Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

No one could hurl CPA in a dustbin

By Majok Nikodemo Arou

January 30, 2009 — As grip tightens on the National Congress Party (NCP) leaders over unfolding of the International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment and possible repercussions, they resort to series of blackmails against their partner the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM). The case in point is a recent veiled threat orchestrated by the NCP official Mandoor al- Mahdi, director of political communication that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) would be thrown into the garbage can if any party other than the NCP and SPLM won the forthcoming elections.

The recent statement came in the wake of threats staged by the NCP leaders that they would declare a state of emergency, abrogate the CPA and set up a new government in case the ICC indict the Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir. This trend is backed up by resumption of the 1990s logos and Jihad songs, which were tuned and displayed during the recent visit of al-Bashir to the Nile River State in the Northern Sudan. But whether they have contemplated reverberations of such a move is to be seen.

According to a story carried by Sudan Tribune on Wednesday, al-Mahdi stated beyond doubt that ‘if anyone wins this election other than the NCP or the SPLM then the CPA would be placed in the garbage can’. The same al-Mahdi who seems to be offering bug carrot and stick to the SPLM has been waging smear and protracted campaign against the SPLM in general and Pagan Amum, Yasser Arman in particular.

Scared by precarious political scenario, al-Madhi is desperately attempting to intimidate the SPLM and block them from forging any alliance with other Sudanese political parties. The barbed gesture is a message to the SPLM. It reads: ‘the NCP is your only ally for future of the CPA. Therefore, any attempt to sway from that stance will deflect and derail the CPA.’ If so, why on earth have the NCP been adopting the selective implementation approach of the CPA?

Suppose a party other than the two partners (The SPLM, NCP) wins the elections, can it throw the CPA in the dustbin as alleged by al- Mahdi? Who dares to let genie out of bottle?! Political expediency will not back up this presupposition unless Sudan is destined to plunge into abyss anyway.

The worst cast scenario for the CPA is when the SPLM fail to protect it, select unviable strategic allies and read unfolding political scenario incorrectly. At best, stakes would favour many political forces if read and employed carefully.

However, any political party has a right to choose its allies as per its outlined objectives and agenda, leave alone the SPLM that is still a member of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), an umbrella, which gathered opposition against the National Islamic Front before the CPA was signed.

Contemplating on Sudan, I recalled part of a story that a fox and vulture decided to raid a cattle camp. When perturbed vulture enquired about safety in such situations, the fox assured him that he has a plan. Unsuspecting vulture agreed. So they sneaked into the cattle camp under cover of darkness. They stole some cows. Unfortunately, they were noticed only metres away from the cattle camp. The frightened vulture alerted the fox about the eminent danger. The fox told him that they would disappear and herders would not even touch them. When the herders approached hapless poachers, the vulture flew for his life, wondering when and how the fox would apply his long awaited defence tactic to escape the predicament! The fox was captured, beaten and left unconscious.

Perplexed vulture who was watching his friend being humiliated flew back to nurse him. When the fox became conscious, he was moaning from severe pain. He requested the vulture to fetch him sticks to assist him in walking. Pathetic and bewildered vulture brought the sticks and gave them to the fox. All of a sudden, the fox grasped the vulture and beaten him severely.

The truth is clear on the board: should the NCP seek genuine partnership, it has to implement the CPA in spirit and letter. There alone the SPLM will consider forging future alliance based on clear agenda. But make no mistake any monkey business in this respect is due to fail.

The author is a Sudanese journalist based in the United Arab Emirates and can be reached at [email protected]


  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    No one could hurl CPA in a dustbin
    Grotesque Rumors!!!!

    These are mere rumors and ill speculations out of the author’s brain child. The CPA now well merged in The Sudan Interim Constitution with an acceptable, if not in full standard of implementation. The CPA now belongs to and under strict protection of all the Sudanese people regardless of whatever the late outcome/s except return back to the war. Posting such reports will not help or rather serve as free part of a promotional offer to start an unwanted fire game. The ruling parties or the National Assembly now are not to be blamed if they obliged under pressure of ICC to seek precautionary systematic emergency alternatives to guarantee public security, CPA validity and effectiveness regardless of the ICC decree inflected implications.

  • Luke Kuth Dak
    Luke Kuth Dak

    No one could hurl CPA in a dustbin
    To: Mr. al-tayeb al-Hassan:
    Truth hurts!!

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