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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan cabinet passes Security Strategy document

By James Gatdet Dak

February 20, 2009 (JUBA) – The semi-autonomous Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) passed a ‘Security Strategy’ document on Friday after thorough discussions by the Council of Ministers.

According to the government’s Spokesperson, Gabriel Changson Chang, the 37-page document is not a military strategy, but a public security comprehensive strategy that encompasses the most important things the Government must do to ensure the security of the people of Southern Sudan and their territorial integrity.

The document refines strategies on all aspects of security from protection and defense of physical security of the people of Southern Sudan and their territorial integrity to diplomatic and economic security.

The public document also spelled out threats and challenges facing the government. It described any failure to demarcate the border between North and South as the most significant and pressing challenge in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Abyei issue, tribal conflicts in the South and insecurity caused by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) were among the challenges the document highlighted.

It stressed the importance of engagement on diplomacy in building good relations with countries of the sub-regional, regional and global community.

It also acknowledged implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) as the best hope for a lasting peace and to make every effort to ensure its full implementation.

It also provides for continued mediation of peace talks between the Ugandan government and the LRA. “We will continue to cooperate with the government of Uganda to bring about a permanent, peaceful solution to the LRA problem. This support will include continued efforts to provide mediation between the parties, while making improvements in our capability to protect our people from attack,” the document stated.

It also emphasized on the importance of establishing a viable democratic government, promoting good governance and stepping up the fight against corruption as important aspects in maintaining security.

Protection of human rights and dignity of the people of Southern Sudan in their cultural diversity and promotion of peace and harmony among them were also embodied in the document as important necessities in consolidating peace and stability in the region.

Establishing an economic base, achievement of food security and protection of natural resources, in addition to public education and health were also among core interests emphasized.

The document also recognized the role of media as significant in disseminating government’s programs to the public.

It blames slow responses to emergencies on poor infrastructure. “Poor physical infrastructure and lines of communication, including bad roads, lack of bridges, lack of aviation transport assets, and the lack of an integrated information communication platform prevent Southern Sudan’s security institutions from responding to emergencies in a timely manner,” it stated.

The document, however, assured of GoSS’ constitutional obligation to achieve security of the people of Southern Sudan at all costs.

“The Government of Southern Sudan exists for the ultimate purpose of ensuring the security and sovereignty of the people of Southern Sudan …Though we have limited resources, we will seek to minimize risk while focusing our efforts on those activities that are most vital to securing our interests,” it assured.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan cabinet passes Security Strategy document
    Bravo GOSS,

    That is wonderful move. You have really done your level best to define security, not only militarily but also with all its aspects including non-military issues. I also appeal to you to implement that document. Engaging international community on diplomacy is a wise decision at this time where the South prepares for recognition in case in becomes independent through referendum or by unilateral declaration.

  • Nakedu Mura
    Nakedu Mura

    South Sudan cabinet passes Security Strategy document
    Dear GOSS COuncil Ministers,

    i would like to thank you all for this most significant move to guaranttee the real security to our people. we appreciate the efforts of GOSS president,SSLA Chairperson,south sudan Defense Minister,for ensuring that what needs be done on security is done.it is no doubt you will also ensure its implementation.that would be great and grateful.
    Also,ensure that foreign intelligencies flowing into our virgin south sudan,in the cover of ‘coming for investments’ especially the former aides of our foes,for intent to sabotage south independence and to ensure that their Definition of sudan’s Identity remains intact,will NOT EXPLOIT our security strategies.they have ‘sabotage plans’ that may be realized after 10 or so years.for instant targeting our vital Energies to ensure their control or ‘knowing where to strangle’.SO please beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing!


    Nakedu M.

  • mamero

    South Sudan cabinet passes Security Strategy document

    What do you mean by listing all the names of Goss officials including the victim of CPA mr Isaac Mamur? We do not understand if the GOSS are exploited the mass likewise to what was done by Arabs in Juba during the last twenty two years,Moreever, all those officials whom you are complaining are doing their best of knowledge but you are critizing them because of Nyamnyamism/Doooorism otherwise, your critism is baseless,So man,do not attempt though you thinks they are corrupt, whatsoever they have to deserve their jobs becoz where where Khamis in[1983-2005]?

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