Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei arrests poachers

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 15, 2009 (BOR TOWN) — Four men have been arrested for illegally gunning down 10 wild animals in Jonglei park, officials said.

poachers_jonglei.jpgWildlife commanding officer Abraham Rech paraded the suspects with animals’ remains before reporters on Saturday in Bor Town, accusing them of accelerating extinction of reedbuck, buffalo and toupee Tiang. They denied any wrongdoing.

The men, whose leader was identified as Deng, were remanded to Bor prison awaiting trail at civil court. Deng claimed that his group found the animals dead in the forest “possibly killed by Murle.” The poaching took place at Bor Park in mar and Jalle Payams. Ten dead animals including seven tiang antelopes and three reedbucks were assembly for public view as the suspects appealed for mercy from the tough-speaking wildlife officials.

Massive wildlife populations survived Sudan’s civil war and indeed many species thrived. By one estimate based on aerial surveys conducted in 2007, there are 1.3 million white-eared kob, tiang antelope and Mongalla gazelle in Southern Sudan, plus 8,000 elephants. After viewing the populations, one US conservationist then remarked “This could represent the biggest migration of large mammals on earth.”

But according to Isaac Seme Solomon, a researcher on wildlife conservation, poaching has increased after the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. This, he said, has decreased the number of reedbucks from approximately 70,000 to 16,000.

Solomon recommended in a report seen by the Sudan Tribune that “the level of awareness, conservation education, and environmental education is very low and therefore, there is need to conduct workshops with the communities living inside and the park.”

He said that within some areas of the study including Gemeza and Mongalla in Central Equatoria, Baidit and Jalle in Jonglei State, “bush meat is a highly lucrative business.”

Jonglei State hosts Southern Sudan’s largest National Park, Boma. Boma wildlife training centre has been set up to address poaching to reduce extinction of rare animals only found in Jonglei State.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei arrests poachers
    See those junglese, they always like to refer their own problems to other people. What is the connection of murle to the death animals in junglese villages, and what is the other connection between Central Equatoria state to the lucrative of meat in jungle state. It is unhealthy to see that, you always deserve to share your own fault with others. Yesterday you talk about nuer and murle, today you are turning to CES and tomorrow WES. What is wrong with you lost and jungle community of dinkas? We have chickens, goats, sheep and many more sources of meat, so why should we intend to feed on innocent creatures, which are the few survivors from the SPLA/M war of protecting the dinkas from abuses.

    Let dinkas be one their own madness without connecting themselves to other people. Otherwise leave them to eat the world animals for their own survival, I think those criminals (poachers) in jungle state are nearly to starve to grave, this is why they are turning their eyes on innocent animals just to get some $$$ or pound and foods as well. Let them eat to survivor, because those who are in wealth places like Equatoria are feeding on leftover foods, and having no idea of being poachers, only their culture of stealing our crops is the only issues we are facing at the moment. Shame on junglese, please let those innocent animals surivive like how you have survived through the war. You coward, you where in Uganda, Kenya and etc, but for them, they survived from death because they have being living their lives in South Sudan and some were chased by LRA from their unique bush in WES and Congo border. But now they are on fire of jungle community. Eat your cows’ not innocent animals

  • Good lisner Daddy
    Good lisner Daddy

    Jonglei arrests poachers
    Hi everyone

    I wonder to hear Dinka Bor loving Murle name, is it because Murle funk them every-time or they are dark in mind?

    Even-though they killed their own animals they still call Murle name, then why they collected dead animals if they aren’t coward people?

    simple because they have idiot mind, where they do things after they realise is a mistake they have to run out from it which is foolish act and Murle will not torrent such idiot talk so try to change behaviour especial Thon Aleu and his criminal brothers.

    so I will comment that you need to sentence lives in prison because you kill the animals no doubt at all.

    Thank God bless Southerners

    Good Listener Daddy

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