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Sudan Tribune

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Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states

By James Gatdet Dak

January 24, 2009 (JUBA) – Renewed inter-clan and inter-tribal fighting this week in Warrap and Lakes states, respectively, left dozens of people dead, wounded and hundreds fleeing, according to officials.

The Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, left Juba for the Lakes state capital, Rumbek, on Saturday to chair an urgent security meeting to try to arrest the insecurity situation involving a number of states in Greater Bahr el Ghazal.

The United Nations Miraya FM radio in Juba quoted the Commissioner of Tonj North County in the state, Deng Ayieny Aleu, as saying the fierce fighting which was between two Dinka clans resulted to the death of 24 people and 17 others wounded.

He said efforts to resolve the renewed conflict are underway. Last year, deadly clashes between two clans of Apuk and Aguok in the state which persisted for over a year and had to be stopped by a traditional chiefs peace conference through the intervention of the President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, also left dozens more dead and wounded.

Another separate inter-tribal fighting erupted in Lakes state between Agaar and Jur on Thursday this week.

According to Chan Majok, the Western Bahr el Ghazal State’s Director for Southern Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC), hundreds of people displaced by the fighting arrived to Wau town since Thursday.

He said the number of the internally displaced persons, mostly women and children, has continuously been increasing daily.

The number of the people killed or wounded in the fighting was not yet known.

Machar is also expected to travel to Yirol East County within Lakes state and other counties in Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity states in the next few days or weeks to try to resolve similar incidents.

This week a group of armed men in Jonglei state ambushed a truck near Duk County headquarters (inhabited predominantly by Dinka clan of Nyarweng) and killed 7 people who were returning to Wuror County inhabited by Nuer tribe of Lou clan.

The victims included traders, teacher, agriculturist, military and wildlife officers and woman.

It is not clear if the state authority has arrested the culprits some of whose identity were reportedly identified by a survivor during the attack.

During Christmas and New Year holidays, a group of Murle youth carried out an attack on Bor County, resulting to killing of one police. In Leer County, Unity state, a disagreement between former and current Commissioners of the County left one person dead.

In Juba, the semi-autonomous Government’s capital, 6 people were killed in separate incidents, 4 in one incident on the Eve of the New Year.

The SPLM Political Bureau in its recent meeting in Juba also discussed the recent deadly Malakal and Anakdiar incidents involving Dinka and Shilluk tribes during the 4th CPA celebrations as well as the LRA attacks on the civil population in Western Equatoria state. The SPLM meeting urged the Government of Southern Sudan to take further security measures to stop such attacks and conflicts.

In his briefing to the Council of Ministers after assessing insecurity situation in Jonglei state as a sample state during the Christmas holidays, the Vice President, Dr. Machar, warned of increasing inter-community conflicts during the coming dry season unless the Government conducted urgent peace and reconciliatory conferences among the various communities throughout the region.

The Council of Ministers resolved on further deployments of SPLA and other organized forces in areas of conflicts to protect the populations and re-affirmed its policy for continuation of disarmament exercise of the civil population.

The Government also resolved to implement quick projects such as digging of boreholes and drenching of water points in conflict-suspected areas which are vulnerable during the dry season in order to reduce the conflicts caused by competitions over access to water.

However, lawmakers of the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly in their deliberations on insecurity issues in the last three weeks blamed the executive branch of the Government for what they said was its “failure to implement resolutions passed on security.”



  • Peter Aarai
    Peter Aarai

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    Woow!!! where Southern Sudanese heading now? everyday, there is fighting between clan and States tribes. it was WES and Lakes last week and now is Lakes and Warrap States. People let stop fighting ourselves and face the enemy in the north.

  • Machokakol

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    It is so appreciative to hear from James Gatdet Dak that a lot of states, tribes and clans have had fighting in their respected land. May God rest the dead’s soul in his hand?


  • Benywut

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    it is realy heart breaking to hear on daily basis how many southerner have buchered themselves within the same County, State or between States. Could somebody advice Doctor Riek Machar that flying around to capture news headline does not solve the problem but only a waste of resources. What impact have you and your Goss MPS, Governors brought to caped inter-conflict through this approach. it does not work and the this is an evident that whole of GOSS including State and Counties and their security organs have failure this Country.
    Culprits and their sponsors in the Governmonet are left scote free enjoying their sinisters fruits and you expect an end to this lunatics will stop atrocities by flying around. there is need for immediate deployment of the army that will not be partisan to any side to conduct immediate disarmament through out Southern Sudan.
    The second steps is to bring those who fuel this type of conflict to book and the guilty ones must be excuted in public. Anybody who tried to defend tribal or inter ethenic conflict must be brought to book regardless of his position in the Amry or the Government.
    Some community leader in the government and their hengemen are behave like this lunatic killers by denying any atrocities committed by their tribement. for the last 37 years I have live in Southern Sudan, there is no clean tribe. if we want to have prosperous Southern Sudan, we must take hard decisions to weed out this Janjaweeds from our Communities instead of defending their stupid acts.
    May God have Mercy on the widows, orphans and widowers of Southern Sudan and stop this nation wide madness

  • Pollontino

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    What a bloody hell going on with Sudanese people especially southerners??!! Are we curse? OO LORD SAFE US.!

    It is not good to hear in every 24 hours is 24 lives lost!! Why why why what have we done?

    Any way every thing is counted on the body who called them selves and believed to be leaders, starting from goalleaders to the president of GOSS, I mean government of Southern Sudan NOT ( Government of Serve your self ).

    You can not just sit down there in Juba with cold beer in hand and enjoy news state verses state, tribe against tribe, clan to clan and even father to son….! Who a hell are you going to rule since people are finishing them selves in your present????????

    Please act immediately NOW to save some lives then later, not one person like Dr. Riak who is now visiting some states. It’s all of you starting from Mr. president to the bottm.

    My fellow countrymen, if we are really concern to laugh with a brother when he is laughing and mourn in the time of sorrows, I beleive we can make this country much better.
    However, making it worse you are busy planting hypocrisy, triblism and corruption amongst people.

    O Lord God safe your children, late next month be a joy for all. AMEN.


  • daniel kiir
    daniel kiir

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    The government of southern Sudan must disarm these people before it’s too late; the purpose of the GOSS existent is to protect the people first and then serve; what happen to the first one protect the people please.

  • kidit

    Inter-clan fighting left dozens dead in Warrap and Lakes states
    There is something not right here, when you begin to rash in solving problem without considering the proper steps, the result is always almost failure. We should not keep applying the same old techniques and expect different results. I know many people will regard this as a stupidity from our people, but things like this do happen in the societies emerging out of the cloud of oppression as ours’. The main problem is that, we lack leaders who posses minds and ideas of Twenty-First Century such that this problem can be addressed from the root cuase. These so called leaders of South Sudan have to look for answes for this question. Why these hostilities are so rampant at this time? We need to find answers for this question and many others, and then look for suitable solutions. Thanks, kidit

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