Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Bringing lasting peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia

By Ibrahim A Ibrahim

February 9, 2009 — When Eritrea and Ethiopia signed the Algiers peace agreement in 2000 it was supposed to end the war and bring lasting peace. The agreement had a mechanism to resolve the dispute permanently. The spirit and content of the agreement was to unconditionally implement the court ruling.

The regime in Addis Ababa’s fear for its power make it even more complicated than it should be. Obeying the orders of the former administration’s state department’s African affairs personnel, have become part of the regimes immediate task to further complicate the situation. That include the invasion of sovereign nation Somalia, which was about to bring peace and harmony to its citizens after such long suffer following the fall of Siad Barre. In return the former assistant secretary of state for African affairs has worked diligently to defame Eritrea. That includes the enlisting to the infamous list of State sponsors of terrorism. Thanks to the truth and reality Eritrea exonerate itself from such evil acts intended to harm her.

The lingering acceptance by the regime in Ethiopia to the court ruling and virtual demarcation, have no impact in the finality of the border issue itself, except that it is still occupying a sovereign land of Eritrea, and is still the case did not come to be part of past history.

Now that the new African Union chair person wants to utilize his influence to bring this long lasting case to an end is a step forward. It is the same organization that is chairing now is partially to be blamed for not carrying its responsibility as expected.

The solution however is simple. Implementing the ruling unconditionally, and facilitate physical demarcation. If that is the case there will be no hesitation the other party involved will move swiftly for the benefit of the peoples of both countries. Issues of normalization of bilateral relations can be addressed immediately right after the demarcation. The core obstacle here is the regime in Addis Ababa does not have the political will. As a token of good will and first step Ethiopia have to accept the virtual demarcation and declare it legally binding and vacate the lands it occupy. By doing so, it will be manageable to proceed forward.

If the new AU chairperson is trying to come with other mechanics to satisfy one or the other party, it is a recipe for failure as no one is above the rule of law. With this the ball is on the side of Ethiopia, and only Ethiopia has to come forward with good intention if lasting peace is to be garnered.

It has to be understandable that the regime in Ethiopia is sitting in the lands that belong to sovereign nation, and there will be no peace while occupying lands belong to Eritrea.

* The author is the Former Bank of Eritrea Administrator currently resides in United States of America. He can be reached at [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Selam

    Bringing lasting peace between Eritrea and Ethiopia
    As an Ethiopian I wanted to see the border issue resolved. Unfortunately, the minority regime of Weyane is the main obstacle to all the continent. I hope the upcoming election will move this regime and replace with a law abiding government so that we all have peace.

    We Ethiopians have full responsibility to move the regime in power who is ready to steal the upcoming election.

    Selam for all

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