Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

High time for oil revenue for food and no-fly zone in Darfur

By El-Tahir El-Faki

January 18, 2008 — It is high time that the United States of America (U.S.A) together with other interested international partners should take tough steps for drafting a resolution at U.N to impose a no-fly zone and target the Sudanese military Air Force that continues to defy United Nations ban on offensive military actions in Darfur. Given the relatively high oil revenue in Sudan, it is equally important for the international community to consider forcing the Government of Sudan to shoulder cost of feeding Darfur IDPs and Refugees within a programme of an internationally monitored oil for food programme.

On Independence Day, 1st January 09, twelve newly purchased MIG-29, 4 Sukhoi Su-25s (known as Frog-foot) fighter planes were unveiled in a public parade in Khartoum. The planes were later seen in action bombing civilians in all three States in Darfur. At the Independence day celebrations, the fighter planes were displayed together with scores of tanks, anti-aircraft guns, Iranian multi-barrelled rocket launchers and armoured personnel carriers, apparently to remind ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo of what Al-Bashir could do if the arrest warrant against him is issued. And in a rare show of defiance, the regime in Khartoum blatantly announced, on 14th Jan 2009, that it carried out offensive attacks in Southern Darfur against the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).

According to U.S based ‘Human Rights First’ campaign group, Iran and Russia have joined China and Pakistan and nine other countries to become direct weapon suppliers to the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). Their action is in direct defiance of U.N resolutions and arms embargo, imposed in 2004.

At a speech he made on 11th Nov 2008 at the conclusion of ‘Sudan People’s Initiative’ Al-Bashir said: “I hereby announce our immediate unconditional ceasefire between the armed forces and warring factions provided that an effective monitoring mechanism be put into action and be observed by all involved parties,”. Less than 48 hours later, offensive military flights in Darfur continued unabated. The US special envoy to Sudan Richard Williamson decried the ‘humanitarian tragedy’ in the Darfur region and accused Khartoum of violating its own ceasefire pledges; reported Sudan Tribune on 26th Nov 2008. Mr. Richard Williamson proposed to President Bush a formula to deal with the intransigence of the Sudanese Government. The proposal included destruction of Khartoum’s helicopter gunships on the ground at night. In accordance with Williamson’s proposal, such an action will also serve as a warning to Sudan that tougher measures will follow unless Khartoum complies fully with international demands. The final action will be for Sudan to face the total destruction of its entire military air force on the ground if it does not comply. JEM commends the steps taken by Mr. Williamson as the right approach to confront the Sudanese Government in Khartoum.

Sudan is not poor by international standards. It exports daily more than half million barrels of crude oil with enough revenues to pay for its people. The international community has taken the responsibility to pay huge amounts of money for basic supplies to keep Sudanese IDPs and refugees alive while the Sudanese Government refuses to contribute to the cost of such programmes. Sudan is also exporting sorghum, millet and other food products with substantial revenue that fuels its war adventures in Darfur. Sudan has pledged more than 50 million US Dollars to Hamas while refusing to pay more than 30 million US Dollars as compensation to the victims of Darfur war.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement stipulates that Sudan’s oil revenues be distributed equally between the north and the south. Let the south enjoy its legitimate share of oil proceeds for the welfare of its people. As for the rest, it should be deposited in a pot with payment for humanitarian support deducted before the rest is handed over to the government while making sure it is not used for purchase arms. It is simply absurd to have the U.S Government together with Germany, France, UK and Canada and others contribute billions of Dollars in Humanitarian supports to Darfurians while the Sudan Government is left to enjoy the use of its surplus money to buy arms from China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and other rogue countries.

Arms purchased by the Sudanese Government are not used to defend the country against foreign aggression. They are used against civilians in the marginalised regions and the assault on Abyei in mid May 2008 remains a painful reminder. Arms are also used against internal political revolts and rebellions to keep the regime of Al-Bashir in power for as long as possible. Given the current atrocities in the Sudan, it is a moral imperative that the international community should not allow Al-Bashir to use Sudanese people’s revenues to remain in office and continue its crimes against its own citizens. The international community must muster its courage and take a bold decision to impose a no-fly-zone over Darfur and proceed with an oil for food programme in Darfur. It is time to translate words into action.

Dr. El-tahir El-faki is the Speaker of JEM/Legislative Assembly. He can be reached at [email protected]

1 Comment

  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    High time for oil revenue for food and no-fly zone in Darfur
    Let’s speak the truth and GIVE PEACE A BREAK!!!

    “Keep on ling until you believe yourself then the others will come to believe you” that was the Nazi Goble Mass Media Minister campaigning for Hitler just before and during 2nd world. This will not help in Sudan if it doesn’t bring complications as far as we know that JEM took advantage of seize fire already declared by the government in Darfur in less than 24 hours attacking humanitarian aids organizations killing some of its staff and caused others threaten withdraw from the area. I am not defending Sudan government which much able to defend itself plus Darfurians who pledged to initiatives and negotiations of peace settlements.

    Clearly Sudan people will not accept that GEM to have the militarily upper hand over the national army or deny the absolute government rights to upgrade nation army fighting abilities or police reinforcement and any attack on whichever of these 2 entities will meet public condemn with no excuses of peace chatter as GEM doing now in Darfur or farther, worse, foreign troops set foot in any part of Sudan.

    No fly zone, food for oil, or other related cheap connive Iraq war terms are not helpful or in favor of GEM since Iraq proved to be the worst place classified under these terms before, during and after the war.
    Through positive discussions in peace negotiations only GEM can achieve objectives, political wins or gains to let finally normal Darfuri citizens enjoy peace in Darfur.

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