Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Salva Kiir travels to Warrap state to resolve inter-clan tensions

By James Gatdet Dak

February 18, 2009 (JUBA) – President of the semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayardit, who also serves as the First Vice President of Sudan, has traveled to Warrap state to try to resolve inter-clan tensions in the state, according to his senior aide.

Salva Kiir
Salva Kiir
Luka Biong Deng, Minister for Presidential Affairs said Kiir would spend a number of days in Warrap state to reconcile the fighting Dinka clans before he returns to Juba.

President Kiir left Juba for Warrap state on Tuesday via Wau, capital of Western Bahr el Ghazal state, where he officially inaugurated a new power station in the town which was installed and sponsored by the Egyptian government.

Insecurity caused by inter-tribal and inter-clan fighting among various communities has recently increased and involved a number of states in Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile regions, in addition to Eastern Equatoria state.

In Western Equatoria state where communities co-exist peacefully, the notorious rebel group, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) forces have stepped up terrorizing the civil population in the state after a joint regional military operation was launched against them in their hideouts in Eastern DR Congo last December.

In Warrap state – one of the worst hit by inter-community violence – deadly inter-clan clashes have been going on and off for the last three years resulting to numerous deaths, destruction of property and displacement of civil population.

In 2008, President Kiir who also hails from Warrap state conducted a successful conference in the state which brought together chiefs and elders from the fighting clans. The conferees resolved to stop fighting and promised not to return to clashes.

However, clashes resumed in recent months resulting to the summoning of the state governor, Tor Deng Mawien by the Juba-based Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly about two weeks ago.

Some members of the Assembly from Warrap state accused governor Deng of allegedly orchestrating and promoting the inter-clan divisions. They said the governor had been favoring certain communities and organizing some youth groups dressed in uniform to terrorize other communities he did not favor – a charge Deng categorically denied.

In his briefing to the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, governor Deng acknowledged that there were inter-clan clashes which were mostly caused by cattle theft and revenge on past murders – and denied that these were not politically orchestrated by the state authority.

The governor also revealed that some of his state communities had also involved in cattle theft in Unity and Lakes state. He acknowledged that about 63 armed youth from Warrap state crossed the border and sneaked into a neighboring county of Unity state where they stole more than 1,500 heads of cattle from a single Nuer spiritual leader.

The cattle theft almost caused retaliatory raids by the Nuer on communities of Warrap state, but fortunately, explained the governor, that the spiritual leader stopped his county community from retaliating by telling them that he did not want Southerners to kill themselves because of his cattle.

The two state authorities later peacefully resolved the issue and recovered about 800 heads of cattle of the spiritual leader and were taken back to Unity state, Deng explained to the parliament.

In the recent joint conference held in Lakes state under the auspices of the Vice President, Riek Machar Teny, participants of the three neighboring states of Warrap, Lakes and Unity resolved to halt intra-community and inter-state criminal activities.

The conference also resolved to establish a criminal court at the borders of the three states with a competent judge to be appointed by the Government of Southern Sudan to try inter-state criminal cases involving the three state citizens.

In an attempt to significantly reduce armed clashes among communities, Government of Southern Sudan resolved to continue with disarmament of civilian population and to carry out intensive peace and reconciliation conferences in the region.



  • Rebecca Nyandeng
    Rebecca Nyandeng

    Salva Kiir travels to Warrap state to resolve inter-clan tensions
    I don’t see anything wrong when people are practicing their culture and it becomes a big concern for others.
    Let me tell you gays this is our legacy we inharitated from our forefathers, so let no one interfere with it.
    That is barbaric, theft, idiocy and many more….

  • Kur

    Salva Kiir travels to Warrap state to resolve inter-clan tensions
    Mr. Deng is a member of the NCP, who has wrongly been given the position in the state he is not suppose to run. No wonder the clashes are taking place under his watch. He is implementing the policy of divide and rule devised by Khartoum to make the South ungovernable. If the GOSS authorities want to return the situation to normal in Warrap, Mr. Deng must leave so that the people of Warrap can reestablish peaceful coexistence.


  • Nhial Reath Thoan
    Nhial Reath Thoan

    Salva Kiir travels to Warrap state to resolve inter-clan tensions
    Dear Writter of the comments about Mr.President is travelling to Warrap State , I think you guys don`t even think about what you were writting or saying in a written form!

    Let me remind some of you who reject Mr.President is journey to that state , without peace between our people in Southern Sudanese is Communities in our each every states of Southern Sudanese there would have been no peace agreement between us and our enemies Arabs in the North and therefore , there would be no 50% share in oil and in others resource we are now enjoy sharing .

    It because we were stronge enough to defeat Arab plus that conflicts carying out by our Brothers in Darfur that we won that CPA , Arab wouldn`t have gave up if they don`t see any threat in their future.

    Now look Khartoum is now gaining victory in Darfur resolved to a signing of Goodwill and confidence-building agreement to buy themselves a time to regenerate their power if you like !! nad tomorrow they are coming back to you the foolish community of Southern Sudan. They will leave neither Nuer no Dinka , what will we gain after that ? Going back to refugees camps ? enjoying life in Foreign land ? No , no and no Brothers and sisters think about bad years we spent during our struggling for indenpdent and for peace .

    Is it not painful ? Is it not shame for us ? I would rather convince those brothers to give that foolishness and see where the modern world is baout now !!

    I have been a student in Ethiopia started from elementary up to my Bechalor Degree through hardship in Ethiopia , where is not easy for me have shelter ,food and even a medical care shame was on me in those days but now thanks to God , Dr.John , our martydoms and bless to Almighty God of Heaven to hear the crying of Southern Sudanese nad resulted to this peace . Iam now working with our Government in Ethiopia in GOSS Liaison Office receiving better than you do and this is because we have land a fertile land ,resourceful land , a land which blessed.

    A problem from your brother is not danger like that of your enemy Dinkas are not Nuer is enemies neither do other tribes in Southern Sudan.

    finally , you need to write more about global issues than to preach hatred with un educated people. I think Gatwech and the other who need peace are rights for their comments therefore, with these minds more peace would be in Southern Sudan soon and caught up with the rest of the modern world !!! One love ,One land ,diversity in tribes and stronge future for Tomorrow!!

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