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Sudan Tribune

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Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state

By Manyang Mayom

January 14, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Local authorities in Lakes state are now in the process of reconciling members of the Agaar community with each other in three counties of Lakes state, Rumbek North (Maper) county, Rumbek East county and Rumbek central county.

The consultations are facilitated by local chiefs with support from the government of Southern Sudan, involving Minister of Interior Affairs Paul Mayom Akec, and in conjunction with the state government of Lakes.

Last week the reconciliation process was disrupted in Rumbek East County by clashes between the Panyar and Aliap clans that resulted in 16 deaths and several serious wounds. The stunned consultation team feared more disagreement though Rumbek North County (Maper) and Rumbek Central County remained calm.

Reconciliation between Nyan, Panyon, Baar and Joth are reportedly accomplished and sub-clans on both sides swear not to kill one another nor seek revenge.

An official source in Lakes state government said that the forced reconciliation between Baar and Panyon remains uncertain because Panyon clan received no compensation after seven people on its side had been killed in earlier clashes between Baar and Panyon. But according to Lakes state SPLM Secretary Samuel Mathiang, who hails from Panyon clan within Rumbek Central County, Panyon have finally accepted the reconciliation procedures.

Meanwhile, on Saturday over 167 cows belonging to Lakes state community were looted by pastoralists from Upper Nile state. The theft occurred at a cattle camp called “Wunyar” just a distance of 7 miles away from Rumbek town, said Keer.

As the reconciliation process moves along in the three counties dominated by the Agaar community, the majority of Lakes state legislative assembly is absent.

In the presence of the Lakes state Governor Daniel Awet Akot and SPLM Lakes state secretary Samuel Mathiang Keer, the two twin clans of Panyar-apin and Panyar-machor were reconciled on Friday. Chiefs also attended as witnesses, as well as Gelweng militia leaders, who maintain a semi-official role in the state.

In an interview by phone on Tuesday, a local chief blamed the Lakes state government for not working seriously to bring criminal suspects to face trial. He was referring to the lack of a comprehensive justice system, without which communities have less incentive to abandon traditional clan-based mechanisms for deterring violence and seeking compensation.

The chief argued that “the government is forcing us to reconcile according to their favor without compensation being done. I am not sure whether this peace will work.”

“I think the peace will be respected for a matter of just two months, even if the justice is not done—then people will return back to square one of fighting between clan to clan,” he predicted.



  • Gen. Double Wood
    Gen. Double Wood

    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    It would be a wounderful move ever made in the sudan,

    it sounds to the world that Rumbek is among states in the world where small genocidal killings exist and to sudan it is the worst state where any preson-person disagreement leads to death of more than 20 people each time.

    So i appreciate áparaak Agar'(the youthful cattle keepers of agar) for their move in accepting the recounciliation.

    Rumbek(espicially agar), we don’t want always to cause our Leaders in GOSS to feel embrassed by their fellow colleagues in the goverment as the may be called failed leaders of hostile community due to our misunderstanding that existed longtime ago.

    We are in modern era and need to feel superior through development not through number of brothers we kill every time we have simple misunderstanding.

    Gen. Double Wood is Agar Boy.

  • Gatwech

    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    I thought the Dinka should not continue to fight among themselves since they have already declared war against other tribes in the South.

  • John Juba
    John Juba

    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    We are tried of your problems always killing your fellow brothers as if you were the ones giving their lives.To reconcile is a good decision but for how long will it take to maintain this brokered reconciliation.Anyway we are not blaming the blind citizens who just acted in killing one another but the blame should go to the Leaders of those clans of failure to stand as a government official and stop backing up the clansmens to stop killing one another.

    We experience this several times, when their is fighting among Agaar communities themselves, this also affect other people who are not even Agaar people mostly foriegners and the neighboring Apak community from Yirol West.

  • queen

    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    This is a good signal for peace in Agaar Community. I thank SPLM secretary and Governor Awet for marking peace to come in Lakes state. Awet leadership itself is tear because his leadership is against the media in the state, now Manyang Mayom was sack in his post in December and now see how Manyang is expressing Rumbek good thing.

    I believed Awet must recalled back Manyang to his post, they whole of Lakes state govt will not brought manyang to their stage that they expected.

    Sound great, Alfred Taban as appointed Manyang Mayom as a correspondent of Lakes state, it is a big shock to Lakes state govt.

    Spear is belong to owner and sometime can cut owner, so Lakes state has cut herself alone to lost Manyang in thier premise work. His is going to be hot against state administration.

    Awet, restate Manyang without failure, his is doing a good job. Your people whom you like are blackmailing you indeed…Manyang work is growing up and Manyang has international support from world. his is popular of truth saying in Lakes state govt. respect him and allow his duty within the ministry of information which I said to be good for him to help careless govt.


    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    Tribal Fighting: is It our Game of Interaction or Backwardness?

    the escalating tribal figting reported seems to be having some bearing or symptoms of a doom to come.the referrendum and CPA in general are at risk! these were the same signs/symptoms of the collapse of the previous agreements including Adisababa agreements.the archetects of such fightings are well known. their intention is to ‘make unity attractive’ and ‘south sudan independence/ secession ugly and repulsive!’ this is our greatest weakness that the enemies of the southerners can utilize and to defeat us in our cause.
    but i urge GOSS to be unshakable becoz of such but be determined to lay down measures to minimize or contain them.
    regarding the behavior of some communities and especially the Dinka, we try to understand them and love them rather than disown and hate them.even in a family of 2 brothers and 3 sisters, not all have the same character or attitude of behavior.but they will remain your brother or sister,i mean there should be no passion hatred toward Dinka,despite their aggressivve and hostile behavior,regardless may or may not change.they remain our brothers.

    when i see such incidents happeing at various parts of south sudan, i shed tears about the future of the south.
    my fellow southerners,shall we learn from the past!??


  • lotueng Junub
    lotueng Junub

    Agaar clans pushed to reconcile in Lakes state
    This is good news for all peace loving Southern Sudanese and lakes State citizen in particular.Our state has been labeled by many as a failed entity without chrimatic leaders who have citizen’s lives at heart. all they do is to loot public funds at the expense of common masses and instead further inciting tribal fueds.this is why violence continues to rule all parts of lakes State.for God Sake and harmony let accept the new pace of this reconciliation and enjoy devidends of peace like the rest of South Sudanese.

    Lotueng Junub is a serious contender who is happy to see all Southerners living side by side beyond tribal-lines in unity,prosperity,peaca, harmony and in a spirit of nationalism.

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