Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

W. Equatoria authority backs GOSS position on arrest warrant

March 11, 2009 (YAMBIO) – The authorities of Western Equatoria state today dismissed a report that the majority of people in the state are happy with the arrest warrant issued against President Omer Al-Bashir by the International Criminal Court (ICC).

After a meeting of the state council of ministers yesterday, the official spokesman of the state government today issued a statement referring to an article that appeared in Sudan Tribune on March 8, 2009, headlined “Majority of WES citizens think Sudan’s Bashir should comply with ICC.”

“The veracity of this statement is doubtful, hence the state government would like to make its position categorically clear that the views expressed in the article was an individual opinion, therefore; it does not represent the views of the Government of the State” said the statement signed by Col. Joseph Ngere Paciko, Deputy Governor and Minister of Information and Communications.

Sudan Tribune’s article on the matter had quoted citizens from different parts of the state including a member of the state government who spoke on condition of anonymity. However, the article did not claim to represent the state government’s official position on the matter.

Minister Paciko clarified that “The position of the state government on the current situation involving the President and ICC is in line with position of the Govenrment of Southern Sudan.”

The position of the ruling party of the Government of Southern Sudan is to encourage a strategy for diplomatically opposing the indictment while nevertheless supporting cooperation with the ICC procedures.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    W. Equatoria authority backs GOSS position on arrest warrant
    Those skinny junglese are the ones accusing WES. It is not anything to do with Sudantribune, personally the statement was carried to Khartoum by dinkas. Lets be accurate not hiding the real idiot between South and north.

  • kaiko

    W. Equatoria authority backs GOSS position on arrest warrant
    dear mr wrong (warlord)
    who do u think in greater equatoria will accept that u laberate and from what u stupit wrong jungles?thats why i hate u very much u wrongs.and u r calling urself warload.may be u been figthing in uganda,nairobi and in such places outside south sudan.plse take care bcose ur days in graeter equatoria is coming to an end u wrongs.

  • Lang Mijak DengChol.
    Lang Mijak DengChol.

    W. Equatoria authority backs GOSS position on arrest warrant
    Fellow Southerners,

    Why are the Western Equatorian officials reversing their political position? It like they are censoring the public opinions of their citizens and Southerners in general. Nobody is supporting the position that was taken by Salva Kiir previously. To me it sound as if they paying allegiance to Omer Beshir in this regard. They didn’t realized yet that Salva Kiir was cunningly hiding his crystal position for political game until he reversed it later in his Sunday political address at Cathedral Kathore. The position taken by Pagan Amum and Gabriel Changson is diplomatically in the interests of all the marginalized Sudanese. Equatorians need to stop confusing their citizens with wrong politics.

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