Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan expels US charity group after accusing it of religious activities in Darfur

January 31, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese authorities have expelled an American aid group from Darfur region after finding thousands of Arabic language bibles in its office in the capital of North Darfur.

Osman Hussein Abdallah, the commissioner of humanitarian affairs in North Darfur said they found some 3400 copies of the Bible in the office of Thirst No More (TNM), a Texas based organization which digs and repair water well in Darfur.

The official pointed out that the organization admitted the ownership of those volumes of the Bible without offering a clear explanation. He further said it violated an agreement signed with the government and the Voluntary Work Act of 2006.

The Sudanese authorities suspect TNM of converting Darfur Muslim population to Christianity.

Abdallah said the US charity organization was authorized to work in the state under the authority of the ministry of humanitarian affairs to provide drinking water to the affected population in the war torn-region through dams and wells construction.

He added that TNM turned its mandate into a missionary activity.

Sudan tribune was not able to reach the TNM director in Sudan Charlie Michalik. However he declined to comment the decision of the Sudanese authorities when he had been contacted by Reuetrs.

In its website, the Thirst No More says it “is the only company (non-profit or otherwise) who is still in Darfur and able to repair the wells.” The organization which financed by donations explain their activities saying they instruct local population to repair their damaged wells and dig new wells.

The mention their good relation with the local population and their Muslim Sheiks, but they make no mention to evangelism or other religious activities.

As part of their anti-insurgency war the government forces and militias practiced the systematic destruction of wells in Darfur villages and locations where some 300000 people were been killed and more than 2.7 million have fled their homes in six years of fighting.



  • Toang Tiach Tot
    Toang Tiach Tot

    Sudan expels US charity group after accusing it of religious activities in Darfur
    Let the Darfurians should not be foolish .why they accepted the Islam alone even the Arabs in Egypt ,syria lebanon and etc are christians they should welcome the GOOD NEWS BIBLES AND GOD will send them peace and freedom they are fighting for IF they will not accept jesus christ their land will not be free let them take example with somalia which is ruled by Islam freedom will not prevail with out acception of true living God


    Sudan expels US charity group after accusing it of religious activities in Darfur

    the launch of Genocide in Darfur come after the NIF sensed that DARFURIS had discovered the truth in Quoran and Islam in general as unreliable religion and were eventually coverting themselves to other religion including christianity.hence janjaweed,Mujahiddin and other ‘fighters of ALLAH’ to do their job. this is the crux of the matter.arfuris requested for NGOs to provide for them Holy Bible to keep them close with GOD.

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