Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Somali-Americans are under US security focus

March 12, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The US Federal Bureau of Investigation expressed worry that some Somali-Americans are now fighting among the ranks of an Al-Qaeda linked Somali group. However the FBI said there are no signs that they are being trained to carry attacks inside the USA.

“Tens” of Somali-Americans, primarily from Minneapolis, have returned to Somalia to fight with the militant Islamist Al Shebab group that controls much of the country, officials of the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center testified before the Senate Homeland Security committee on Wednesday.

The American authorities are worried that such young men could be trained in Somalia and directed to go back to the US in order to stage terror attacks. One of these Somali-Americans men below himself up, last October, in an attack against the Ethiopian troops before its withdrawal.

US officials believe that some Somali-American could eventually return to attack, especially if they go on to Pakistan for advanced training. But some experts try to minimize such fears saying they go there to fight for homeland Somalia. Also they add that al Qaeda did not have strong organizational links to al Shabaab.

Minneapolis is the home to the largest Somali-American community. An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 live in the United States. Other Somali-American population centers include Seattle, San Diego, Atlanta and Columbus, Ohio.


1 Comment

  • mr watchabble
    mr watchabble

    Somali-Americans are under US security focus
    i agree with fbi to take this kind of step ,somalian get everything they want from food stamp to health care but they still dont appracite united states for doing that .i wish any somalian american involoved in fighting in somalia shouldn`t come back to u.s,they may lie to go to kenya but they enter somalia by car`s .

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