Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat

March 1, 2009 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese ruling National Congress Party (NCP) announced today that it has taken a number of political, security and popular measures to confront a decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Sudanese president.

Sudanese women shout slogans during a demonstration organised by members of the main ruling National Congress Party in support of President Omar al-Beshir in Khartoum on July 28, 2008 (AFP)
Sudanese women shout slogans during a demonstration organised by members of the main ruling National Congress Party in support of President Omar al-Beshir in Khartoum on July 28, 2008 (AFP)
Mohamed Al-Amin, a leading NCP figure told Sudan official news agency (SUNA) that the ICC has no mechanism by which to enforce any possible arrest warrant for Bashir.

Al-Amin vowed to show the world “immediate” response “so that the world can see that we will not be taken by surprise or allow interference into our internal affairs”.

On Wednesday the ICC judges will release their decision on a request by prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo submitted last July for an arrest warrant against Bashir accusing him masterminding a campaign to get rid of the African tribes in Darfur; Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa.

The NCP official said that according to his information there will be no isolation to Sudan “even by the most ardent supporters of the ICC”.

Al-Amin was likely referring to African countries which form the bulk of ICC members but who criticized the ICC move against Bashir on the grounds that it shows unfair bias against African figures by The Hague based court.

Furthermore the Sudanese defense minister Abdel-Rahim Mohamed Hussein speaking to the Martyrs organization said that the world “will not turn upside down on Wednesday”.

On a related matter a number unidentified Sudanese diplomats speaking to the London based Al-Hayat newspaper suggested that the UN Secretary General special representative to Sudan Ashraf Qazi may be asked to leave the country over alleged statements he made saying that he passed on information to the ICC.

The United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) denied that Qazi made any such statements and called on the pro-government Al-Rae’d newspaper to “correct this flagrant example of misreporting which, in the Mission’s view, verges on disinformation”.

“The report is a complete fabrication,” UNMIS said and questioned the newspaper’s Al- motive in misrepresenting Qazi’s remarks he made to an Egyptian magazine.

The former UN special envoy to Sudan Jan Pronk was expelled in 2006 after authorities accused him of exceeding his mandate by publishing military information on his personal blog.



  • Ichok Malou
    Ichok Malou

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    I don’t think the indictment of Bashir would make you idiotic people who don’t even bravely give thier names when they triblistically comments.

    Bashir government is the most brutal and abysmal towards its own people.You look around the corners of nine countries sharing borders with Sudan are full of refugees from all over Sudan the regime substitute Arabs tribes to be next generatios of Sudan.

    I may not go deep to the geological background of you because you are a just human being without classification.

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    To Jesus Christ

    My friend you called yourself jesus christ and that name was exist for good reason in the world of love, peace and unity among human society and not for hatred,tribalism, nepotism and descrimination. your article that you called yourself jesus christ for evil and satan statment will curse you forever and these SPLA/M you described as Dump Dinkas will protect and defense the interest of South Sudanese to achieve their right.

  • Angelo M
    Angelo M

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    To: the commentor who called himself “Jesus Christ”

    Dear brother, sister, or whatever you are, please with all due respect, change your name. The way you talk (comment) is completely obnoxious, unacceptable! If you think you will continue to defy God, think again.

  • Nelson Turdit
    Nelson Turdit

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    To My Dear readers of Sudan Tribune web site

    I would like to advise you good readers of this web site not to reply or response to stupid people like those who called themself Jesus christ,Gatwec and Big-Logic Boy who take side and preach a message of hatred. i start blaming myself why am i responding to foolish man/woman who took untrue pretended name of God,s A fool of 40 years cannot be advised, ooh God!! forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.

  • Micheal Kerkuei
    Micheal Kerkuei

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    Mr. Jesus Christ or whatever you call yourself, be informed that the initials SPLA/M do not stand for Dinka, neither do the initials ICC stand for Dinka.There is not a single Dinka who happens to be one of the judges at the Hague-based court for you to innocently start barking at the Dinkas where you may be.

    The decision based on Bashir’s indictment was taken by an informed judge; someone who formulates things beyond your level of comprehension; someone who is recognized and trusted world wide for his judgement. It is this very person who has convinced the world as far as Bashir’s attrocities on innocent Sudanese are concerned. Those who have senses of humanity feel relieved on hearing Bashir’s indictment by the ICC and therefore, end up dancing on the streets of various cities including Khartoum.

    Mr.Son of Man, on those streets of those cities are different enthnicities, including your unidentified tribemen.The arabs are not exceptional, Mr.Christ! Learn to judge properly.

    Let’s wait and hear what the court says comes Wednesday.See you later my dear Jesus Christ.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    To: Mr. Jesus Christ

    My dear brother, I would like to talk with you in a family language which you may not understand by the way. First to tell you is that I am not an SPLM supporter or any other political party supporter but am a supporter for the Sudanese cause either being in the marginalised areas or in Southern Sudan.
    Dear Friend Jesus SPLM is not for the Dinkas as you indicated in your comments above but it is a party that wants the independent of people in the marginalised areas of Sudan. Here look at the SPLM hierachy in the Political Bureau

    1. LT.Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit – Chairman from Bahr El Ghazal Region
    2. Dr.Riek Machar Teny Dhuegony – 1ST Deputy chairman from Upper Nile Region
    3. LT.Gen. James Wani Igga – 2ND Deputy Chaiman from Greater Equatoria Region.


    1. Fieldmarshal, Omar Hassan Ahmed Al Bashire – Chairman from Shendi
    2. Professor Ali Osman Mahammed Taha – Deputy chairman from Shendi
    3. Nafie Ali Nafie – Secretary from Khartoum state.

