Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Arab stance on Darfur crimes

By Izzadine Abdul Rasoul

March 31, 2009 — Despites we believe that all humans are equal regardless of their color, race or any other unique features that distinguish them from others. However I was very astonished to listen to the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa rejecting to admit that the Arab countries are behaving double standard regarding the crimes committed in Darfur and Arab Israeli conflict.

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa when asked by reporter why they want the international court to investigate Gaza crimes and not Darfur, Moussa said the two situations are different.” What is happening in Darfur is a semi-civil war and its responsibility is shared by many parties” the Arab League Secretary General said. He further added that the arrest warrant by the ICC is against a sitting president but what is occurring in Palestinian as a military occupation responsible for all that is committed on the ground. Sir Moussa by your statement you are giving legitimacy to those sitting on power to kill their own people as long as they are on power. Second what is the different between death that is caused by civil war and that of the invasion as you like? Is there death more serious than other death?

Las January the Palestinian authority has deposited its acceptance of the ICC jurisdiction to allow the court to investigate in Gaza. The Palestinian justice minister Ali Kashan who met with the ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno- Al-Jazeera that the prosecutor was very welcoming. So Mr. Moussa why this is lawful to you and unlawful for people of Darfur?

Fifty years back since the independent of Sudan up date the Egyptians continue to believe that Sudan is still their colony and treat Sudan accordingly. Any Sudanese man or a woman who studied there must have been asked by the Egyptian university colleagues; isn’t President Mubarak the President of Sudan? This is on the level of the intellectual up today. Reading all written articles or published books on Sudan by Egyptian media houses are much contains paternal superiority expressions than just writing about the independent neighboring country that shares boarders and has bilateral relation with them.

Unfortunately; the Egyptian are not able to learn from the history that Sudanese are still uneducated fools. However; as Plato said, “You will never re-enter in the water twice”; I assure to the Egyptian that the military coupe they used to create to secure the Egyptian interests in Sudan will never avail again. Every Sudanese man or a woman knows that when the agreement of high dam of Egypt was to be signed between Sudan coalition government led by Prime Minister Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub and Egypt government the Sudanese Government at that time asked for one hundred million US Dollars compensation Egypt for Sudanese people in Wadi Halfa in addition obligated the Egyptian to agree to pay some small amount of money for extra water that follows to Egypt. The Egyptians thought to purported coup d’etat and they brought a person to accept their offer. Our doll former President Ibrahim Aboud who was created by the Egyptians accepted 13 millions Dollars instead and millions of our brothers Nubians brothers were stranded between Egypt and north Sudan up to date. Wake up Sudan, all what I am writing are documented by the Egyptians themselves; please read for the Egyptian scholar, thinker and publisher for more than 120 books Abdelrahman Badawi attacking Abdel Nasir on Sudan he wrote, “Egypt giving up Sudan is a great treason because Sudan is a property of Egyptian”. For further readings read George Trabishi on Hartagat 2 page 178.

I would like here just to remind Sudanese politicians to read the note book published on occasion of passing one hundred years for establishment of Al Ahram Newspaper. The Egyptian after the well known Toshky bottle in 1898 wrote in their media at that time describing Sudanese as slaves fighting their masters they added that its doesn’t count how many slaves were killed but how many Egyptian slave master killed by the slaves.

The unpalatable fact I would like to tell to our Arab friends is that they should know that; all past policies of Sudan towards Arab countries were individual behaviors of north rulers who behaved unilaterally on the future of Sudan. But we believe that the time has come for the participation of all Sudanese to decide the future of their country. It’s up to them in near future to decide whether Sudan would remain in Arab league or African Union or out of the both, to be neutral country and friend of anybody who is good hearted and loves humanity.

As Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan said in a statement last week that the Arab League has been at the forefront of calling for international justice in the recent Gaza conflict makes it all the more incomprehensible that it should now actively assist President al-Bashir in his efforts to escape justice. The Sudan nationalist should carefully follow up the behaviors of the Arab countries toward Sudan and this is simply because we are the victims of the bad policies of the past leaders. Our leaders ignored our domestic problems and turned to indorse the problems of other peoples while children at home are desperately in need of such care.

Since the beginning of Darfur crisis the position of the Arabs was and still very shameful. Not only that but they started lobbying against the poor Darfuris on their media including their top leaders who once stated that people of Darfur found the free food and medial care in the camps therefore they are reluctant to go back to their poor villages. The leader spoke provocatively as if people of Darfur are in picnic.

The Sudanese proverb says: “The son of monkey in the eyes of his mother is a deer”. As long as yours are dear to you Mr. General Secretary somebody else child who is weak dirty, back and ugly according to you is also dear to him. The Arabs should apply the same standard of crimes committed in Sudan as those they are demanding for war crimes and other serious violations of international law committed during the recent conflict in Gaza. Both are accusation; and every individual is innocent until the opposite is approved, so why not to apply justice for all or the Arab children in the eyes of God are more important the black African children in Darfur?

The Arabs should know the fact that we; people of Darfur were raised up to love and respect all humans regardless of their differences but this time we would never love a person who is working against to eliminate us on the surface of our God inherited land. Also they should not generalize that all Sudanese are Arab as they write on their media. Sudan is multi cultural society that has 500 tribes where Arabs are one part of these tribes.

