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Sudan Tribune

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Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference

By James Gatdet Dak

January 27, 2009 (JUBA) – A peace and reconciliation conference involving the neighboring communities in Lakes, Unity and Warrap states began on Tuesday in Yirol East County of Lakes state.

Machar_Amum.jpgThe Vice President of the Government of Southern Sudan, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, arrived back to Lakes state on Tuesday from Jonglei state to open the conference after two days of official visit to Waat County of Jonglei state.

The conference came amidst growing tensions after recent deadly clashes involving a number of communities in Lakes and Warrap states, respectively.

The peace and reconciliation conference in Yirol East County is attended by representatives of the three neighboring state governments, traditional chiefs and civil society organizations. The GOSS Minister of Internal Affairs, Paul Mayom Akec and the Governor of Lakes state, Daniel Awet Akot are among the senior government officials accompanying the Vice President to the County.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Riek Machar urged the neighboring tribes and clans to reconcile among themselves and stop criminal practices that cause inter-clan and inter-tribal violence in order to reap peace dividends. He said the Government of Southern Sudan is committed to delivering basic services that would improve the lives of the people in their respective localities.

He however told the conference that development through service delivery and trade need peaceful environment to flourish. He warned that any community that did not embrace peace and harmony with itself and with its neighbors may not enjoy development and free trade between and among communities or localities in Southern Sudan.

He further urged the conferees to avoid violence and use peaceful dialogue in resolving some misunderstandings among them.

Machar also re-affirmed the Government’s policy to continue to disarm the civil population throughout the region. He said only organized forces should carry arms and protect the civil population.

While in Waat County in Jonglei state, Dr. Machar mediated between two senior pastors in Akobo Presbytery over the Presbytery’s leadership dispute which almost divided the Church.

He urged the Church to find some common ground in resolving issues and carrying out its activities. He explained that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement stipulates that there shall be separation of the state and religion, adding that the Government can only come in to contribute to the development services.

Earlier, each of the two senior Pastors unconstitutionally declared himself moderator of the Akobo Presbytery. In the meeting attended by over one hundred pastors of the Presbytery Church of the Sudan and who observed the election, Reverend John Both Reath was elected by overwhelming majority of the Church delegates as the Moderator.



  • Nuer

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    Looking good baba Riek. Keep your head for the South. You are the Joshau who will lead southerners to a promise the promise land of an independence nation in two years.

  • Gatwech

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    Internet warriors,

    Some one told me that a Dinka survival doesn’t care to incite inter-tribal war as long as he stays thousands of miles away from the potential frontline. My Dinka cousins, what you are preaching is too dangerous. I know most of you are from that cursed Bor community and I know most of you live abroad far away from the so-called Bor town and its surrounding villages. But I also believe that you are not complete orphans whose whole family members are dead. Please don’t preach tribalism and war which can devastate your family members who are here inside South Sudan. Think about their future, unless you don’t care about them. Criticism Dr. Riek Machar when you should be appreciating his peace missions is evil way of dealing with such matters. Read the news again, he is traveling with Dinka senior officials who always hear what he tells to the people. So why bring baseless doubts about your true Moses, Joshua and David combined!!!

    As for the one who thinks Joshua did not kill. Well, read the Bible again. Joshua was told by God directly to kill every man, woman and child of the Palestinians; what human rights activists would today called ’massacre.’ King David also fought against the Israeli evil King called Soul by joining the Palestinians briefly per God’s directive and came back to lead his people after the evil condemned Israeli King Soul got his deserved fate and died. That was God’s strategically. So, don’t preach about God’s chosen people when you don’t know that God has already approved their actions. Please, love peace-makers like your true liberator, Dr. Riek Machar, and don’t waste your time rejecting this man. You might be against God’s chose, okay?

