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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UPF denounces students’ harassment in Sudan’s universities

Statement from the United People’s Front (UPF) Regarding Targeting of Students in Universities.

Freedom – Justice – Peace – Democracy.

The entire Sudanese Masses:

While the United People’s Front ( UPF ) ardently supporting, calling and working to achieve its vision which is parallel to the vision of the Sudan Liberation Movement (led by Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur) that calls for secular, liberal, democratic and united Sudan that all Sudanese would adhere with pride. While the UPF functions as abroad and vocal student’s revolutionary front aims to achieve its vision by calling for the elimination of all forms of oppression including, injustice and the ethnicity, religious and cultural discrimination that inflicted upon the Sudanese people by Sudanese traditional political Salafi . We believe that such social sickness of injustice can only be removed through a comprehensive ideological popular revolution, by overthrowing the current failures state to the point of no return, in order to attain the desired political, social and economic progress that the Sudanese masses are yearning for long.

The undeniable sad truth is that the Sudanese state since the independent in 1956 continued to suffer from all kind of man-made crises. the entire Sudanese regimes failed drastically through the history of the country to address the root causes of the real problems which embodies on equal citizenship rights, uneven development and discrimination.

Accordingly such ill-advised policies caused the outbreak of revolutions in the South Sudan, Blue Nile, Nuba Mountain, Eastern Sudan and lastly Darfur.

Our Masses:

Following attentively the developments of events in Sudan since the coup d’état of 1989 that brought the Government of the National Islamic Front to power, wars are expensively waged out across the country by the arrogant military dictatorship regime by dreaming to turn Sudan into biggest Islamist fundamentalist bastion in Africa and the Arab world and spread revolution of the Jihad across Muslim Lands and beyond in partnership with Iran.

The regime to reach its goals blinded to the extend that it has committed every kind of human rights violations, with wide spread torture of prisoners of conscience in what so called “ ghost houses ” that includes summary executions, disappearances of individuals and child slave trade, since then until it reached its climax to cover Darfur where millions of Darfur namely Fur, Zaghawa and Masalite were ethnically cleansed until today where most, if not all of our people in Darfur are left destitute in the concentrated camps facing inevitable death.

When the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) issued an arrest warrant against El Basher, on March 4 the National Congress party reacted with expelling the International Humanitarian Organizations working in Darfur in a baseless claims of supporting the ICC. The regime furthermore threatened to liquidate and cut to pieces every individual dared to support the ICC.

However, the expelling of the humanitarian organizations was in fact smokescreen, and prove beyond slightest doubt that the fundamentalist regime is adamant to continue the genocide in Darfur.

Our vigilant Sudanese masses:

The Sudanese Universities that gained their hardly won reputation as the only place in which one can acquire knowledge and foster dialogue between the political forces through the student groups forums; the National Congress Party that totally lost its political compass before and after Al-Bashirs’ warrant of arrest has entered the Sudanese Universities using its security apparatus and heavy armed militias as futile attempts to silence the ever growing voice of students who called Al- Bashir to handover himself to the ICC and clear his name from the charges.

Without slightest shame the NCP after Bashir indictment continues to attacked students of the United People’s Front in all universities; the latest was on Thursday 19 Marsh 2009 at Khartoum University where some students were beaten and detained without charges. All these harassments happen with the supports of the appointed administration of these universities.

Accordingly the United People’s Front would like to explain the following:

1- There will be no negotiations with Khartoum totalitarian radical fundamental regime that has committed and still committing crimes against the Sudanese innocent people. Furthermore; we will do everything in our capacity to oust this regime and form transitional coalition government from Sudanese political forces that believe in democracy, equal citizenship rights and unambiguous separations of religions from the state and be chaired by the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army.

2- We believe that any perpetrator who has committed crimes against the innocent civilians should hand over himself or herself to the justice including Al-Bashir.

3- All humanitarian NGOs should be allowed to do their work freely all over the country without any restrictions or the Khartoum regimes will bear all consequences.

4- The attacks for the students at universities will not cow our determination to foster our visions but would rather strengthen the will towards our liberation goals.

5- We would like to remind all and sundry the administrations of Sudanese universities that the universities are intended to separate knowledge and encourage dialogue through respect and listening views and counter views without allowing the regimes’ human beasts to attack students in a broad day light and blessed by the administrations. Thus is the absolute tyranny.

Issued by:

United Peoples’ Front.

The Central Assembly of the Students

29/Marsh 2009

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