Southerners at this critical moment.

    The NCP and SAF have already demonstrated their military strength in the eve of this year in case of any eventuality. They already possess more than 25 modern MIGs-29 and other heavy missiles from Eastern Europe and China. What does the GoSS and the SPLA have to strike back in case of resumption of War? Is it going to be like a case of GAZA and Isrrael where Hamas have nothing to strike back with on Israel while the world just watch the dead bodies of Palestinians in TVs?

  • Angelo M
    Angelo M

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    One can easily see that Kiir’s real concern is about CPA status should Bashir go to court. We South Sudanese however have to have faith in God that CPA can and should stand alone. CPA scheme was operate whether Dr. John Garang or Bashir are alive or dead. So if anything happens to Bashir today, it would get rid of CPA? Is this the fact?

    It is so unfortunate that we believe this!

  • Dahlbek

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    I remembered watching ABC News last week when VP Salva was asked if he believe the government of Bashir is an obstacle of bringing peace to Darfur and his answer was YES. Furthermore, he said the government forces along with militias are still killing civilians in Darfur everyday.

    Evidently by his own admission, shouldn’t the ICC have the legal right to charge Bashir with the crime given these facts?

    Why are you flip-flapping Mr. VP? Declare where you stand and maintain it as it’s your absolute right to do so.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    who actually owns the sudan and is there no law in the Africa,s largest country?. Go ahead and suffer for another 40 or more years. One,s man meat is another man,s poison.

  • Buk Dan Buk
    Buk Dan Buk

    Sudan First VP pleads case against ICC arrest warrant for Bashir
    I think Mr VP do not want to go back to war but we will still go back to war no matter whatsoever we will do to avoid all this. I want Mr VP to know that our war between North and Southern is just like the war between Israel and middle east.So we should remember that we are fighting a war that has no end. And we will not be better off if we don’t stand alone and solve our problems by ourself.So my advise to Mr VP is to let this dangerouse man face his own problems and no one should put his hand on it because if we don’t let this man face the justice then he will not know what he did to his own people. Sudan will be better off without him. So my fellow Sudanese we need to work hard to put this man in his grave so that we can start new Sudan with more love from either side.
    I know Arab countries are always behind Sudan problems and that should stop now. We must give Omar to ICC in order for us to stop Arabs from involving in our issues in Sudan.
    Do not help this man to get out from his arrest we must let him faced.

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