Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Fighting ends in Jonglei’s Pibor, death toll raises to 750 people

By Philip Thon Aleu

March 18, 2009 (BOR TOWN) – Pibor County commissioner Akot Mazi said fighting over cattle contest between his people and Lou-Nuer has ended with at least 453 Murle confirmed dead, 106 others missing and 20 wounded. An estimated 300 Lou-Nuer also persisted according to Public Security officer who visited the scene on Monday.

Akot Mazi Akidiu who was speaking over satellite phone from his deserted areas on Monday March 17 also added that 17 administrative units – locally called Bomas, are burnt to hash. 600, 000 cattle are stolen and 6,000 persons displaced, he claimed.

Fighting erupted in Murle areas of Lokuagule and Kwangor payams following retaliatory attacks from Lou-Nuer. The latter accused Murle tribesmen of January 2 to February 13, 2009 attacks in Urrol and Akobo Counties where up to 40 people were allegedly killed and over 50,000 cattle looted, officials say.

A Jonglei State team of security personals and UN agencies visited the embattled areas on Monday concurring that the clashes has ceased. Majur Awuou, a State information officer said bodies lie on ground and the places were empty.

Cattle forms socio-economic importance in Jonglei communities’ daily lives as well as thresholds for inter-tribal clashes since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was reached between South-North foes in 2005 that ended 21 years of civil war. Though tribal based conflicts have been tense, 700 people had not been killed in one case since 1991.

An effort made by Southern Sudan Government to disarm illegal arms owned since 2006 has been fruitless in halting tribal conflicts. Lou-Nuer, for example was disarmed in bloody 2006 campaigns but where the new arms used in recent clashes with Murle emerged is yet to be told, analystes say.


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