Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

CORRECTION: African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate

(Correct that Mr Salah Abdallah Gosh the head of Sudanese security and intelligence services did not attend the meeting)

March 18, 2009 (ADDIS ABABA) — The African Union (AU) today inaugurated a high level panel to look into accountability issues relating to the six year conflict in the Darfur western region of Sudan.

South African President Thabo Mbeki (AFP)
South African President Thabo Mbeki (AFP)
The panel headed by former South African president Thabo Mbeki met in the Ethiopian capital with the presence of several notable African figures including Burundi’s former leader Pierre Buyoya and Nigeria’s General Abu-Salam Abu-Bakr.

The opening ceremony was attended by diverse members of the diplomatic community in Addis Ababa including the Sudanese ambassador. The sessions of the meeting were attended only by the panel members, the experts, resource persons, and UNAMID and JMST staff.

The panel’s inauguration comes two weeks after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir on seven counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, which include murder, rape and torture.

The AU criticized the warrant and urged the UN Security Council (UNSC) to invoke Article 16 of the ICC Statute that allows the council to suspend Bashir’s indictment for a period of twelve-months that can be renewed indefinitely.

However Western members of the council rejected any move to halt ICC proceedings despite visits last month by Arab and AU delegations.

The AU acting chairperson Elizabeth Tankeu accused the international community and the UNSC of lacking appropriate understanding on issues concerning Darfur and demonstrated ignorance about the ongoing peace process.

“The international community should have a better understanding the situation on the ground, which may help in seeking appropriate solutions” she said.

Mbeki told the gathering, which included representatives of the five permanent Security Council members, that the AU Charter claims primary authority over African peace and security issues.

“The African Union has taken the clear and unequivocal decision the continent must act not only to end war and violent conflict in Africa, but also to ensure that where war does anyway break out, all belligerents must know that war crimes, crimes against humanity and other abuses will be punished resolutely, and that a culture of impunity will not be permitted to take root and entrench itself” Mbeki said.

The South African leader has been one the main backers of Bashir following the announcement by the ICC prosecutor last July that he presented a case against Bashir to the judges.

It is not clear what the mandate of Mbeki’s panel would be or whether it would be conducting any investigative activities. The AU February summit said the panel would look into to reconcile the need for accountability in Darfur with opposition to calls for Sudan’s president to be prosecuted.

“I have written to President Mbeki to ask him to chair a high level panel to submit recommendations on how best to reconcile the fight against impunity (in Darfur) while also dealing with reconciliation and forgiveness” the AU Chairman Jean Ping said last month.

The deputy Sudanese ambassador to Ethiopia Akoy Bona Malwal told reporters at the time that if the panel is not satisfied with the performance of Sudanese court then a hybrid court could be setup to conduct trials.

But a few days later the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) official Mandoor Al-Mahdi said that Khartoum will not accept any foreign judges taking part in national proceedings.

Other Sudanese officials have suggested that the panel would observe local judicial proceedings.

The Sudanese Ambassador at the AU Mohi El-Deen said his government believes the panel would “do everything good for Africa and for Sudan without any interference from outsiders”.

The panel is to submit a report on its findings to the AU summit next July.

In 2004 the UNSC formed a UN commission of inquiry to look into Darfur abuses headed by former President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Italian Antonio Cassese.

The commission concluded that the government did not pursue a policy of genocide in the Darfur region but that Khartoum and government-sponsored Arab militias known as the Janjaweed engaged in “widespread and systematic” abuse that may constitute crimes against humanity.

They further said that Sudanese judiciary is “is unable or unwilling” to prosecute those crimes and thus recommended referring the situation to the ICC.

The UNSC issued resolution 1593 under chapter VII in March 2005 referring the situation in Darfur to the ICC. At the time Tanzania and Benin voted in support of the resolution while Algeria abstained.



  • buokdeng

    African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate
    Mr. Mbeki, please retire with dignity. The people of Darfur are dying and your efforts are encouraging Bashir to do his killing with impunity. You are always wrong with your decisions. You denied the existence of HIV/AIDS in South Africa and that caused deaths because you denied them needed medical help. You are doing the same thing for Sudan.
    How many people must die before you stop this delusional thinking?

  • Garang

    African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate
    Dear mr. Mbeki,

    I believe that you have seen the kind of leadership and role played by your predesecor Nelson Mandella ever since he came to power. for over his entire struggle, he did not hesitate for fredom to come free, but he struggle regardless of outcome. i believe you took after his high profile leadership that is globally acknowledge and shall still remain as an icon in african history. what i want you to know here mr Mbeki is that whenever there is a fire outbreak, we dont wait for it to diminish but we extinguish it. in parallel to current situation in darfur, i believe that the only suitable step measure that will solve the problem here in Darfur and South sudan is to get rid of the fire, which was started by Al bashir’s Goverment. we cant wait for even a single day for us to extinguish this fire, but if ICC volunteers to extingiush it for us than that is greate. i expect high profile leaders like you to support the icc decission regardless of it impact.

    so please revised your decision again and act like a hero.

  • Kuanlualthoun

    African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate
    African Union must be firm in her decision!! we fade up with westerner interferences in our African affairs!! Why are we allowing them to treat our continent like third class, why are they are still behaving like our masters or colonizers while we are independent? why are they always dictating us about how to deal with problems in our continent while we never do the same to them!!!

    It is time to tell those evills to stop interfering into our internal affairs! let us try to resolve our differences in our home by ourselves !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let them take their dirty hands off our black continent!!

    Africa Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Klashenkov

    African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate
    Russia support the Africa union effort to solve the Sudan crises. ICC let it back down and give a peace chance.

  • Brightstar

    CORRECTION: African Union kicks off Darfur panel with vague mandate
    To who ever critized African leaders on supporting Al Bashir against ICC arrest warrant is a fool and don’t really know what is behind Bashir Arrest. You guys need to think twice and reason like human being before you through your dirty and meanless trash words to your leaders. Where in the world is the law impose to one race of people or one continent. How many people out there committing the same crime aganst humanity and are not indicted for their crime. Major example are Iraq,recent Gaza attack, Afganstant and many more elsewhere. have you guys heard about indictments to those leaders who commited crime in those part of the world?… who is comitting crime against humanity. somebody invading other countries and killing innocent people. and somebody with his country affairs.

    Ask yourself the following question and answer them yourself before you response to my personal view to ICC and Darfur war crime.

    1- Darfur war erupted in 2003 between rebels and sudan government. what cause the war and who started it?

    2- What is the main vision of Darfur rebels.

    3- How many Darfur rebels faction currently out there in the field and who is killing who?

    4- what is the population of Darfur compare to 250,000.death population and 2.5 millions displace population? and additional popuplation at villages and towns all over Sudan.

    5- who is suporting Darfur rebels millitarly and financialy and why?

    6- Dose Darfur rebels co operate and comitted to peace and the government don’t?

    7- Why do we rely on international community and mistrust ourselves?

    General Sudan questions.

    1- Is CPA going to collapsed when Bashir is arrested? if yes.think about it.and if no… explain.

    2- who is going to be our president when Bashir is arrested?

    3-Do you think Sudan is going to be peacefull when bashir is arrested? how and why? Explain.

    4-what dose suspend Bashir’s indictment for a period of twelve-months that can be renewed indefinitely mean to people of Sudan?

    The arthur is a Southern Sudanese.

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