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Sudan Tribune

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Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.04

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No.04

29 January 2009

Key overall developments

– In 2009, WFP plans to support 3.8 million conflict-affected people in Darfur with approximately 516,000 mt of food assistance. The bulk of this assistance will be provided through General Food Distributions to IDPs living in camps and host communities, as well as to poor rural households. Nutrition support will also continue to malnourished women and children through the Supplementary and Blanket Supplementary Feeding programmes. School children will also continue to receive daily cooked meals at school to encourage enrolment and regular attendance. Where the security situation allows, WFP plans to support rural communities with small-scale recovery projects to rehabilitate community infrastructure.

– In 2008, the NFI & ES Common Pipeline in Darfur supported a total of 232,390 IDP households who required replenishment, 52,101 newly-displaced households and 26,964 households of other categories such as disaster-affected populations, extremely vulnerable persons, refugees, organized and spontaneous returns, and vulnerable host communities. Of the households supported, 31% were located in North Darfur, 42% in South Darfur and 27% in West Darfur. In total 1,224,159 non-food items and emergency shelter were distributed throughout the region, considerably less than in 2007, which reflects the introduction of the policy of targeted distributions.

Needs and response by sector


North Darfur

– In collaboration with UNICEF, the State Ministry of Education has provided 280 desks and benches, 20 chalkboards, and sets of office furniture to eight communities across the state, as part of the ongoing Child-Friendly Community Initiative (CFCI) that encourages community leadership in providing social services. Twenty new classrooms have been constructed in these communities. In addition, the State Ministry of Education has provided 204 sets of classroom furniture to a further 12 schools operated through the CFCI programme.

South Darfur

– World Vision mobilised community members to construct two classrooms at El-Zhara School

West Darfur

– Mercy Corps in Zallingei trained 160 girls in crochet handiwork in Hassa Hissa and Hamidiya camps. They also delivered messages on breastfeeding to 80 mothers in Hamedia camp, and trained 90 children from the two Child Friendly Spaces in Hassa Hissa camp in personal hygiene.

Food Security and Livelihoods

North Darfur

– Despite the deteriorating security conditions in the state, WFP trucks have dispatched 94% of the planned tonnage for this month. Distributions have so far occurred with minimal disruptions. WFP is working with partners to ensure capacity building for local Food Aid Management Committees (FAMCs) who carry out food distributions when insecurity prevents WFP or NGO access. Plans are underway to re-elect community members to FAMCs and carry out trainings. Nutrition food preparation hand books were distributed to schools participating in WFP’s Food for Education (FFE) programme as well as to nutrition feeding centres in an attempt to improve the use of WFP food commodities. FFE programme management and reporting trainings were completed for school feeding focal points in WFP supported schools in Saraf Omra and Serief Bin Hussein localities.

South Darfur

– Planned food dispatches for January have been completed in Darfur. However, food distributions in some parts have been disrupted by ongoing insecurity. In Gereida, food distributions to some 135,000 beneficiaries were temporarily suspended due to fighting in the area. Distributions are expected to resume over the next few days. This follows the handover of the food assistance programme to IDPs in Gereida from ICRC to WFP/CARE. 51 households displaced by fighting in Muhajeria have arrived in Yassin (40) and in El Neem camp (11). WFP partner, Samaritan’s Purse, is confirming the details of those that arrived in Yassin, while those in El Neem were found to be existing ration cardholders. Both groups are being assisted with emergency food support.

– WFP partner, Sudanese Red Crescent, reported the arrival of six households in Galala from Saraf Umra. Verifications are ongoing to determine their food security status. Assessment missions to determine the readiness of 21 schools in Geneina satellite villages for inclusion in the FFE programme found only five met the criteria. The majority of the schools assessed lacked storage and cooking facilities, as well as poor sanitation facilities.

– World Vision distributed 1,282.36 metric tons of mixed food commodities to 98,652 Internally Displaced People (IDPs) from 16 distribution points (10 in Otash and 6 in Al-Salam IDP camps).

– Psychosocial support, informal education, and vocational training continue to be provided to hundreds of beneficiaries at World Vision community centres in South Darfur.

– The establishment of two nurseries has seen the planting of 5,000 seedlings by farmers in Mershing which was supported by World Vision while it also supported the State Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in the training of 44 women in Shadida village on vegetable production and marketing.

West Darfur

– Mercy Corps in Mukjar distributed 20 donkey plows to school garden committees and farmers for winter cropping as well as hosting 123 visitors to its demonstration farm, including 52 women.

– In Um Dukhun, Mercy Corps trainings continue for 10 women on its demonstration farm, 9 men in carpentry, 10 men and 10 women in sewing, 9 men in welding, 14 women in food processing, and 6 men in masonry. Literacy classes are also ongoing for 22 men and 5 women.

– In Zallingei, 17 farmers’ groups from Khamsa Dagaig and Zallingei host community benefitted from treadle pump training with Mercy Corps distributing 17 treadle pumps to 68 training attendees. 45 participants also graduated from the business skills training in Zallingei.

Health and Nutrition

North Darfur

– The Child Friendly Community Initiative saw a range of training activities undertaken in the last week, supported by UNICEF. Thirty women from Abu Zireiga undertook training in improving child nutrition, while 35 members of Community Development Committees from Gari, Madu and Giraiwid Basham participated in a one-week programme focusing on peace building and conflict resolution. Twenty-four Community Development Committee members are currently involved in training on immunization planning and operation and maintenance of vaccination equipment.

South Darfur

– More than 2,000 patients were provided with health care services by World Vision at its clinics across South Darfur. This included vaccinations to children and ante-natal care to pregnant women. In the central area, 18 deliveries were handled by certified practitioners.

