Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir

February 23, 2009 (THE HAGUE ) — The Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) would issue on Wednesday March 4 their decision on the request of arrest warrant for the Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir, says a statement issued by the court today.

“The decision will be made public by the normal way of a press release and publication on the Court’s website.”

In their formal announcement the ICC judges noted “the supporting
material and other information submitted by the Prosecution.”

The judges moreover referenced part of the Rome Statute, the treaty
governing the ICC, that provides for the Court to take appropriate
measures to protect victims and witnesses.

Finally, in issuing this declaration the Court also considered
“numerous rumours over the past weeks on a possible date and outcome
of the decision that this Chamber shall issue on the Prosecution

Sudan Tribune, The Washington Post and The New York Times had all
independently reported that the judges in fact already came to a
decision to issue an arrest warrant.



  • Julia Anok
    Julia Anok

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    Make sure that you tigh up security in the country as a country of difference race, culture,religions,than we don’t want violence.And close the airport for Arab countries not to visit sudan as the have been wellknown with sort of terrorism. stability of a country is first priority.

  • Nakedu Mura
    Nakedu Mura

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir

    The victims of Genocide,Crimes Against Humanity,and War Crimes suffered so much from this DELAYMENT of Arrest Issuance.we are feeling tired and sick as a result. it should be issued regardless of the current status becoz over 300,000 people have already perished and many more daily.even the accused accepted that he genocided only 10,000 and excitedly increasing the number. Never revert the decision again. Let the worst come,we all die if need be in the hope of freeing the sudan and the whole world from the extremists,fundamentalists and Global Terrorists!

    Nakedu M.

  • James

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    Allelluya!!! Alleluya!!! Alleluya!!!!

    God of innocents; May your name be praised forever and ever.


  • manis

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    As we said before the days of this criminal are mumbering down,and the time is runing out for him and this is fate of any courd,saden,genocider,and killer who distroyed and lowered human diginity and their lifehood.The up coming arrest warrant is not for notorious al Bashir only but it must include a long list of other genociders such as the regime’s defance minister idiot Abderahim Husain,head of security and the enginer of torture Salah Gosh, the arrogent asistant of the crimical al Bashir, Nafi ALi Nafi,the regime’s vice president Ali OSAMAN TAHA,and the Janjawed,and sudan’s military commaders who had/have been on the ground in Darfur,and then the victory will be for all the peole of margine in sudan and our counrty will be united by will of the people not by force and our fellow southerns will choice the unity by their own will in 2011.

  • omons stephen
    omons stephen

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    The clock is ticking toward zero hour. Its really a bold move by the ICC if they could release the arrest warrant on the mentioned date. The ICC should not listen to the lobbying of the hunger unrecognized group who were trying to defer the indictment. They claim that they are angle from south Sudan and their appeal can be heard. I don’t see any solid reason for southerners to voice for things that does not concern them. If because of oil revenue, that Khartoum will cut it and so what. We had been in the bush with out oil revenue.

    It will only affect those had been sharing the oil revenue with the Arab and shade the blood of their own brothers and sisters for sake of their belly. The history will soon repeat it self, so the betrayers should have to choose between the two alternative whether to keep betraying or have be totally loyal to south and we join hand and focus to our enemy.

  • badeit dak wie
    badeit dak wie

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    I think the next president is SALAH GOSH according to my analysis because his promotion is not just comes from blue, it’s just a matter of days to take over,so let us wait and see what is going to deliver to sudanese.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    For me i will not praise God yet because the Criminal is not yet taken under the court custody,but our prayer is let the God Almightly touch the judges hearts to do what they have say to happen at the day they have pointed.

    Moreover,how is muslim going to feel as they say the criminal Bashir would never go to court in whatosever case or circumstance they are ready to die for him!Shame on evile does bashir go to hell!!!!! to hell with you.

  • Bol Akoch Buoi
    Bol Akoch Buoi

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    Many says many times. The baseless source of information which the so call journalists of the Sudan against the Sudan President Omar Bashir with the expectation of the arest warrant to be issued by ICC Court. I am sick of your reports, what a hopeless senario would a citinzen of own country wishes to be in. In fact, we all want Bashir and whoever committed crime against humanity in Sudan’s goverment face justice, but this is wrong time for the head of state to be arested. I don’t know what do other people think if Bashir is indict? what impact does it brings to the country? This is a “back to war”, simply because the NCP Party in the north will not hand him over to ICC peacfully. There are going to be some implications. We the Southerners, we better to support the deferral in order to reach the 2011. After that the case can be resumed by court. If Sudan fought a war in case Bashir is indict? Who will implemet the CPA? We have seen some few example in the past in case of an arest of the head of state. It is not a simple game that we could imagine. it is chaos, it is catastrophe and deadly indeed. Many people died and many left the country during the war. Lets wait for 2011 is not far.

  • Lodule

    BREAKING NEWS-ICC to announce on March 4 its decison on arrest warrant for Sudan’s Bashir
    Mr. Bashir thinks he superior, and that’s what is usually behind the concept of Arabs. He was gathering for support from his fellow Arabs, Mubarak of Egypt is of no exception but all invane and time is gone.It’s too late .

    What you may need is to look for a senior Lawyer to stand behine your petition and you will panic at the end of the final verdict of the Judges in the Hague.
    You threatened to harm any foreign diplomat in the region incase the arrest warrent is issued and possibly political instability in the region BUT this will earn you zero tollerance by the ICC Chief Prosecutor

    Your misbehavior in these recent days is equating you to that situation of Saddam Hussein.Stop spreading nonesense to the media,just relax and wait for any decision to come.

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