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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 13

Humanitarian Action in Darfur Weekly Bulletin No. 13

02 April 2009

Key overall developments

? UN agencies and remaining NGOs are still grappling with the impact of the 13 expelled INGOs and the three dissolved national NGOs, and are trying to bridge the gap their departure has left. WFP’s one-off food distribution is ongoing to beneficiaries in areas formerly covered by the expelled NGOs. Working with local Food Relief Committees and local staff hired from the expelled NGOs, WFP has been able to reach beneficiaries in almost all locations, albeit at an ad hoc manner which is neither accountable nor comprehensive. The one-off distribution will conclude in early April and discussions are ongoing on how to meet beneficiary food needs as of May onwards. Meanwhile, in Kalma camp, IDPs are demonstrating against the Government’s expulsion of the NGOs and refusing all assistance including food. WFP continues to maintain food stocks in the camp ready for distribution while UN efforts are ongoing to break the deadlock.

? As Non-Food Items (NFI) and Emergency Shelter (ES) Sector Lead, UNJLC is currently consolidating Sector activities and implementing emergency operational modalities in Darfur so that distributions of non-food items and emergency shelter can be resumed as quickly as possible following the cessation of 13 INGOs and three NNGOs in Sudan.

? Transport and logistics activities of the NFI & ES Sector have been especially impacted by the departure of CARE and the seizure of the NFI Common Pipeline warehouses previously managed by them. On 19 March, HAC handed over the keys of the Common Pipeline warehouses in South Darfur to UNJLC. HAC Khartoum has again confirmed that the warehouses in North and West Darfur will be handed over to UNJLC shortly. As overall manager of the NFI Common Pipeline, UNJLC is currently investigating alternative transport providers to replace NFI Common Pipeline transport services previously implemented by CARE.



North Darfur

? In coordination with UNICEF, the State Ministry of Education provided classroom materials, recreational items and chalk boards to rural schools in El Lait, benefiting 300 school children.

South Darfur

? Training of 24 teachers from the following villages: Umzaifa, Daganure, Dabaka, Khalid Ben Walid and Ali Ben Talib in Edd al Fursan was facilitated by World Vision (WV).

? Members of five Parent Teacher Associations were trained by WV on children’s rights and other issues related to education.

? Adult literacy classes for 643 women were conducted by WV and 100 were trained on how to construct fuel-efficient stoves.

? 13 schools were visited by WV to discuss wide-ranging education issues as the 2008-2009 academic year draws to a close.


North Darfur

? During the week, WFP and its partner, Sudanese Red Crescent, distributed food rations to 40,313 newly displaced people’s arrivals in Zam Zam IDP camp. This is the fifth food distribution to new arrivals displaced by fighting in Muhajariya in January.

? Two-month food distributions were also completed to beneficiaries in Shangil Tobayi and Shadad IDP camps formerly covered by ACF.

? WFP’s operational planning for the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP), expected to start in April, continued during the week with community sensitisation activities and under-five screening exercises in Tawilla, Fata Borno, Zam Zam and Serif Bin Hussein locations.

? The Child-Friendly Community Initiative, supported by UNICEF, undertook a week-long training programme on food processing for 43 women from Garni, Lawabid and Sani Karawo communities.

South Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Two-month food distributions to beneficiaries in areas formerly covered by the expelled NGOs are ongoing. Distributions were completed in Muhajariya, which had initially been inaccessible due to earlier conflict in the area.

Other programmes

? 200 young people graduated from a skills development programme run by CDF with UNICEF support, in Beleil, Hilat Hawsa, Dereig and Sereif IDP camps. Skills covered by the programme included construction, handcrafts, sewing and food processing.

? During the week, WFP conducted a training of trainers on Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) implementation, involving 34 participants from NGO partners. The training focused on objectives of BSFP, the BSFP ration (corn-soya blend, dried skimmed milk, sugar and vegetable oil), and key messages for the caregivers.

? BSFP registration of children under-five took place El Neem, Khor Omer, Al Matariq, and El Firdos camps, as well as in Seleah and Yassin. As part of preparations for BSFP sensitisation in Ed Daein, 2,000 IEC materials were disseminated by partners.

