Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba

By James Gatdet Dak

March 20, 2009 (JUBA) — A group of unknown gun men attacked Murle traders near Juba town, killing one and critically wounding three others, according to the Chairperson of Murle Traders, Kuju Mazi.

The cattle traders who arrived four days ago at Gumbo area, about 3 kilometers away from Juba town center, were attacked at night where they camped with their cattle which they brought from Pibor County of Jonglei state.

Kuju said about 350 heads of cattle were also looted by the attackers. The two wounded are admitted in Juba hospital.

Kuju suspected some citizens from Jonglei state to have carried out the attack. He wondered why the SPLA forces nearby plus other organized forces could not come to their rescue or pursue the attackers until they are arrested.

Kuju added that the Murle traders have reported the case to the police headquarters in Juba town.



  • Mimama

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    Thanks to attackers,

    Murle need to be taught more than enough lesson.
    I urge the Jonglei tribes to continue the tough attack on murle to learn how bad a nagging neighbourhood is.
    They must be attacked on every corner to let them know that the Jonglei people are not happy with them.
    Teach them to follow a good neighbourhood.
    They must be attacked by all Jonglei people because they have no friends in Jonglei.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    This are the junglese who did the attack. None of Equatoria have ever been harmful to anyone in South, if Equatorians where mad like the junglese, I think that they could have made a revenge to the abducted childrens who where released during the visit of Riek to Murle villages. This lost and jungle tribe of dinkas is one of the worse tribe ever in this world, they are mad, barbaric and absolutely dangerous to anyone including themsleves. They are just like wild animals who act rude to each other. It is because of their visionless government which made them to act like superior, but oneday at a single time you will see dinkas/junglese ranning nake from Equatoria to bor.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba

    Caution! They should not bring the fight near to the peaceful PEOPLE, let them kill themselves far away.

  • Gatwech

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    Dinka attacked the Murle traders,

    I heard this on UN radio in Malakal. The Murle chairman of traders said plainly that he suspected Dinka criminals for the cowardic attack on the Murle near Juba town. He said the Dinka are used to attacking few Murle traders in darkness during the night. He said this is the habit of Dinka because they feared to attack during the day or in the warfield. These are barbaric coward murderers, Kuju Mazi said that. Unless you guys did not listen to his interview over Miraya FM radio yesterday. May be he did not tell the reporter that, but he said it for all to hear in South Sudan over that radio. So, it is clear that the Dinka are known for starving people at the back at night and cannot afford to face during the day time. Thanks to Murle for studying the Dinka well. The Nuer would face you in day light.

    As for the so-called newsudanvision website, you could tell that it is a clannish website of bor. You will find all those with crooked teeth, gloomy ugly faces and rough faces with long lines pointing up like the horns of wild deers, some like gazelles. All those marks on their ugly faces, crooked teeth and gloomy faces are bor dinka. They have lost their credibility as professional journalists and compromised their neutrality. They lie every time they put news on their defunct new sudan website, quoting always the unkown so-called security officer which name will never appear. These are cooked lies by determined liars who know nothing about ethics in journalism.

    What they don’t know is that fabricating so-called surrounder of Lou-Nuer fighters will never work. Nuer in general do not entertain to surrender unlike the dinka who always quickly surrender to attacks. How come the Nuer destroyed 17 administrative headers, took more than half a million cattle, killed 453, captured 106 and then can be said to have surrendered at the same time with out a source telling the truth. Even the so-called three hundred killed is just a guess of the so-called nameless public security officer. The Nuer count their loss ones after war, section by section, family by family. So, where did those come from?

    For the one who ones to call Nuer tribe as Dinka-Nuer, that is good for you. We don’t have any problem with the Nuer having the Dinka as its son. Dinka-Nuer, would be like Lou-Nuer, Jikany-Nuer, Bul-Nuer, Jagei-Nuer, etc., etc. So, the Nuer would be like the father to the Dinka as it is the father to the rest of Nuer major sub-tribes. There is a difference between Riek-Machar and Machar-Riek in that order. So, Machar is the father of Riek, but not Riek the father of Machar. First name is always the son or daughter and the second name is the father. Those Dinkas the Nuer called Dinka-Nuer are those Dinka clans who have been acculturated into the Nuer culture by adopting the Nuer cultures and their marks like the Dinka Ngok and Agaar like those of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Paul Mayom Akech. When I saw him in Malakal I thought he was from Nuer because of Nuer six lines on his forehead. But I was told by a friend of mine that he is a Dinka of Rumbek, but his clan has adopted Nuer marks. Wou! Welcome guys, this is the beginning of a long history of acculturating Dinka from their being called Dinka to being called Dinka-Nuer (Dinka of Nuer). Common my greedy sons, let us tame you and become Nuer. Wow, I will love the future generation!

  • Makeer

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    With my little spare time, I want to remind you with this;

    They said and I paraphrased that a dog, a monkey or an idiot could obtained certificates, diplomas, degrees and the likes, and will remain a dog, the monkey or an idiot.

    What do we gain from uncalled-for name calling skirmishes? Non…

    You there! Read and you won’t see our differences.

    Think big and silence will be placebo on trivial matters.

  • lojur lokiden
    lojur lokiden

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    I wonder how negative our people are! People who can read and write are not suppose to behave like morons or animals who lack other sense to qualify them into being called human. I cant imagine fellow southerners to use their writing abilities to promote Tribalism through websites like this(Sudan tribune)South Sudan is a FUCKED UP country. This is because of these useless raid among Dinka&Dinka, Dinka&Murle, Murle&Nuer and many others! Where are we heading? Where on earth are these shameful things happening? Only in SS. When shall we learn to live together in Harmony like what other countries are doing? When shall our leaders(even the president) stop thinking like we are still in the beginning centuries? We are the worst country on earth. Are we cursed???? What do we benefit from such killings? Those innocent blood rest on the killers and our beloved land is watching!
    These lines were written by deep sorrow!

  • J.James

    One killed, two injured during attack on Murle cattle traders near Juba
    Read the facts here:

    A. The relief were taken to help both IDPs and Lou Nuer POWs

    B. Murle traders were attacked by Dinka Bor cattle keepers who were chased by Equatorians at Nimule, matter of fact it is undisputable case.

    C. Anyone should not worry about Murle because they are men enough to teach any body a lession he deserves.

    D. Murle have power to face all those communities at onces.

    E. If kiir tries to neglect Murle Nuer fight, he will still have time to pay full attention later.

    F. The War between Lou Nuer and Murle will finish and they will still come together to face the worse enemy of all time.

    G. Murle and Nuer must be wise enough.

    Lour Nuer and Murle war was orchastrated by Dinka Bor

    Please read it and digest.

    God bless

    The writer is cattle keeper in Murle villages.

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