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Sudan Tribune

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SSDF (Front) takes action against two of Its former members

South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) (Front)

South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) (Front) Political Bureau Takes Action Against Two Of Its Former Members

As of today 17 March 2009, the SSDF Political Bureau has taken an immediate action against two of its former executives, namely, Mr. Gordon Buay Reath and Mr. Anthony Joseph Balash who have been acting contrary to the principles and objectives of the party guidelines.

Mr. Gordon Buay defected and joined the SPLM/A when the party’s executive sent him to represent it in the South-South preparatorie Dialogue in Juba last June 2008. He spent more than three (3) months in Juba without any communications and briefings of the executive and the Chairman of the party. During his long stayed in Juba he was working to undermine, conspire and sought to disrupt the spirit de corps of the party.

Democratically, Mr. Bauy has the right to freely change a party and the right to join another party of his wishes. This would be his inalienable democratic right endowed him by his Creator and personal conscience. Nevertheless, Mr. Gordon Buay has no right whatsoever to infringe the rights of others.

In addition, changing of a party does not constitute burning all the bridges. There is no doubt that Mr. Buay has burnt to ashes all the bridges and relationships that he had established in Khartoum. For Pete’s sakes, he should have kept at least one bridge unburned for the future. For instance, Mr. Buay signed dubious and unauthorized alliance with Mr. Ezekiel Loll Gatkuoth, SPLM Representative in Washington, DC, on his own accord without the due process of the party’s leadership.

While Mr. Buay was staying in Khartoum, SSDF facilitated him to have met many responsible, authoritative and Very Important Persons (VIPs) in the government, academic, media and private sector of the economy that he could not have otherwise met in the first. He was admired and provided assistance he was in need in Khartoum that he visited for the first time in his life time.

On February 15, 2009, Mr. Bauy wrote an article not only criticizing me as the Chairman of the party on remarks I made in an interview that the SPLM is undemocratic, weak and corrupt government and ethnocentric (tribalist). There is no doubt that he offended many people, friends and associates that he was introduced to as a vivacious aspiring young person to inspire others for the future. In essence, the article did not make a dent but has been highly rebuttal and condemned by many, including colleagues in the SPLM. It was crocodile tears. Mr. Buay should have realized that the time has passed for political scapegoat but it is now the time for political Dialogue and sole searching amongst all Sudanese and South Sudanese in particular. SSDF will not be deterred by his article. We will function effectively without his presence. SSDF will work for unity, diversity and democratic change in Sudan and South Sudan in particular. The forthcoming elections in 2009 and then follows by referendum in 2011 will surely tell the world whether our message for change and democratization is heard or not. We are happy thus far with the reception we have got from our message for democratic change from many communities in Sudan and South Sudan in particular.

Currently, SSDF relations with the SPLM is jolly good and both parties are committed to work for the successful implementation of the CPA, national unity and the democratic transformation, fighting corruption, nepotism, favoritism and tribalism. We will criticize left and right any wrong doings being committed by the SPLM or any other Southern Sudan Political Parties. They will have the right to tell us what is going wrong in our camp. However, we urge and appeal to all parties’ leaders to cooperate with each other amicably as the way forward for the good of our country and people. We should be united because divided we fall. SSDF as a democratic party, its motto is “unity, diversity and democracy”. It is committed to democratic change, educational, socioeconomic and human development and strategic planning to build a prosperous Sudan and South Sudan in particular.

Of course, democracy hitherto allows constructive criticism rather than destructive criticism. Although it be may not the best system in the world there’s no other system to replace it. As political party representing diverse political aspirations or interests, we need to have a sound political communications and cooperation as civilized people with people, political leaders and political forces. Succinctly, SSDF knows that Mr. Bauy would not make any significant contribution to the SPLM success because we know dawn well his capabilities, abilities, performance and interests. He’s a consumer rather than producer. We have scrutinized the guy’s behavior, psychoanalyzed him well and concluded that he does not possess superb quality leadership.