– World Vision attended to 563 children at its supplementary feeding centres (SFCs) in the central area of South Darfur and provided corn soya blend (CSB) to malnourished children in Mershing and Manawashi.

– A health awareness session on the use of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) and the importance of good nutrition was conducted for 85 women drawn from Jughma, Abualmaki, Eraida and Ganateer villages.

Non-Food Items (NFIs)

North Darfur

– Following a fire in Orschi in the Kutum locality, GAA distributed NFIs to 21 households.

South Darfur

– Rehaid El Fursan Rural Development supported 6 households with essential non-food items and emergency shelter after a fire in Otash camp, Nyala.

West Darfur

– Mercy Corps in Zallingei worked with NCA to distribute bamboo poles to 32 newly-arrived households in Hassa Hissa camp.

Protection and Human Rights

South Darfur

– World Vision met with child welfare committees and income-generation groups in Manawashi and Mershing to devise ways of boosting their activities.

– UNFPA South Darfur Office in collaboration with partners which include: national NGOs, UN and government agencies, civil societies, women groups, IDP leaders and Sheikhs, religious leaders, have celebrated the 16 Days of Activism under the national theme: Working together for women’s rights. Out of the 40 activities coordinated by UNFPA, 16 were implemented by the national NGOs, civil societies and women networks, 3 were conducted by the Government related agencies, 16 by the UN agencies and 5 by the INGOs.

– Activities funded by UNFPA to local NGOs and women networks include: two workshops on GBV for Imams, a march by women organized by the Social Charity Organization, awareness raising on domestic violence in Kass by NOCD, group discussion on domestic violence, HIV AIDS jointly by Care and Wifac Youth Organization in Otash and Serif IDP camps, six workshops on family planning & harmful traditional practices by Wifac Women Networks, a session on international human rights by SUDO, lectures and seminars at six schools by Medina Center for Gender, focus group discussions on domestic violence in 6 locations by Nahda for Women and Child Development.

West Darfur

– A four-day training programme on human rights and protection issues was undertaken under the auspices of UNAMID for police officers and social workers from the police Family and Child Protection Unit in El Geneina. UNICEF facilitated modules on child rights and child protection.

Water and Sanitation

North Darfur

– The State Water Corporation, assisted by UNICEF, has undertaken repairs and servicing of 23 hand pumps in Abu Shouk, Al Salaam, Zamzam, Dar es Salaam and Helat Hamad districts, in an effort to maintain adequate supplies of clean water for displaced and host communities. The two partners are also continuing water chlorination and quality monitoring of water supplies across the state.

– Other activities by the two partners include work with local communities to undertake a five-day garbage collection initiative and latrine cleaning in Zamzam and Kassab. While in Abu Shouk and Kassab, local hygiene education promoters undertook household and group information sessions. More than 370,000 bars of soap were provided to IDPs, though their partner networks.

South Darfur

– World Vision installed two hand pumps in Yara and Morah villages. The pumps will provide clean water to 400 people in these villages. Also, four latrines were constructed, which will benefit 40 households in Yara corridor.

– Community members in Selo IDP camp were mobilised to repair a hand-dug well.

– World Vision conducted hygiene promotion activities that benefited 132 households in Duma West, 119 households in Manawashi and Mershing, and 166 people in Almogran, Marfaena and Alrahad Abu villages while 134 cartons of soap were distributed to 1,200 households in Duma with 120 hygiene promotion kits provided in Almogran, Marfaena and Alrahad Abu villages.

– World Vision drilled a borehole in Alkerainik village and chemically tested one at Alrahad Abu, which was found to be fit for human consumption.

West Darfur

– The State Water Corporation, in collaboration with UNICEF, undertook the repair and maintenance of some 8 hand pumps in Nertiti, Aradaiba Damra and Dorti, ensuring continued access to safe water for more than 4,000 people. Six boreholes were also drilled in Shagra Damra, Ryad Damra Fara, Damra, Boya village, Taltal village and at, Imam Ali School, all in the Zallingei area.

– Hygiene promotion activities were led by the State Water Corporation with UNICEF assistance in Elriyad, Ardamata and Dorti camps, as well as Terji village. Four environmental clean-up campaigns were also held in Nertiti village, Ardamata and Dorti camps.

– Mercy Corps Mukjar sanitation team distributed 9 slabs and 18 beams for family latrines. 7 families began digging their latrines and 13 other family latrines were covered by Mercy Corps. 7 water point stations were cleared, while 60 pieces of soap were distributed to schools for hand washing.

– While the Mercy Corps hygiene promotion team in Mukjar visited 297 households with hygiene messages, reaching 1,199 household members and 29 heads of household. Hygiene promoters also conducted 27 group discussions in the community on hygiene promotion and follow-up with 861 people in attendance, and one group discussion in the livelihoods centre for 50 people.

– 184 community members began digging 935 meters of water pipeline supported by Mercy Corps. The pipeline is being established in partnership with the Mukjar community.

– A sanitation team in Um Dukhun distributed 19 slabs and 28 beams for household latrines, distributed 19 village latrines, maintained 38 latrines in camps and Um Dukhun town, and constructed 8 camp latrines.

– A team from Mercy Corps in Zallingei trained 23 pupils and 2 teachers on children’s hygiene, diarrhoea and malaria control, latrine maintenance, and safe water usage. In Hassa Hissa and Shabab camps, the sanitation team also completed 11 new latrines, covered 13 latrines, fenced 30 latrines, maintained 18 latrines, and delivered 14 slabs for family latrine construction.

If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035
For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Head Advocacy and Public Information/RC/HC Spokesperson, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan,
Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Cecilia Attefors, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12179084

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