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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment

March 9, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir is scheduled to make his first foreign trip since the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for him last week.

Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (left) & Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (right)
Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir (left) & Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (right)
Last month Sudan official news agency (SUNA) reported that Al-Bashir will be leading the Sudanese delegation to Ethiopia on March 10th for the annual supreme joint committee meeting co-chaired by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.

The meeting was to be preceded by a ministerial meeting headed by the foreign ministers of the two neighboring countries on March 9th while the experts’ committees were to convene on the 7th and 8th of March.

The ICC judges issued an arrest warrant for Bashir on seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, which include murder, rape and torture. The three-judge panel said it had insufficient grounds for genocide.

Many observers are questioning whether Bashir will venture traveling outside following the arrest warrant and whether countries are willing to apprehend him.

Last week the Ethiopian Communications Minister Bereket Simon said that his country would “absolutely” ignore the warrant if Bashir visited.

Ethiopia is not a member of the ICC’s Rome Statute and is therefore under no legal obligation to arrest Bashir.

Sudanese media made no recent mention of the scheduled visit. However it indicated that Bashir will address two rallies in Khartoum on March 11th and March 12th.

It was widely believed that Bashir’s first foreign trip after the ICC indictment was going to be to Qatar for the Arab summit later this month. Sudanese officials insisted he will attend though he has yet to receive an official invitation.

Yesterday unidentified Arab League officials described as “close to Sudan dossier” told the London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that several Arab states expressed fears of being put in a position to host the Sudanese president particularly for regional summits.



  • Gatbentiu

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    Hey Mr. Beshir you need to take care in visiting foreign countries as you can possibly be caught by the ICC,You can delegate others instead of you going,you are now the most wanted man by the ICC, I am doubting your visit to Ethiopia will take you to Hague where you will either depend yourself or be taken to jail.

    [email protected]

  • Kang

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    I don’t think comrade Bashir visit to foreign countries will avoid his crime peels


  • Angelo M
    Angelo M

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    Bashir “Leading Sudanese delegation to Ethiopia” This is a blatant defiance of the ICC arrest warrant. Bashir really seems to be the only one for whom the arrest means nothing. He really thinks he is still a genuine President?

  • Kuanlualthoun

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    I salute you Mr. El-basheir for your courage, go ahead with your visit or trip and sahme them and let them realise that a Sudanese man is not a cowed! we will influence Africans to start defying or opposing or resist with boldness and assurance this NATO club or the so-called ICC!!!

    I would also like to salute my beloved people of Southern Sudan for your support to the president of Sudan, Mr. Omer El.Bashier, the Engineer of the CPA. As we are the real people of the country, it is not right that we should always take the wrong side and the back seat when issues that matter to the well being of our country are being discussed !!!!

    Sudan is our country and her president is our president, thus we can’t accept his humilation by those insincere and jealouse people of the so-called NATO!

    Why those are calling for his arrest when we are at peace in our home? where were them, when we were killing each another? where were them when our 2 million southern Sudanese were being killed? where were them when our kids and women were being subjected to the all kinds of human suffereing? where were them when the real genocide were taking place in Southern Sudan???????

    I believe we overcome the stage of calling for the president arrest,as we are begining to see the light through the tunnel!! Sooner, there will be peace and stability in Darfuur and all other parts of Sudan, there will be development and true exploitation of resourecs, our country is big and rich with naturual resources and I hope we will have a big influence and impact in not only African economic but to that of the world if we are stable and peaceful!

    Peace to Sudan and death to her foes!!

    Nasir oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

  • Sihs

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    LaRouche on Sudan: British Provocations Are Not U.S. Interest
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    Video Excerpt coming soon…

    February 12, 2009 (LPAC)– When asked by diplomats in his Feb. 11 Internet webcast about “reports that the Obama Administration will support an anticipated call by the International Criminal Court for the arrest of General Bashir, the President of Sudan, charging him with the crime of genocide against the people of Darfur, Lyndon LaRouche responded with an outline of the real interest of the United States in Sudan’s role in African progress and development. That interest does not lie in British provocations like this indictment, LaRouche said:

    “General Bashir was brought into the position of President of Sudan in the early 1990s. What had happened is that the previous shakeup in the government of Sudan had involved the Muslim Brotherhood. Now, the Muslim Brotherhood is essentially a British intelligence operation, or British intelligence-controlled operation, from the top down. And what had happened in this process is that people who had been associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, broke with the Muslim Brotherhood, and became Sudan nationalists. In the process, they had a compromise President selected: General Bashir. In this process, so you have a complication of elements around there, which are all British intelligence-operated.

