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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan minister calls for ‘integrity’

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 6, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Entrusted as an Ombudsman, South Sudan Minister of labour, public services and human resource development argues leaders to serve as statesmen and stop corruption saying: “it is all about integrity.”

Awut_Dent_Acuil.jpgAwut Dent Acuil made the remark Thursday at the launching of the public service reforms at John Garang Institute of science and technology in Bor. Awut discredits southern leaders for lack of transparency and accountability since former rebels – the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) took charge of semi-autonomous region in 2005. These practices, she says, must be reversed to win public accreditation in line with SPLM objectives of primarily transforming Sudan – the New Sudan.

“It is all about integrity. It calls us [leaders] to take the lead…for our people will not have faith [and] trust in us if don’t come back to constitutions. This is a serious situation; we created it and we must correct it. The years of no accountability are enough,” she stressed.

Ministry of Laour, Public Services and Human Resource Development was created after Southern Government stuck to progress due to massive misappropriations of public funds. In April 2008, Minister Awut Deng said her Ministry registered 14,000 cases of corruption but culprits won’t be brought to books because due to legal inability. But as far today, South Sudan parliament have passed corruption bill and Awut claims is yet to be confirmed. In another month last year, Awut said, 3.8 millions Sudanese Pounds was recovered from one Ministry. She was short to reveal the most corrupted department.


The public service reforms launching in Bor town marks the practical steps Government of Southern Sudan has taken to take the truck the right way. Over employment, double employment, ghost names and accommodative recruitment of militia after the signing of Comprehensive Peace Agreement are the common paths Southern Sudan budget is directed to pockets as salaries. In the last four years of self governance, South Sudan has largely unknowing ignored equipping organized forces to end local insecurity as well as constructing schools, roads and hospitals, facilitators at the function on Thursday noted. Jonglei State took a lead in February, 2008 by reviewing her employees and dealt away with ghost workers and served millions of Sudanese Pounds. The State also forced leave 80% of unclassified workers.

Speaking at the one day workshop yesterday, Gov. Kuol Manyang Juuk pledged obeying the promise to halt corruption with or without Southern Sudan initiative. Gov. Manyang announced a cut of 16% work force this month; including 1091 unclassified workers and 309 classified staffs.

“We must reform the public sector by putting the right person in the right place. We can’t wait this from the Government of Southern Sudan…because it at the interest of good governance to implement the public service reform. When we downsized the work force, we shall not send back to Juba but rather use it here for provision of social services,” Gov. Kuol Manyang said.

Manyang warns officials occupying offices idly without sincere delivery of services saying: “corrupt elements will be removed. Non-essential people will go” observing that some State Ministers he inherited from former Governor Philip Thon Leek are not active as well. Reducing work force in Jonglei State has so far being targeting non influential staffs; a matter that prompt suspicious in the system seen as favoring senior officers whom the public accuse of employing friends and relatives creating a huge work force. Sensing the moods, Gov. Kuol once again promised to employ young graduates to avoid conflict because “these people are strong and can ignite war.”


But Minister Awut Deng says time has come for Southern Sudan to act swiftly in a style she describes to be “black and white” – black for anti-reform combatants and white for supporters. Awut admitted that her ministry is also hooked in corruption circles saying: “we have a quantity Public Service but not quality.”

Attending the workshop includes South Sudan Minister for Cabinet Affairs Dr. Luka Tombekana Monoja, Jonlei States Ministers, Commissioners of various Counties and commissions, Members of State Assembly among others.

Participates welcomed the reforms agenda but questioned implementation right from the Juba. A Kenyan public service expert Maurice A. O Nyamungu lectured a 25 page public service implementation frame work manual covering installation of the process, re-organization, performance management, human development and evaluation of reforms.

“There are a lot of commissions whose functions overlap which I think need amalgamation. If this is done, then we shall understand that the government is really slim,” Jonglei Deputy Gov. Mar Nyot observed.

John Garang chancellor Prof. Agrey Ayuen also asserted that the reform is short of South Sudan government and inter-states “linkage” saying technical positions should not be made political in order to achieve accelerated.

In response, Cabinet Affairs Minister Luka Monoja says the government was taking into account reducing work force at all levels including ministries in Juba as well as leasing barriers blocking exchange of experts between states.



  • Gatwech

    South Sudan minister calls for ‘integrity’

    Hey, Mr. Kuol Manyang, what are you trying to cover in your lap with both hands while Awut Deng is seated beside you? That picture is very nasty! GOSS leadership, no appointment of incompetent concubines to big positions, okay?

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    South Sudan minister calls for ‘integrity’
    We need real reform in the labour,public services and human resources development.Whether you want it or not G0vernor Kuol Manyang is one of the few majority of southern leaders with the vision of real development. It takes a few people to change things and Mr.Kuol Manyang is a person who want to see change take place in the real world.

    You can not keep people who are doing nothing to continue to squander people,s taxes for doing nothing.The world is now in a recession,people no longer spend even consumers society such western world are not spending .Factories are closing big Auto manufacturing compapanies are filing for bankcrupcy why then would we keep iddle people working when they are doing nothing. The whole world is feeling the heat of the economic meltdown. Why are we not in the same wavelength with the rest of the world?. I suport those who want change but not in the name of corruption also known by another name as a scandal.For us to push forward we must go for change and it is through change that our world southern sudan will change

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