? Monthly food rations were distributed by WV in the following displacement camps and settlements for war-affected people: Al Salaam, Duma/ Adwa, Mershing, Khorabashi and Kurumji. Aside from Kalma, the distribution of monthly rations for March was completed in all operational areas, thus benefiting more than 200,000 people.

? 95 women in Edd al Fursan locality were trained by WV on cheese making, fodder cultivation and animal husbandry. Also WV trained 45 women in Rehaid al Birdi locality on vegetable cultivation and 53 women on how to make fertilisers. WV also conducted the following series of training sessions in Mershing: seed treatment training for ten volunteer leader farmers (VLF); disease control training for 35 farmers – 27 men and eight women; poultry production training for 50 women.

? 25 farmers were identified to be involved in the establishment of farm nurseries in Ganateer, Grou, Umjanah, Selalow and Norli. WV selected 45 women to benefit from a vegetable garden to be established in Mershing.

? The ploughing of a vegetable farm and establishment of 52 plots for the cultivation of seedlings were supported to 40 women in Edd al Fursan. Papaya seeds were planted in five of the plots.

? Carrot and tomato seeds and fertiliser were distributed to 53 women in Rehaid al Birdi.

? Extension visits to fodder farms in five locations in Rehaid al Birdi. All the visited farmers had started harvesting and selling fodder.

? 6,960 cattle were vaccinated and 7,632 small ruminants treated in four villages in Rehaid al Birdi locality.

? Sowing of 4,500 fruit and forestry seedlings was supported at a nursery in Mershing.

? Seedling pockets were provided to a group of women running a farm in Shadida. They continued putting manure on the farm and bolstered the fence to protect the farm crops.

? Planting of 8,285 trees was facilitated by WV in Galdi and Umgadity nurseries.

? An assessment in Yassin (southern Shearia locality) of areas affected by felling trees for agriculture was completed by Samaritans Purse (SP). Seedlings distribution will be planned based on the findings.

West Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Two-month food distributions have been completed in all West Darfur locations formerly covered by the expelled NGOs.

Other programmes

? Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) is building a veterinary clinic in Bendisi (Wadi Salih) where fences and latrines are still under construction. TGH has started to equip the clinic in the area,

? The NGO has also begun the construction of tree nursery in Bendisi (Wadi Salih).

? A list of beneficiaries in Bendisi area is being updated to prepare for the cereal season; TGH is patrolling along with the Peace Committee for motor pump monitoring and vegetable survey in Bendisi area.


North Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Last week an international NGO undertook blanket therapeutic feeding for more than 2,000 children in Zamzam camp, with supplies provided by UNICEF.

? During last week UNICEF has provided six primary health centre kits of essential drugs and equipment for outpatient treatment programmes in El Fasher, as part of its short-term support to the State Ministry of Health to fill supply gaps left by the suspension of NGO operations. UNICEF is also supporting the establishment of a health facility in Tawilla, following gaps left by the suspension of NGO activities in the area.

Other programmes

? The National Immunization Days against polio are ongoing across the State, with WHO providing financial support to alternate partners to access areas where government health workers cannot operate.

? A two day awareness-raising session on HIV and AIDS, including group counselling sessions, was undertaken for 120 women in El Fasher Maternity Hospital by trained prevention of mother-to-child transmission counsellors supported by UNICEF.

South Darfur

? National Immunization Days against polio, supported by UNICEF and WHO, got underway across South Darfur, with the exception of Kalma IDP camp, where no access is being granted by camp leaders and in eastern Jebel Marra where government health workers do not have access.

? Vaccination and treatment campaign was also conducted by Samaritans Purse (SP) at Dito (southern Shearia locality), whereby 45,235 heads of animals were vaccinated and treated and 55 livestock owners were trained on animal husbandry and veterinary extension work.

? ICRC completed Animal Health Auxiliaries (AHA) refresher course to 39 AHAs in Ed Daein, Bahr El Arab, and Assalaya. National veterinary laboratory conducted workshop last week for 15 veterinarians from South, North and West Darfur states on epidemiology surveillance and disease investigation.

? 275 mosquito nets were distributed by World vision to vulnerable pregnant and lactating mothers and children under five years in three locations – Grou, Selalow and Ubgarajil – in Edd Al Fursan locality.