    “The last time I was in Sudan, I saw a bevy of this stuff: British intelligence all over the place–and I know how to smell British intelligence. It’s like knowing skunks, and they’re all over the place. And the government was being disoriented. In part, it was old Muslim Brotherhood channels, from Egypt and other things, and operations by other countries. And they took this one area, which is a very poor area of Sudan, on the border with Chad, in this area. And they ran an operation there, with outside forces coming in, and just stirring things up. So it was an operation, of the typical type that’s run by intelligence services there.

    “There is no genocide, by the government of Sudan. However, what you have, including members of the current administration in Washington, have been brainwashed by this thing about “genocide, genocide, genocide,” and they’ve become so disoriented by this propaganda that they no longer have a grasp on reality. The people that you listed in your question, these types of people, are people who understand this problem, more or less. Some understand the problem in its totality, other people understand that you don’t do that in this area. There are too many cases–and this is typical of British intelligence! It’s a British intelligence operation! And I fear, that there are people in the administration, even who are friends of mine in this administration, who will be foolish enough to buy into this heavy propaganda about “genocide, genocide, genocide” against the government of Sudan.

    “Yes, there are problems there. There’s killing, but this is the result of outside operations in the area, combined with poverty, and combined with an economic problem of the government of Sudan as a whole, where it does not have the capability of maintaining adequate security in its own country, against these kinds of outside operations.

    “So, it’s an orchestrated operation.

    “Now, to understand this historically, people should shut their mouths until they go back to 1898, and go back to the time of where Lord Kitchener took over Sudan. And Lord Kitchener took–there are groups of peoples who are actually refugees, they’re not tribes; they were refugees who fled across the borders, from neighboring borders into the southern swamp area of Sudan. And this has been a problem in that area. So they took this and they played this thing. But it has always been British intelligence.

    “The Muslim Brotherhood problem: For example–well, I won’t bother about that. I can tell you a story or two about George H.W. Bush and his trip to Sudan, where he slept in what became the Foreign Ministry, and he did something.

    – Our Interest Is Sudan Feeding Africa –

    “But no, the point is, there have been operations to destabilize Sudan, as a part of the policy which was introduced to Africa, with U.S. approval by Henry Kissinger and others, in the middle of the 1970s, which says that the African territory belongs to U.S. and British interests. And that the people of Africa are too numerous, and the population has to be reduced, and we have to take over their raw materials and resources. The biggest resource here, in Sudan–just for people who need the intelligence, and we do have some specialists in the United States, State Department specialists, who do have the intelligence, know it: Sudan is the largest-territory nation in Africa. It is–apart from the south, which is a water-rich area, and jungle-type area largely–it is the largest grain-growing area of Africa. When the water is there, the grain is grown. With sufficient water supplies, Sudan could practically feed all of Africa, at least with grain requirements. The problem has been the lack of agreement on promoting the improvement in water-management problems in that part of East Africa, down into what was called Lake Victoria and below.

    “So that area of East Africa is crucial.

    “The destabilization of that area, the lack of development which could be easily–I mean, you don’t have to provide that much! All you have to do, is increase the guaranteed water supply in the Sudan area, each year, so that you have a grain crop each year, and you can begin to feed the population of Africa with that product. It’s that good. And everything is done, in policy is done, to prevent that from being done! I’ve been into Sudan a number of times, always on this water question. You look at the facts of the area: With water management, which is quite feasible, it’s not that expensive in terms of benefit ratio, we could feed a great deal of Africa with the grain which could be grown in the territory of Sudan.

    “Now, that should be the U.S. policy interest in Sudan! We need positive policy interests in these countries! We have to go in with a positive policy, not with who’re we gonna shoot. But a positive policy of development: We have make friends with countries on the basis of positive development, the way the United States used to do it. Like the U.S. officers who helped to rebuild the Egyptian system. There were U.S. officers, veterans of the Civil War, who went over to Egypt and helped them develop their system there–and then the British got them kicked out, later.

    “But, our interest in Africa, our interest in parts of the world is, not just to “make friends”–that’s a kind of a sloppy term. Our function as the United States, as we are a republic, our interest in the world is not to have any empires. We hate empires. We hate the British Empire, not only because of the crimes it commits and still commits, but because we don’t like empires. We believe in nation-states, we believe in representative government, Constitutional government, nation-states. We believe in nation-state building! We don’t believe in globalization, we believe in nation-state building; globalization is an empire. We don’t believe in empires. And therefore, our policy should be consistently, to develop, wherever we have the opportunity, to assist in developing nation-state building, and dealing with problems such as food shortages, disease control, these kinds of things, practical measures. And the only time we go to war, is when we have to defend something like that. And we fight only when that’s necessary, and as far as that’s necessary. We don’t get involved with these imperial policies of this type.

    “And I’m afraid that some of the people, because of the propaganda effort, about “genocide, genocide, genocide”–a magic word! You want genocide? George Soros is guilty of genocide! You want to make war on genocide? Make war on George Soros, make war on people like that who commit the genocide and their policies, the drug wars.

