Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Seven persons killed Hundreds starving in South Sudan’s Warrap

By Isaac Vuni

February 5, 2009 (JUBA) — Seven people were killed, two wounded and hundreds displaced between 19-22 January in Eastern Gogrial and Tonj North by cattle raiders from Unity state who drove hundreds heads of cattle, said Hon. Wol Deng Atak.

Addressing the press in Southern Sudan Assembly building, on Thursday February 5, the SPLM chairman of Warrap state emphasized that Warrap state has been wreaked by a series of insecurity, starvation and human rights abuses that started since July 2008, prompting the parliament last year to pass resolution No.50/2008 on November 24, yet the governor failed to implement or intervene on insecurity.

The lawmaker further revealed that governor of Unity state was summoned to appear before the august house within 14 days and received the order to appear on 15th December but he never complied.

Meanwhile Hon. Kuot Deng Kuot accused cattle raiders from Unity state of roaming and terrorizing innocent people of other states. He particularly mentioned Nuer cattle raiders from Mayom county of Western Upper Nile who allegedly were disarmed but now terrorizing population of Gogrial East and Tonj north counties who are defenseless.

The lawmaker emphasized that Nuer raided Apuk several times at the end of last year and stole hundreds heads of cattle while police at Gogrial East failed to protect the local population and their properties.

He added that in early January this year, Nuer raiders killed seven persons at Nyarmong and Biong section of Apuk then drove away hundreds head of cattle. He says attempts to recovering raided cattle by Lil and Pathuon defenseless people became fruitless.

Kuot called upon SPLA Command of third division to order troops to protect innocent people while SSRRC and aid agencies to rush relief supplies to rescue the starving displaced population in the state.

Hon. Victoria Adhar, Women Representatives of Warrap in the southern Sudan chamber said they frequently visit their state and attempt to address some vital pressing issues but governor is uncooperative instead obstructs them.

The minister of parliamentary Affairs was the link between MPs and the Executive including governors but most of executive members summoned by parliament are not appearing probably they regard the council of ministers body being above the lawmakers.

Nevertheless, lawmakers expect government to discharge its responsibility on recalcitrant leaders but have no power to force president of GOSS to reshuffle cabinet or remove unproductive ministers and governors as it’s stipulated in the interim constitution.


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