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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 14, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – The blessing of cattle has also become a curse in Jonglei state, as conflict over the prized resource has caused bloodshed and social problems, residents observe.

Cattle_Bor.jpgDinka Bor, Nuer, Jieng, Anyuak, Kachipo and Murle communities in Jonglei State are pastoralists. During the south-north conflict that reached a climax between 1983 and 2005, inter-tribal conflicts were low but went unreported.

After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), all communities rose against each other as if the next civil war had been planned prior to 2005. Thousands of people are being killed in South Sudan villages yearly despite this accord reached in Kenya on January 9, 2005.

An elderly man in his 70s, Maluk Mach, resting before his dusty kraal attributed the upsurge in raiding to a poverty gap created immediately after the CPA.

“What can a strong man do?” he asked and rejoined “he has to think ‘where will I get riches?’ – and our wealth as pastoralists is cattle. Everything we do needs them.” He explained that the CPA resulted in the gap because “Others are rich because they receive a lot of money from the government and buy cattle.”

Bonds between pastoralists and cattle develop as early as at weaning. Children are fed on milk and spend most of their pre-teen years at the cattle camp looking after goats and sheep as well as calves.

Many elders, rural and urban youths and the community leaders share how cattle dominate socio-economic life in Jonglei State yet are unfortunately central in brutal killings and patterns of child abduction.

“We must convince our people that they are not poor… and that there are better ways of getting wealth,” said Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk. “Not only cattle raiding. Preach this message to end insecurity. We need peace and that is why we fought for 21 years,” he told a two-day conference for commissioners in Bor Town last year.

Kuai Deng, a young man in his mid-twenties, explained one social aspect of cattle ownership which he says is a summary that holds among elite and leaders of the people: “To purchase a woman of your choice – that is the most thing cattle can do.”

Criticizing the practice, journalist Manyang David Mayar singled out expensive dowries as the “foundation of Dinka Bor poverty.”

Mayar, who writes for a journalist for the Juba Post Newspaper in Bor Town, said “Shops owned by Dinka men in Bor Town close after marrying expensively. This so bad and is the foundation of Dinka poverty.”

A minimum bride price in Dinka Bor culture is 30 cattle (variable), 35 for Nuer, 45 for Murle as Anyuak, Jieng and Kachipo bride prices are arbitrarily close to these figures. Yet the dowries math was unset when some Dinka Bor settled a marriage at 200 cattle in one case registered in 2008.

Even Bor marriages settled at 30 cattle are not, however, expensive when compared with other Dinka cultures in Lakes, Northern Bar-el Ghaza and Warap States of Southern Sudan. In each case, competition for a girl disturbs the bride price. A father has to fold his arms and say “my daughter is on market” and hence he who raises more cattle is the bridegroom.

Love for cattle could hold in Jonglei towns and villages as long as marriage is an obligation.

“Cattle are the bank of an uneducated man…. and if you do not have enough, you will not marry a beautiful woman,” remarked Nhial Malet, a resident in Bor town. Dhieu Mayen, a student at Dr. John Garang Institute, disagrees with Nhial while prioritizing steps to end conflicts in Jonglei State at conference conducted here in February, 2008. “Unless we stop expensive marriages, insecurity will not end till Jesus comes,” he said winning laughter from participants among them cowherd men who view his approach as impossible.

Cowherd Deng Apar cleans his handsome ox for the early hours of dusk after taking off dung earlier. “This is the ox that I am keeping,” he says scratching his right hand at the back of the ox adding “There is nothing better than staying near it.”

Asked to what extent he would fight before losing this ox he replied “I will fight till I die before it is forcefully taken.” Deng cannot really imagine another way of life but agreed that perhaps he could be a farmer after getting a wife.

Elderly people also view milk as part of treatment forcing their children to obtain one by any means. “This sickness would never have stopped if I never came to cattle camp,” an elderly woman identified as Mary Achol said.


Former child abductees who prefer anonymity claim that children are sold to rich barren women. A man now in his early thirties was abducted in 1992 to Murle where he was sold to a mother of three daughters. He escaped in 1997 after marrying and is being there by a daughter and spouse. Several of these abduction cases are common but Murle argue that they also buy some children.

Jonglei State Legislative Assembly chairperson of Legal Affairs Maker Kur told Sudan Tribune that abduction attempts can be penalized with 5-7 years imprisonment. But lack of clear legislation, weak courts and insufficient lawyers mean that there is often no recourse to justice for wrongs done. Thus, the law is in the hand of the people.


The wish of chief cattle keepers here is that neighboring communities are disarmed to avoid any losses. “Some [people] took their cattle to Central Equatoria thinking they are escaping raiders but we must remain here and protect ourselves,” said a man preferring anonymity.

Such conflicts have made news in South Sudan. Efforts made by South Sudan’s government to collect illegal arms are said to be fruitless as civilians overpower organized forces. Rather than forming part of the solution, the south’s security forces including a weak police and the former rebel army often abuse its power, claimed a recent report by the US-based Human Rights Watch.

