Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Ethiopia averted security threat posed by Somali Islamists – general

By Tesfa-alem Tekle.

January 30, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — Ethiopia on Friday said that its troops have done a successful job in averting national security threats that had been posed by the Islamists hardliner groups who declare to establish an Islamic state in Somalia years ago.

“During their mission in Somalia Ethiopian defense forces have successfully defeated the anti-peace forces that wage jihad war on Ethiopia” said Ethiopia defense forces chief, Gen. Samora Yonus.

“They are defeated to the degree they can’t revive” Samora added.

The general also blamed the arch-foe Eritrea for masterminding the activities of the Somali Islamists. He accused Asmara of organizing and providing military training to the Islamist fighters to destabilize peace and Security in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has completed the withdrawal of its troops from the troubled neighboring country after spending two years in Somalia to impose the authority of the weak Transitional Federal government of Somalia and to crack down Islamic militants that became challenge to the international backed government.

General Samora has also confirmed the return of all Ethiopian troops from Somalia.

“All Ethiopian troops are brought back home after carrying out a successful mission in Somalia.”

The military official added that Ethiopia’s involvement to bring peace and stability to the peace loving Somalis was a historic opportunity which further boosts up ties between the two neighbors.

Somalia has been without functioning government since 1991.A transitional Federal government (TFG) was established in 2004 under the presidency of Abdullahi Yusuf, with the support of the United Nations, the African Union(AU),The Arab league and the inter-Governmental Agency for Development(IGAD).

In July 2006 Ethiopia said its troops (400) entered Somalia to train the regular Somali army, but by the end of October it admitted that it was “technically at war with the Islamic Courts Union” after the declaration of Holy War made by the Islamists against Addis Ababa.


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