    Having compared and confirmed the above mentioned names, the ball is now in your courtyard to distinguish which party is releasitic. You have your own conscience which I can’t blame for the moment because it is God given otherwise I might be judging God creation methodologyv in this terms. You might be able to judge these two parties from the manifestos, that are on in circulation as if a country is to be based on religion or individual rights addressed. Knowing in mind that these two parties are the one in power in Sudan at the moment, you have to be careful in whether to deal with SHENDISM OR DINKAISM as you so called them, no matter how you call each. Make your analysis because you have the rights to criticise either the SPLM or the NCP as a citizen of this vast Nation but criticism that focus on tribes without proper analysis of the background leads you being level or term as a “BIG LIER” which is not accommodated among our communities.
    I don’t mind whether you are NCP supporter or whatever you call yourself with but my intention is to pinpoint whatever reason you criticise to have a thorough analysis of it. If it is good for the betterment of people then give a credit for it and if it is bad for the betterment of people here give a big challenge with your ways out.Don’t try to criticise on the pretext of hiding behind the curtain which may latter becomes a disaster for you.

    Thanks you for supporting your uncle Al Bashire beyond the grave. You deserve rewards for your courage to him. I wish if he is to be hanged by the ICC, you can also voluntee on his behave like Jesus Christ which voluntee his life on behave of mankind to redeemed the world. My knowledge and thorough analysis tells me that ICC issue is beyond the Sudanese understanding, there is no way we can stop the ICC from issueing the arrest warrant against Al Bashire if the prosecutor has enough evident to prove that Al Bashire had indeed committed those crimes level against him.

    On the other hands, there is nothing that your so called the Dinka government can do to help your uncle Al Bsahire from being arrested. GOSS did not initiate the referral of Darfur issue to the Hague base court for investigation, it was UNSC which referred it to the Hague under article 1593 of the UNSC hence nobody that can rescue Al Bashire unless the UNSC again to intervene. If you are a real Southerner I would be happy seeing you criticsing on what Southern Sudan government can do within it authority not something beyond like the ICC.

  • mayen

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    All my brothers and sisters is a time to think wisely and carefully.This coming weeks is very tough for all of us. lets us stop discrimination between each other ,we are all sudanese and we love each other. It doesn’t matter if you are christian or muslim we are all Sudanese. Please brothers and sisters stop talking to each other bad. I Personally believe there is no Arabic people Sudan we just act like them. This massege is to my brother who called himslef Jususe christ I know you have good nickname please respect yourslef if you don’t know what to say. Mr president of Sudan will face justic with his followers and he will prove it to the ICC whether he done good or bad for his people.Shouting will not bring peace in our country we just need to put our hand together and fix our problem.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Sudan ruling NCP says prepared for ICC decision, UNSR under expulsion threat
    To Mr. Jesus Christ

    Dear my brother and fellow Southern Sudanese by skin but not by mindful thinking. I am really pleased and disturbed by the way you discribe SPLM as a DINKA organization or party the way you call it. First, I am in a position to tell the truth though not an SPLM member. SPLM is not a tribal party and here is what tells people that it is not;
    The SPLM leadership arrangement in the first five dogs in the political bureau is like this:

    1. Lt.Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit – Chairman – Bahr El Ghazal
    2. Dr. Riek Machar Teny – Deputy Chairman – Upper Nile
    3. Lt.Gen. James Wani Igga – Deputy Chairman – Equatoria
    4. Lt.Gen. Malik Aggar Eiyi – Deputy Chairman – Blue Nile
    5. Mr. Pagan Omum Okec – Secretary General – Upper Nile

    1. Field Mashal Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashire – Chairman – Northern state
    2. Professor Ali Osman Mahammed Taha – Deputy Chairman – Northern state
    3. Nafie Ali Nafie – Secretary General – Northern state
    4. Mundoor Almahdi – Secretary for Communication & Mobilization – Northern state
    5. Ghazi Sallah Eddin Al Tabani – Political Commissor – Khartoum state

    After comparing the above scheduling of the two partners in the CPA, thereby the ball is in your courtyard to see and analyze by yourself who is really governing SHENDISM or DINKAISM as you call them whatever name you give.

    I am not against your egoism because it is God given otherwise I may anger God wrath on me but I am concentrating on your conscience as it is a God’s given knowledge to distinguish between good and bad scenarios of the analysis. Criticism is where I agree with you but not to the extent of calling the party with its structures a Tribal party as you put it that it is a DINKA PARTY. Wow to you Mr. man because a man that believes on INTEGRITY about himself is credited to be a leader.
    Here, I am very hesistant with your criticism due to the following:
    1. Criticism make as reform
    2. Criticism should always be balanced
    3. Criticism should always be followed by solutions,wayout, recommendations and resolutions as well to guide the people whereby your people will credit you as being well vast with the situation, hence part of the solution though not involved.

    Thanks you Mr. Jesus for supporting your uncle OMAAAAAR Al Bashire beyond grave. I wish if the ICC could hang him, you as well can intervene to be hanged instead of Bashire. That is a credit from your uncle, you deserve a rewards from him.

    Furthermore, you should notice that Mr. Al Bashire’s crimes are beyond the GOSS capacity because his investigation into these crimes were not trggered by either the SPLM nor any political party in Sudan but by the United Nations Security Council resolution No 1593 referring the crimes in Darfur to the Hague base court. There is no connection between them at all.
    Therefore, Mr. Jesus you reason not as a living person just minded by individual greed and misfortune. A true son of this vast nation can’t make any unblinded criticism without balancing, mind you that I am objecting your criticism. Do whatever you wanted to do but “call a spade a spade not a big spoon”
    Guest these saying if you are an African” I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong,” Abraham Lincoln.

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