“Soldiers and other security forces that commit human rights violations and other crimes against civilians are rarely brought to account,” noted the report, which described killings, torture, ex-judicial executions and arbitrary detentions by soldiers.

The road to safety for these rural communities is long, and potentially an obstacle to achieving the peace envisioned by Sudan’s 2005 north-south agreement.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace
    Junglese remian as jungle creatures with their barbaric behaviours and ugly appearance. Some idiots call Equatorians coward, but we are nor coward, we do do our best to defeat LRA in our land, we exchange arrows with bullets because we lack guns. They kill us and still we never abandon our own land and look for secure place, like how the cruel bor had left their huts to murle and nuer. Claiming that, you have being killed by other tribes. If your hbeen targeted it is of your barbaric act.
    Stealing, cattle riding, sexually abusing of girls which is part of your culture, poor hygiene which cause cholera like last year and madness of being idol, selfish and cruel about someone’s property, your the valueless people in this World see yourselves with the last amount of dowery, even i can pay you 50 chickens or 40 goats/sheep and get a skinny dinkas girl. But we are not interested to make any cross breading with the types of people like dinkas and jungle creatures in particular.

    You sell your girls to murle and nuer just to get 35-40 heads of cattles, but as a lost tribe and jungle community you turn this into an attack, making fake complain that you have been attacked by murle and nuer, and your kids where abducted.
    Please junlge people, stop being liers it doesnot help anyone accept yourselves as mad and wild creatures. Because you deserve money in your lives, this is why some of you who have no any other source of getting money or having cattle are now roaming in Equatoria, looking for left over foods to survive and stealing of crops at night. One day i would like a journalsit to take picture of dinkas man when he got catch in my trape because my garden is now surrounded with trapes to catch the tall, ugly and skinny fox from jungle state. Your number criminals in Sudan, anyway we can just leave you, because this culture of yours, is a very hard thing to change but there is a solution to it.


    Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace
    Let the Bor keep on the exceedingly expensive marriage and anyone like me would marry a white lady here abroad.
    What is the need for wasting my money when i could get a girl for free just wedding dollars and it is over.
    This could give me a chance to pursue my education without any burden of skyrocketing dowries.

    The government must see into the case of expensive marriages otherwise we the Buor/Dinka would be the most affected by poverty and huge unmarriage girls.


  • Wad Juba
    Wad Juba

    Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace
    To be civillised is to “cust out the animal” within you and to “reach deep for the human” in you. When will you Jenglese learn to behave like human beings and cease to kill each other like animals? Yet you people (Dinkas) claim to be civillised. Why not learn something from the civillised people of Greater Equatoria, where differences and issues are handled in a democractic and civillised manner. Thus, to avoid bloody and barbaric confrontations as seen in Jonglei State.

  • Mr Network
    Mr Network

    Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace
    Logic & wada Juba,

    Allow me to tell you something which is subsequently refusing those Jonglei guy’s not to do right thing and remain as if they are still in back ward age of 40s and 50s centuries!

    1-In the first place they don’t have God and their God is Cattle and they belief in them.

    2-Secondly the marriage in their area are very expensive and not all of them have access to marriage if he doesn’t have cattle and that some time give some of them to sleep with cattle .

    3-They have not potential to cultivate and have food from agriculture products except cow’s milk which put them only to have (V&A) minus C,.

    4- killing is major principle and power struggling whereby they are going sometime to abducte Anyauk’s and Murle’s childrens plus women so that they have to marriage them since they have being taken by force.

    5-They have premitive though that they have being born to rule which made them to unluck choice of social-economic tactics of fundalemental human being and put them to behaviors like monkey and chepazee.

    Therefore they have so many things which have lead them to downfall but I have mention only few for that matter,they will never,never and never change till jesus come because their mind for reasing has being fill with milking for drink not meat and cow for sexually!

    let them remain as fool as they are we careless because they have being though several time to follow others way of living but consistently dyling

  • don dinka
    don dinka

    Jonglei State: cattle issues disturb peace
    When i walk among sudanese as a dinka, i always have strategies to tackle any problem that may face us, this is simply because i am dinka from jonglei and it is in everybodies interest for me to do as they are fully aware even though it is hard to swallow that dinkas are born to rule all these zombies especially the equatorians. sometime it is very hard to beleive that there are people out there that can dare challenge how we carry out our things, we are equivallent of jews as we are wise and always ready to face any enemy.
    the reason why we don’t always respond to such attack from these prehistoric tribes like muerlie and the rest is just because we have to be father figure to them and not always revenge their attacks coz things can just turn nusty.
    finally as a don it very important that this brat call logic boy should know that there are no other people that share his views from his tribes coz they know how we helped them during the 21 years of war and i guess that mr logic boy was calling himself a Ugandan back then and i will not be shocked to find out that he might be a pathetic jobless thug who cann’t be employed in junub coz he came back to sudan with bogus certificates.
    finally just make peace with us and i can find job as housekeeper in james wani’s house in juba.

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