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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday

March 1, 2009 (LONDON) — The rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) said today that the Sudanese para-military Popular Defence Force (PDF) plans to spread chaos in the capital and attack families of alleged supporters of the International Criminal Court on Wednesday, March 4.

Sudanese PDF members march during a ceremony for the 18th anniversary of the national Popular Defence Forces in Madani Nov 17, 2007 (AFP)
Sudanese PDF members march during a ceremony for the 18th anniversary of the national Popular Defence Forces in Madani Nov 17, 2007 (AFP)
JEM said it received reliable information about plans by the PDF to target the families of the ICC supporters in reprisal for the expected arrest warrant by the judges of the world court against the Sudanese President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The judges of the ICC pre-trial chamber announced last week they would announce their decision over an application for an arrest warrant filled by the chief prosecutor who accused Al-Bashir of genocide, crimes against the humanity and war crimes on next Wednesday.

According to the rebel movement, the decision was taken during a meeting of the PDF held this weekend in Khartoum. “Mr. Kamal Abdel Lateef, State Minister of the Ministerial Council headed and addressed the gathering.”

“The Minister vowed to repeat what he called ‘Black Monday’ in reference to the carnage that followed the tragic death of Dr. Garang in 2005. Members of PDF are instructed to target families of supporters of ICC in revenge over indictment of the Al-Bashir.”

The rebel statement was purportedly issued by the “Intelligence and Information Unit, JEM” from the “Liberated Zone, Darfur.”

Sudan is in a state of high alert awaiting a decision by the ICC judges. However, the government pledged to protect UN missions and agencies staff as well as diplomatic missions in the country, but warned against any move by incontrollable elements.

Also the head of security service Salah Abdallah Gosh last week warned “Our message to those who stand behind the ICC is that we were Islamic extremists then became moderate and civilized believing in peace and life for everyone,” before adding “However we will revert back to how we were if necessary. There is nothing any easier than that.”

PDF forces were officially established by decree in November 1989, only months after Al-Bashir came to power in a bloodless coup. Tied to the ruling National Islamic Front (NIF), the militias recruited extensively from Khartoum universities and spread military and civilian networks across rural Sudan, replacing, co-opting or absorbing traditional tribal structures.

The forces were under the control of NIF ideologue Hassan Al-Turabi until January 2000 when he lost his authority over the jihad due to a split within the regime.



  • Garang

    Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday

    To all Sudanese in General, North and south, East and west, all political Parties, NCP, SPLA, JEM, PDF, and more… Note that it takes just only one single devil hearted head of state to face icc charges rather than thousand and thousands of sudanese. To those stupid sudanese who blindly support Al bashire or Al ba shit!! not to face ICC charges, please think it over again about the choice you are just about to make. Al bashire fate is not too far away, and the choice left for sudanese is either to die with devil hearted dictator or let him face the charges on his own.

    ALot of similar occurences have already happened in our current century and it is a good idea to learn from them. we have seen the fate of Taliban who refuse to give up just only one man in relief of the entire nation, we have also seen the fate of Sadam Hussien, the same dictator like Bashire, even worse the Sadam. now Sudanese what do you all think is better between Al ba shit! to face ICC charges or thousands and thousands of innocent citizens to suffer? a wise choice here is nothing closer that to let Al Bashire face ICC charges on his own. It is Al Bashire who intended to destroy Darfurians, including young children, civilian, and innocent citizens of Western and southern sudan.to Bashire army, both officers, police, and soldiers, please rethink over and over about the commands that Al Bashire will command you to do. Darfurians are not fighting for any worse but for justice and Al bashire is trying to shelter their rights and freedom. please and please to both army and officers, do not attempt to destroy Darfur again. there is now where in Islamic religion that endorses the killing of innocent God creatures, including human being for no reason.

    Please and pleases to all SUDANESE we have to adhere to any decision release by ICC on Feb 4th which will undoubltely be an arrest warrant for Al Ba shit!!!

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday
    I believe this information is very real given the ruthless nature of Omer Hussan Albashir’s regime. I think the fighting which took place in Malakal last week is some how related to this infomation revealed by JEM. Omer Albashir and his thugs are likely to go on rampage against innocent civilians in an attempt to spoil Sudanese’s ceberations of the arrest warrant on March 4th, 2009. Southerners and Darfurians who live in Khartoum must not take this information lightly. They must prepare for the worest, and fight back if attack. Remember, there is no freedom without cost. Long live Sudan for the Sudanese. New Sudan Oyee.

  • kuduhal

    Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday
    My message to sudanses in general is that,when kenyan got thier voice out for failen heror jomo kenyatta to send him to England, they were united and knew differences between lunatic blood shed and freedom from slavery,what they did is to have common voice to claim their alinated land back.

    note that us president is in prosses to withdraw military wing in iraq and apghanistan just because they had finished oil in iraq and would like to get that of sudan for thier economy purpose.
    my question is that did we need our country to be international warfield?

    if not please ladies and gentleman,girls and boys i beg you hand over president bashir to the ICC merely to save the lives of our citizen, properties and oil from internation immenant evasion, because decision to arest bashir is not only from ICC but US backing.

    Teylar of liberia has now prevent further liberian distractions and he is following his case in sytematic way so give president bashir time to go and explain his goal and knick the ball to ICC net but if we take the matter for

    our own blood then some one like bashir would never had a chance for his responsibility.he got alot to convince the ICC simply ti escape the internation cell condition.iam more concern to prevent further lost of live all over sudan from internation hand because PDF won’t be there when war would be concentrated.

    MA minus opportunity.

  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday
    The whole situation will be under control. Look for a place to spit off your TUMBAK.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Rebels say Sudan militias to wreak chaos in Khartoum on Wednesday
    My whole prayer and wish that 2011, South will come to separate from Northern Nubian States.
    It is not right attitudes, just because calling on the Name of JESUS CHRIST, it will all justify your deeds who call themselves a Christian.
    It is not a act by Christian Faith.
    In the verse of the Bible, God spoke through the Word, Love your enemy. Aren’t you Southern Sudanese supposed to be demonstrate the Kingdom of Christ to whom they don’t know Christ Salvation of eternity Life to Northern Sudanes and Darfuri Moslems?
    All I see is South Sudanese has no love for Christ!
    Don’t even call yourselves Christian, if you are not willing to work for Christ!
    Even though, myself I prayed, President of Sudan Al-Bashier to be repent his own sin to forgiveness through Jesus Christ, so he can go to heaven.
    South Sudanese, it is not your judgements towards President of Sudan, Al-Bashier, it is only through God Jesus Christ.
    I don’t want to hear those South Sudanese talks about sinfull desires towards Northern Sudanese again.
    I pray SOUTH will completelly separated from North in 2011, so you guys will stay with your own politics with other East Africans from Nigerians and Kenyans, etc…
    I’m not allowed to spoke against God’s lovelly peoples once for all!
    “YOU’, the South, Hipocrite Christians!
    Your demonstartion toward non-Christians in the world is bad ass exsample towards entire world.
    So, Please go away, make independence towards North, and go along with Bantu Africans, never coming back towards Nubians anymore in our life.
    Your South Sudanese Christians were came after English masters invaded the South Sudan and through evangelism and independence, after through England, but Makuria Nubia was the oldest Christian empire before Ethiopia, and peoples of Kush were Christians before Islam entered into Northern Africa, so don’t even spit your own sinfull nature towards unsaved loved ones.
    David loves JERUSALEM, the City of JUDAH and Peoples knows the heart of God!

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