Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Egypt to send 40 doctors to Darfur

March 26, 2009 (CAIRO) — Egypt will send 40 doctors to the western Sudan region to fill the gap resulted of the expulsion of 13 aid groups working there, the Egyptian foreign ministry said today.

The announcement comes one day after a visit by the Sudanese President Omer Al-Bashir to Cairo where he discussed with President Hosni Mubarak the humanitarian crisis and efforts to bring peace in Darfur as well as the arrest warrant issued against him by the ICC.

Abdel-Rahman Shahin, a spokesperson of the Egyptian foreign ministry said in a press statement released Thursday that his ministry will bear the total cost of the humanitarian operation estimated at $340,000 for six months.

Speaking to the media yesterday the Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said the two head of states tackled the humanitarian crisis after the expulsion of some NGOs from Darfur and pledged that Egypt would contribute to bridge the gap in this regard.

Shahin said that the ministries of health, foreign affairs and defense are coordinating together to transport the doctors to Darfur.

Sudanese authorities ordered out 13 foreign aid groups working in Darfur since several years saying they were cooperating with the ICC on Darfur crimes.

According to a joint report issued by the UN and the Sudan, the parties can fill the gap in three areas, water, food and shelter till the end of April.

However, other sectors like hygiene and sanitation, nutrition and full health care are terribly affected by the eviction of the aid groups, the report says.


1 Comment

  • Aduol Liet
    Aduol Liet

    Egypt to send 40 doctors to Darfur
    MR,Hosni Mubarak you are so stupit leader what you did is very interesting question about your agendas in the Sudan why not sending these 40 dictors in two years ago. It is clear now Egyptian president has hidden somethings unknown if this is the result of expulison foreigners who have been helpful to Darfurian Refugees since the beginning of this conflict in three years ago. The question I have so far is this, where were these 40 doctors in all these time MR, Honsi Mubarak? Was that conncection made by Egypt president hurt Egyptina Business or help? Will the relationship between Western nations and Egypti be different from now? Does Egyptian leader want to repeating what they did at the time of British? Bashir some one who strongly abusing Western nations for many times and I do not know who is not understand this deal Arab want rushing to do I mean, Darfurian people have been suffering for all these but I never hear 40 dictors went there to help Darfur Refugee. Well it is up to U.N and Darfuri Rebels to decide if 13 foreigers workers have been expulsion so that, Egyptian leader will fill that gap instead of telling Omar al Bashir that, you know this is a dangerous things to expelling these 13 U.N humanitarian workers in Sudan then he invite Omar al Bashir to his country and then just made talks illigal with a killer Omar al Bashir okay, we will sse the future of Omar al Bashir in the Sudan and of course the world as a whole.

    By Aduol Liet.

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