Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SLM leader to mobilize African and Arab support to ICC arrest warrant

March 7, 2009 (PARIS) — Abdel Wahid Al-Nur, leader of the Sudan Liberation movement said today he would stage a series of contacts with the African and Arab countries to moblize them to defend the ICC arrest warrant against the Sudanese president.

wahid_paris_632009.jpgFollowing a decision by the Pre-Trial Chamber against President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir on Wednesday, the Arab League and the African Union decided to send high level delegations to persuade the UN Security Council to defer the indictment of Sudanese head of state.

Al-Nur hailed the ICC decision against Bashir saying it represents a strong signal to the army and government backed militias because they know there is no safe haven for them.He also called on the international community to support the efforts conducted by the world court to arrest him.

In a press conference held in Paris Friday, Al-Nur said his contacts with African and Arab countries aims to dissuade them from supporting the Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir and halt any attempt to invoke article 16 of Rome Statute to suspend the ICC jurisdiction on Darfur.

Under Article 16 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the UN Security Council may resolve to defer a prosecution for a period of 12 months, which is what the AU and the AL request.

Last July two weeks after Bashir’s indictment by the ICC chief prosecutor, African Union and the Arab League failed to convince three permanent states at the Security Council – Britain France and USA –to suspend the ICC jurisdiction on Darfur crimes.

Al-Nur told the reporters that regional organization should not transform its self to clubs for the defense of head of states. “They should also think also about the fate of millions of Darfuri affected by the conflict.”

The rebel leader further urged tough action against the expulsion of aid groups from Darfur. He added that departure of the aid groups was a disaster for the people of Darfur.

The UN chief who called on Khartoum to reverse its decision is currently contacting the leaders of the African Union (AU) and the Arab League, along with others in the region to follow up on his appeal to the Sudanese government to reconsider its decision.

Nur said that under the current political jointure the formation of large democratic government could be a valid solution to end the Darfur conflict. The transitional government would administrate the country for a short period and organize general elections in the country.

He also urged to preserve the CPA and develop it by correcting the false Islamist definition of northern Sudan.

“The CPA should be revised and upgraded to include all of northern Sudan’s diversity, he argued. He said that this North-South division does not reflect the geographical and political reality of this part of the Sudan.” He told Sudan Tribune two days ago.



  • Dr millennium
    Dr millennium

    SLM leader to mobilize African and Arab support to ICC arrest warrant
    Dear leader,
    Thank for the speech, this is your time to play activitly. It is a great opportunity for you to convince the world and to correct what you called false Islamist defination of Sudan.Do not give up and thing will change in Darfur and whole Sudan.

    Why do African leaders support president Bashir? are you not aware of what is happenning and what happenned in Sudan since he went into power? I know why, but it is time for change and the change has come to correct our poor leadership. Initially, I was asking myself the reason why there is no one among you who can stand up and lead by example like Mandella or even better than him. Anyway, ICC and UN secruity council are our watch dogs now. It is will not him alone, you will follow him if you are not serious.

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