My last word is again directed to folk Sudanese who are blinded to know who they are. We have been deluded for fifty years that we are not blacks; therefore; we kept on hating everything that is black even our own sons and daughters. And I have good examples from our daily behaviors like calling a child in the family who is darker than others as slave. also when we describe a person we avoid to use the word black instead we use green. All my life since I was a child up recent time one was confused to distinguish between the two colors green and black.

On this regard one day I attended a meeting with group of young people in Khartoum; and in the break one of the persons was speaking loudly ill about poverty in African countries. He said, “African have inferiority complex. That is why they would never be developed”. I asked the audience who were from the two sexes; honestly if you are opted to choose a wife or a husband between two covered individuals and you are told that one is most beautiful or handsome black and the second in also the same but white; which one would you choose? The most preferred the white color. This was because long a go we had no identity to be proud of it. Anything we have is from the Arab world therefore we were not able to produce our own to be proud of it, even the TV programs for us and our children are imported from there.

All the wars raged in Sudan are because of self denial, looking to be some people else where we could never be conformed as they are. The proverb says, “Be yourself and you will see the life in its right perspective”. God bless Sudan; Amen.

The author is the Managing Editor of Citizen Newspaper – Sudan. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Ambago

    Arab stance on Darfur crimes
    The situation at hand in Darfur gives every black African Sudanese an opportunity to revisit the history books.

    The legendary leader from the Nuba Mountains late Cdr. Yusif Kuwa Mekki, once said that, “some years back if you called me a black man, I would have fought you. A Nuba to me meant the other tribes around us, but now I have come to accept being a Nuba and a black man and I will give it my life.”

    As for our brothers the Darfuris, as the author of the above article puts it, Darfuris were preferably called the green people and not black. Though the colour green is the preferred word to black in describing people of black African origin in northern Sudan, to me a south Sudanese, I strongly believe that green stands for raw and unripe person. And as a fruit ripens it either becomes black, red or yellow or the something in between all these.

    If all the green people of African origin in the Sudan are become black, then this means a real political consciousness is taking place in the Sudan and at a large scale.

    The people of Darfur are not the first to find themselves in such a confused state of identity understandably perpetuated by the wrong perception of the Islamic faith which in principle calls for equality among all people but in practise it is no different from any other religion or human ideology where a black man for centuries have been discriminated against.

    Al Bashir and Ghadafi of Libya have both called the Darfur crisis as an Israeli making, and as such the Arab League has chosen to stand by al Bashir in his war against the people of Darfur. At this juncture, the people of Darfur are left with no choice but to fight Khartoum and its racist Arab allies.

    Doha is now gone, Addis Ababa will come and go, and the real options left for the Darfuris would be Washington and Tel Aviv.

    By Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba
    United Kingdom.

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Arab stance on Darfur crimes
    The current democracy system in Nigeria is a make of very few components of which Ken Saro Wiwa was a heavy weight cmponent.

    Though Saro Wiwa lost his life in the hand of Sani Abusha military regime, he remains a freedom symbolistic and history will carry his name on, and on for centuaries and many generations will adore him.

    Dear readers, I am pleased that, at least there is a new Ken Saro Wiwa in Sudan Mr. izzadine Abdul Rasoul who braverly challenged Arab League’s Chief with his own impetus ideas.

    Amro Mousa is drunken by Pan Arabism spirit and that’s what and why he is there for. He is there to support, Assist, stand by Arab sides an advocate roles as it is obvious and I believe some of what I have mentioned are icluded in his position’s description. However, Darurians should not expect anything good out of Arab League summit nor from its chief and therefore, should not be surprised.

    What you have just done Mr Izzadine, is the right thing to do, educate Sudanese, Darfurians Movements and empower them just like Mr Wiwa and your work will bear fruits of hope and strenght to your people.

    Do not rely on others, “your hand takes are just like your calf cows from your own Ox” [Chol Muong]

    I know you don’t need advices as your article has demonstrated. I wish you all the best Mr Izzadine.


  • Mr. Moto Moto
    Mr. Moto Moto

    Arab stance on Darfur crimes
    It is a historic fact that Darfur was a proud and thriving kingdom before the British invaded and dismantle it. It is a shame that since independence of Sudan, the Darfuri leadership that came up sold out did nothing to prevent systematic abuse and some even assisted the arabs in perpetrating crime against their very own kinsmen. I feel encouraged by man like Izzadine who are taking the challenge and risks of redressing the years of abuse and neglect of the people of Darfur in particular and highlight the general injustice in Sudan in particular. Good luck pal in your endeavours, You can count on my support.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Arab stance on Darfur crimes
    Good stand Mr. Izzadine Abdul Rasoul for challenging the folks who pretends themselves as the rulers of Sudan.
    Let them know their mistakes committed all this time, to remind all the Sudanese that there is time for everything including the accountability to justice for whatever you might have done during your reign in power.

    We the marginalize people of Sudan will never be liberated till we grabbed the bul by the horns like SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum and Citizen Managing Director Izzadine Abdul Rasoul. These people don’t care of what might befelt them but proceed forwards with what they have seen uncomfortable to the population of the marginalize communities. Fame is not achieved through silence but on the scene of struggling as you did through articles, rallies and conventions to put across the wrongs done by the other side without fear.

  • Baher

    Arab stance on Darfur crimes
    This is a good stuff Mr Abdelrasul,As if you read other minds,your writing echos the feelings of Dafuris.
    Well done.
    Baher Arabie

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