    “No, this is a dangerous situation: It would be a terrible thing, a great folly, if the Obama Administration were to be sucked into an adventure, such as an adventure against Bashir of Sudan.”

  • Sihs

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    LaRouche: The U.S. Cannot Tolerate, for ANY Reason, the ICC Indictment of Sudanese President Bashir
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    March 2, 2009 (LPAC)–“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faces a crucial stepping stone during her current diplomatic endeavors,” U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche said today, “on the issue of the expected ICC action against President Omar Bashir of Sudan. If the U.S. allows the ICC operation against Bashir to continue, the whole possibility of a U.S. policy disintegrates, globally.”

    A decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) has been announced for March 4, involving a possible arrest warrant (i.e., an indictment) of Bashir for genocide or other crimes. LaRouche has previously demanded that the ICC–which was designed and financed by the Nazi-trained drug legalizer George Soros, and his British Foreign Office controller Lord Mark Malloch-Brown–be disbanded, because its very existence is a violation of human rights, since it is hostile to the principle of national sovereignty.

    LaRouche today stated: “The fact is, that if Bashir is actually called into this ICC court, the entire policy of the world disintegrates. So under no conditions can Hillary Clinton accept anything that sounds like any endorsement, for any reason, for any price, of this ICC question. That is make-or-break for civilization as a whole: the make-break is the issue of the British and this operation.

    “This is also the issue of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s visit to Washington, D.C. this week,” LaRouche explained. Brown, who is scheduled to arrive in Washington on March 2 and meet with U.S. President Barack Obama on March 3, preceded his trip with an op-ed in the Sunday Times of London, which lyingly invoked Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal in order to insist on the reaffirmation of a “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom.

    “Gordon Brown and his government, the British government, is threatening to blow up the whole world,” LaRouche stated, “and the United States does not agree with that. There is no natural agreement or `special relationship’ between the United States and a British government which includes toleration for the Brown-Soros ICC policy.

    “Brown is a political dead man walking to Washington, and what he is proposing economically and otherwise is a global death policy,” LaRouche said. “If such a policy were to be adopted by the United States, you could kiss the U.S. and the rest of the world good-bye. Because it’s only by breaking up the British Empire, that there’s a possibility of escaping a planet-wide general breakdown crisis.

    “This is one of those times when you’re going to war,” LaRouche said, “and there’s one battle you’ve got to fight. All other battles are secondary. Because if Bashir is hauled to the ICC for trial, you have no U.S. policy for survival–the chain reaction is clear. Sometimes a particular battle, at a particular place, decides the entire war. This is one of those cases. It’s not the last time that something like that will come up, but it’s the one that’s on the table right now,” LaRouche concluded.

    An earlier Feb. 27 release by LaRouche PAC on the ICC-Bashir case is now receiving wide attention on the internet. Others have also recognized the dangers involved. For example, Andrew Natsios, a Sudan specialist and the former special envoy under George W Bush, expressed his strong disagreement with the ICC strategy, stating, according to the Los Angeles Times: “We could end up with another Rwanda, or Somalia, or Democratic Republic of the Congo, in which hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. We could end up with something much worse.”

  • manis

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    Regim’s president Bashir will not travil anywhere after an arrest warrant for two reasons: first, his expectation of arrest any time from ICC when he leave sudan, second, distruth of his own fellows in the government such as SALAH GOSH and ALI OSMAN from military coup agaist him.

  • ochan stephen
    ochan stephen

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    Well, Mr. President El Bashir, I think you want to hurry for hague to attend to your call or invitation by the ICC. How powerful are you to the group of people who are highly learned than you in terms of committing atrocities that counts all from rape, torture,crime against humanity, etc. Your journey to ethiopia is one way traffic to me because you have forgotten how clever you use to be when it comes to killing your voters in return for votes.
    Anyway, you are actaully left in dilemma not even your shadow can follow you with such a capital offence you owe. Can you pray on sundays and see if there could be some little changes…. it is like God and Jesus christ can be on your side since he jesus died for our sins including the other prophets. You know, one day, My friend asked me to ask Jesus to rescue us from enemies that would have eventually claim our lives at tender age.. and we did pray to Jesus, and all of the sudden we found ourselves in paradise but with an arest warrant drafted just before us consisting of many bad things we did here on earth that range from your current counts of atrocities. What we did was to only deny and refused the charges and we were sent to the nearby huge eferno for safty. I believe if you try this you may prosper in life.

  • Icc kill
    Icc kill

    Sudan president scheduled to make first foreign trip after ICC indictment
    Dear Umar Ass – Bitch , one step to foreigh country mean one regretable step to hell . I Icc kill killers . see you in hell soon or later . I got New song for your farewell to hell and it goes as …umar ass bitch no matter how to pretend to be inocent …..come on sing it with me…. . I Icc see in darkness …I Icc kill.

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