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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

7 people kill in Jonglei’s Duk

By Philip Thon Aleu

January 16, 2009 (BOR) — Seven people died on January 11 when armed men ambushed traders’ vehicle near Poktap in Duk County, survivors say. A child aged 2 is also reportedly killed and three others wounded one seriously.

A five and half tones truck, loaded with goods worth thousands of Sudanese Pounds was heading to Nyirol County but gulfed by armed five minutes after leaving Poktap at about 2:00pm local time according to three men who were in the truck.

A survivor, James Thok Tur, blamed Duk citizens of Nyarweng for the attack. “Our escort identified one of them (assailants) as Deng Marol and he called his name saying ‘we are your people’ but refused to listen,” Thok Tur further said. “We shouted ‘SPLA Oyee’ but they open fire instead,” he added.

Duk leaders were not available for comment despite several attempts to reach them.

The seven people killed are identified as Keel Pulnyang Raath, Riek Wan Duop from wildlife unit, Lt. Col. Chuol Hoth Rir (military), Duop Thor Dup (Ministry of Agriculture officer), Chuol Dieng Chan (a teacher), Nyak Gatluak and Yusuf the driver. Wounded are Ter Muon Jock, Maluit Kok Chan and Nyaman Riek Deng.

According to James Thok Tur, looted goods and wildlife emerged in Poktap where he claims to have spent the night after the raid with other survivors.

Lou Nuer Youth Association Diaspora denounced the attack. “We the Lou Nuer Youth Association has condemned such a brutal attack launched by notorious police from Duk County intentionally on that vehicle for the above mentioned crime which has happened in Poktap HQs of Duk County,” Samuel Tony, the chairman of the association told Sudan Tribune on Friday in Bor Town in a letter released to the press.

The Association members, who were attending the briefing of three survivors, identified as James Thok Tur, Dak Lam Dhol and Poch Kulang, at Liberty Hotel here, also sought government intervention to quell the situation.

The association calls for “immediate peace conference to reconcile the two conflicting communities, general disarmament” and arguing the Government of Southern Sudan to “empower the state Government for quick construction of infrastructure.”

Relationship between Duk County and Lou Nuer Counties of Urol and Nyirol has being rough for long reaching the climax last May when a fighting erupted over cattle exchange resulting to killing of over forty people.

James Thok, the only survivor who could communicate with Sudan Tribune because he speaks Arabic, said they were delayed for five hours at Poktap and taxed heavily before allow continuing their journey. “We negotiated and finally paid 700 Sudanese Pounds,” he noted.

Thok said they were cautioned that the way is not safe prompting escort from local authorities. Thok and Dak Lam claim to have lost 78, 500 SDG on goods. Poch Kulang said he lost 4, 000 SDG and 10,000 SDG on goods and cash respectively.

The survivors spent night pro-raid at Commissioner Mayen Ngor home in Poktap and transported to Bor Town by Jonglei State Minister of Social Development Rachael Nyadak who was returning from peace celebration in Malakal.

The Minister couldn’t be reached too, as reportedly busy, to comment on the ambush there and steps she took when she found them (survivors) at Commissioner’s home.




    7 people kill in Jonglei’s Duk
    That was a friendly fire from the Lou Nuer attackers. It has been revealed by the true source from Lou Nuer.
    Therefore, it has nothing to do with Dukeen people as wrongly alleged.
    Take my statement clearly please because that is what actually happened.

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