Perhaps, one characteristics that Mr. Bauy possesses and which many could not agree with me more is that he (Mr.Buay) is pretty much higgledy-piggledy (mixed up), suffering from mental psychosis, psychosomatic, schizophrenic-B, self-conceded, introverted and psycho-pathological. Most importantly, he lacks savior-faire (social tact). We wish him all the best and prosperous future in his newly founded institution.

The SPLM is no strange to many southerners who are not members because we all have built it from the grassroots with our sweats and blood up to its split as an invincible force to be reckoned with. The problem was that internal contradictions and leadership cull de sac, systematic gross human rights abuses and its lack of democratization led to the split on 28th August 1991.These outstanding issues have not yet been resolved and remained intact to be the key emphasis that keeps off many Southerners to rejoin it up to this time. SSDF as a member of Sudan Political Parties and South Sudan in particular, does not have any quarrels and disagreements with the SPLM. However, any disagreements are based on the policy implementation of the CPA and the lack thereof of the divide.

The November 2008 South-South Dialogue have opened new gateways for dialogue, de-escalation of tensions or détente, sociopolitical communications, cooperation, power and wealth sharing with other nine (9) South Sudan Political Parties in which the SSDF is a de jure member of the pact. Prior to South-South Dialogue, it was imperatively impractical, if not impossible, to meet with the upper echelon of the SPLM leadership. Nowadays, we communicate, intermingle and talks to and with each other as leaders, friends, and brothers and of equals. This is a positive change.

Mr. Anthony Joseph Balash a self-proclaimed “Brigadier-General”, who represents a certain group in despite of dubious background, work experience and the lack thereof qualifications. His actions have been contrary to the spirit of the party and its functions. He wanted to make the party a military dictatorship or the Praetorian-Machiavellain-Darconian leadership style with some others. He’s the typical Napoleonic character. His objective is always “money, money and money” without work. SSDF does not have money. Mr. Balash has been sent to do party’s business in Juba and Wau but declined to do so, unfortunately. We facilitated his trips by air and hotel accommodations. Mr. Anthony Balash’s desires is money and more money that he would have to earn in an honest way like anyone and then lives likes a king or lifestyle that he wishes to have at the end. This is the art of business of money making in the civilized world. The simplest rule is that you have to earn it in an honest way.

The fact that Mr. Balash and others claims to be military, they should remain in the barracks in that profession until they are retired and then aspire for politics. According to Sudan’s Uniform Military Code of Justice (SUMCJ) that’s congruent with the International Uniform Military Code of Justice (IUMCJ) and the Civil Service Laws (CSL), no person or persons would be allowed to participate in politics. Mr. Balash and his colleagues who have been absorbed by Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) should not meddle or interfere in the realm of politics as long as they are in uniform. This is against Sudan’s military laws and the Constitution. If they did not know this rule, the Judge Advocate General would have to teach them this law. In accordance with political Parties Act 2007, Article 12 (2) Subject to provisions of Article 65 of the Constitution and notwithstanding the provisions or subsections (1) above, any person or persons hereunder shall not Constitute a Political Party, or become member thereof while occupying a position as:-

a member of the organized forces;
judges of the judiciary;
legal counsels of the Ministry of Justice;
high leadership posts of the civil service;
Diplomats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Based on the above, Mr. Balash and his military colleagues should keep out of politics as stipulated by laws of the Republic of Sudan. They would have only two choices to make either to be in the military or to resign their positions and then join politics. There is no middle of the road herein. Of course, the party knows the role of the military to provide security. Although the military and politics are inseparable, there is a grey area that both must not intersect. They should remain parallel.

As of 13 March 2009, the Political Bureau has ceased membership of the two and relieved them of any duties and responsibilities thereof pertinence to the South Sudan Democratic Front (Front). They cannot represent, publish, speak or utter anything concerning SSDF (Front). Failure to comply with such notice could subject them to the breach of the law and subject to litigation. Any contracts, business or dealings conducted agreement signed by anyone of the said individuals on behalf of the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) (Front), inter alia; usage of the SSDF letterhead and seal would be illegal and null and void.

Signed, Professor David de Chand,

Chairman, South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) (Front)

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