Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

JEM renews commitment to Darfur peace talks

January 16, 2009 (WASHINGTON) – The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) renewed its commitment to reach a lasting peace of the six year conflict in western Sudan despite the recent fighting with a former rebel group.

In a statement made at the end of a visit to Washington, the rebel movement reaffirmed that its commitment to engage “genuine peace negotiations” with the Sudanese government “with a view to reaching comprehensive, dignified and lasting peace in the region.”

JEM also praised the United States readiness to provide the necessary assistance to reach out “an early Framework Agreement and working out a guarantee mechanism that secures cessation of hostilities.”

Nonetheless JEM spokesman, Ahmed Hussein Adam, stressed that the Preliminary meetings shall “open doors for a Framework Agreement that tackles broader issues of contention, with details to be covered later.”

He also said they “shall endeavor to widen ownership of Doha Forum, make it inclusive and guard it against disruptive elements that have no commitment to the peace process.”

The leadership of the rebel group demanded in the past separate peace talks rejecting the presence of other movements. A request that has been seen as not reasonable by the Western diplomats who say JEM could repeat the error of Minawi.

JEM delegation, during its visit to Washington, met with a number of officials including the US special envoy to Sudan Richard Williamson, Jendayi Frazer, the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs and Timothy Shortley head of Sudan program group at the US state department.

Khartoum criticized the invitation of the rebels saying it “gives the rebel movements a wrong impression and a false strength.”

But the US embassy in Khartoum had underlined that the visit of the rebel delegation would “take place within the context of U.S. government efforts to encourage all parties to participate in the Darfur peace process.”

“JEM delegation would like to extend its gratitude to the American administration and in particular for frank engagement regarding current the situation in Darfur.” Said the rebel spokesperson

He also praised the political and humanitarian support rendered by the US administration and the civil society groups alike to the conflict affected population of Darfur and in particular to the IDPs and refugees.


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