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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’

January 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir today vowed to resist any attempts forcing Sudan to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir (AFP)
Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir (AFP)
Al-Bashir speaking at a rally in the Sudanese capital said that his government is not concerned with the ICC and that they are prepared for any confrontation.

“Let them pass any resolution in the UNSC or ICC . Sudan will not accept it. They can dip it [decisions] in water and drink it” the Sudanese president said sarcastically.

“We are like palm trees. We die standing on our feet” he added.

ICC judges are reviewing ten counts presented by prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo in mid-July that include three counts of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two of murder and accused Al-Bashir of masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

Sudanese officials have acknowledged publicly in the last few weeks that an arrest warrant is “inevitable”.

Al-Bashir also lashed out at Ocampo describing him as someone “who has no morals or manners”.

“The battle is one whether it is in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Darfur…We will not bend down to Zionists and international conspiracies” he said.

The Sudanese president has recently been making a number of public appearances in which launched fierce criticism against Western countries accusing them of using the ICC to topple his regime.

Khartoum has lobbied the UN Security Council (UNSC) to invoke Article 16 of the ICC Statute which allows the council to suspend the ICC prosecutions in any case for a period of 12 months that can be renewed indefinitely.

However China, a strong ally of Sudan and one of the UNSC permanent members, said earlier this month that they do not intend to table such a resolution dealing a severe blow to Sudan’s efforts.

Sudan has not ratified the Rome Statute, but the UNSC invoked the provisions under the Statute that enables it to refer situations in non-State parties to the world court if it deems that it is a threat to international peace and security.



  • destiny

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Bashir your time is out! Five counts of genocide, what makes the sudanese Goverment think that he can escape conviction for that? The pride in this people amazes me beyond belief. You can rest assured arrest warrant will be released despite sending ‘graveyard’ threats.

    Zionist and international conpiracies or not, murdering another human being out of greed for power and wealth is not acceptable anywhere. You are not in the middle East you are in Africa and trying to wipe out African tribes in their own continent should qualify you for a ticket straight to the hell!

    Maybe all the African Arabs should just move to the middle east with their wars and greed!

  • Patriotic Bull
    Patriotic Bull

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Hi Beshir,

    Stop bulshitting to the public, brain is meant for useful words not for stupidity talks you do.
    Beshir you should remember how victorios was Sadam, But he just end up in capture which really shameful to all the muslims over the world.
    Moslims like talks arrogantly but have no where to go sincere the time has come for the sons of devil to be burnt.
    You`ve no even single man to withstand ICC like did Sadam with America.
    We must hand you over to ICC if they issue arrest warant regardless of the CPA which you some Foolish Southerners rely on.

  • Abraham Agoth
    Abraham Agoth

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Dear Readers,

    simply let me compare the the Iraq situation to Sudan’s because it seems as if we are going to face the same environment as Iraq did.what is the decision taken by the sudanese politcians regarding this issue of our president ? why did he say such aggresive words against the ICC Judges?

  • Baggaran

    Sudan president says”let them dip it in water and drink it”
    el-Beshir said this before. “let them dip it in water and drink it”.

    He said this when he rejected the independent report on the Abyei boundary even though he agreed to in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. And now the Abyei issue has gone to the international court in the Hague.

    It looks even more llikely that this case too will be tried in the Hague.

    The general who never won any war will face the prosecutor who never lost any case.

    Only one will win.

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Mr. Bashir you are a foolish president who had never gain international popularity, you are known of your bad records of committed atrocities in Darfur and South Sudan during the war. now Darfur genocide is in you neck,lack of full implementation of CPA is also in your neck, and you tell ICC prosecutor that dilute your decision with water and drink it, this is the same statement you told the [ABC]Abyei boundaries commission committee report. please Mr. Bashir don,t play with fire it will burn you. you will dash it like that and at the end of the day you will be caught like former Serbian president Radavan Karizget, the ICC will run after you till your death.

  • John Juba
    John Juba

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Al Bashir, for how long are you going to resist to cooperate with the International Criminal Court? It’s better to accept to cooperate with ICC so as to avoid what happpen in Iraq with Saddam Hussein after being defeated by Americans and hide in potholes in the outskirt of Baghdad.

    I think that is what you want to happen to you as you watch your fellow man being hanged at the hague.Never say that sudan will not accept to pass any resolution but say i Al Bashir will not accept any resolution.Ocampo is concern with human rights to be implemented

  • Buk Dan Buk
    Buk Dan Buk

    Sudan president says ICC prosecutor ‘has no manners’
    Mr president, I think you can make a good president in whole Sudan if you know your position in Sudan but your problem is because you think your are an Arab which is not true. We are just African Sudanese not from Arab world my friend. So put in your mind that your time has come for all Sudanese to give you up to what you deserv and we hope you will get it soon and that will help you understand your position of president because I think you become a president without your concern and feeling of the people whom your are ruling. So be ready and be a man don’t be scare, you knew you were going to face your mistakes and now your time my dear brother. ICC are people who understand the role of another humanbeing in the earth. So do you think you will get away with it my friend? that is not possible because we are ready to give you up and nothing will stop that because its already on the way to your nice house.
    Be ready and face like a man.

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