  • Mounyjang

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    Mr. so called Nuer.
    YOu are just an idiot. In as much as I respect the great Nuer community, the last thing any wise person can brag about is what happened in 1991. Yes, we, the people of Bor lost in numbers because your forces were being commanded by commanders like Bol Kong, and other nuer fighters to overrun Bor while our boys like Bior Ajang and a group of junior officers were fighting around Juba to bring the peace you enjoy today. Dinkas are not cowards only that if they had to behave like you guys, I would wonder where you will be today. Well, fools are always better at destruction and that is exactly what majority of Nuer are. If you were brave, then why did Riek go to Khartoum to be stamped at the buttock by Turabi so that he could be accommodated in the NCP government? ANyway, try this time, u will regret it.

    One thing has to be well told and you have to know as a matter of fact, Riek Machar will never rule in the South and any Nuer cannot be trusted leadership when we are still in turmoil. Moreover, Riek will see hell the moment he tries to lands his hand on that power. we are watching!!!

    In 1992, after the recapture of Torit, Bashir said over the radio that “as long as long he dealt dinka a blow, all he did needed to do for Nuer was to place hips of sugar bags from Nasir to Khartoum and all Nuers will lick, following the source of sugar until they surrender in Kartoum”
    Indeed it never took two years before your uncle went there to be stamped at the buttock and signed for the exploitation of oil. But when he was no longer getting the goodies, he ran back to the SPLM/A, the people’s movement. When Matip saw the oil resources have been shifted to the SOuth, he came running after them. SO; WHO IS A FOOL TO TRUST YOU GUYS FOR SOUTH LEADERSHIP DURING THE CRISIS? we don’t want our kids to fight again and therefore Nuers must be kept clear of power because all they need is to eat and can be bought anytime by the arabs

  • Mounyjang

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    Machar could be another Wurnyang fairytale.
    Anyway, what can a lucky man be like Riek to be born among fools. How do u fight for the self-determination from Khartoum when arabs had been fighting for decades against that? What changed came to Khartoum that was not there upto 1991 for arabs to grand self-determination to a man in weak position?
    What powers did Riek have to to negotiate with arabs?
    An agenda for Nuer changes like weather.

    This man does not stand for anything.
    He changed to left-hand to suit Ngundeng’s so-called prophecy and married a cast-prostitute whose God could not allow to get a child.
    You are caught up by history you fools, no-more room for Riek’s leadership?

  • BORAnyidi

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    I hope that you all would preach unity not separation in south Sudan. I believe you all understand that the problems of 1991 is not what we supposed to talk about, we just have to move forward, because what we are looking for is to have freedom from North Sudan. we were not fighting for just tribalism, we fought against unfairly treatment of our people in whole Sudan. IF tribalism was a issue to fight for then there would be no reason for our brothers to died for that long civil war in Sudan. They were fighting with a lot of reasons, one is to relayed freedom to those who are still alive. they knew that all of our children would have the same opportunity for better education. I urge you all to stop writing conflict articles all times. thanks you

  • Thonkiir

    Yirol of Lakes state hosts reconciliation conference
    Dear readers, I would like to ask few questions about the visiting of the Vic- President including the head of the ten States, even if not attend conference that was took place in Yirol West by Dr Riak Machar, between four States Jouglei, Warrap, Unity and Greater Yirol as well. Yirol is the part of the Lakes State.

    Why is it that Rumbek has received extensive assistance during their current crisis? From both H.E President Salva Kiir and Governor Daniel Awet, whereas Yirol has been in a constant state throughout the last four years and haven’t received any assistance?

    How often does Yirol have to be crisis before the support comes from senior Government Officials? Are you not yet satisfied for Commissioner of Yirol East’s car ambushed that killed the County Secretary Michael Ater Deng and H.E Mading Domich remained as a survivor of the gunshot during the car attack.

    Also we have been further silenced for the impeachment of the speaker, the Honourable Isaiah Alier Macshinkok. What I want to say is that we must receive the same level of assistance that other regions have or get the Governorship will become for greed, not to protect people and develop all they Counties across Lakes State. Therefore, Mr Awet doesn’t know the role of speaker, suppose to ask some of his advice to tell him that speaker is a someone who speaks formally in front of Assembly, including you as a Governor. You can borrow some of his spoken words Ideas in Proper English or Academic English to support yourself if you are incompetents as you are now.

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