? Consultations for 2,531 patients were handled in clinics in Manawashi, Mershing, Otash, Geneina and Galdi. WV also vaccinated 439 children and 31 mothers and provided ante-natal care to 62 women. Midwives supervised the birth of 22 children.

? WV treated 321 malnourished children in Manawashi, Mershing and camps around Nyala and gave them high-energy food. They also provided vitamin supplementation to 41 people admitted for treatment and 31 children who were severely malnourished.

? Health education for 1,641 people was conducted by WV through community mobilisation. The mobilisers visited 849 houses.

West Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Last week a meningitis vaccination campaign got underway in the Jebel Marra region, implemented by an international organization with UNICEF support. The campaign was scheduled to last for one week.

? The State Ministry of Health and UNICEF continued to look for partners able to cover gaps in feeding programmes left by the suspension of NGO activities. The Ministry and UNICEF estimate that even if qualified partners can be identified, it will take at least two months to operationalise the feeding centre, to allow for revision of technical agreements with the Humanitarian Aid Commission and the recruitment of staff.

Other programmes

? The National Immunization Days campaign against polio got underway across West Darfur, with no reports of any immediate constraints.

? With UNICEF financial and technical support, the State Ministry of Health undertook training for 27 data collectors from nine nutrition sentinel sites.


South Darfur

? UNICEF supported a four-day training course for 60 social workers from the Ministry of Social Welfare, to strengthen capacity of social workers from the Ministry on child protection issues, case management and reinforcing referral mechanisms for child protection related issues.

? 236 children and 542 women were sensitised on children’s rights and gender-based violence.

? Psychosocial support and care were provided to 1353 children at Child Friendly Spaces in Galdi, Asalam, Manawashi and Mershing camps.

? 168 women received training on income generation and financial independence; WV continued to provide psychosocial support to 132 women in Galdi community.

? Two focus group discussions to sensitise 301 women on gender issues were conducted.

West Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Last week UNICEF led discussions with community leaders, youth, and women groups’ as well as former staff of two suspended NGOs in Zalingei IDP camps to identify ways of maintaining child-friendly spaces in the camps until a sustainable solution to the departure of the NGOs can be found.

Other programmes

? Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) will distribute NFIs for elders in Bendisi Shamal

Water and Sanitation

North Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? UNICEF continues to assist the State Water Corporations for temporary provision of water, sanitation and hygiene activities across the state, following the suspension of NGO partners in the sector, including in Zamzam camp where there continue to be new arrivals. In other areas, local water committees are also supporting interim measures to maintain water and sanitation services.

South Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? Last week the South Darfur State Water Corporation has taken responsibility for distribution of water supplies in nine areas where previously suspended NGOs were managing programmes; the State Water Corporation will provide all required fuel, operational and maintenance costs and related supplies. The State Water Corporation is also hiring a number of technical staff from former NGOs to increase their capacity.

? UNICEF continues to work with the State Water Corporation to assess capacity by location in the water and sanitation sector. With UNICEF support, the State Water Corporation drilled three new boreholes in Beleil IDP camp. An international NGO is expected to take on management of water supplies in the Finna area, and if agreements are reached with local authorities, UNICEF will provide financial and technical support to the NGO.

? Last week UNICEF provided primary health care kits to an international NGO to enable them to provide services in Kass, following the suspension of activities of another NGO.

? UNICEF has also provided financial assistance on a short-term basis to cover salaries of former NGO staff working in the therapeutic feeding programme in Kerere.

Other programmes

? Broken water hand pumps in Manawashi settlement and Maramango village were repaired and a borehole was drilled in Jughma village, Edd al Fursan locality. WV also identified broken hand pumps to be repaired in Bulbul.

? Materials for the fabrication of slabs and construction of superstructure for latrines were provided in Fondog, Alsaisaban, Alsikahadeed, Aldelaib and Almatar villages, Rehaid al Birdi locality. Also, 19 superstructure frames for replaced latrines were made in Manawashi.

? WV facilitated the fabrication of 80 latrine slabs in Manawashi and 55 slabs in Fondog and Seakahadid villages and also supported the lining of 10 family latrines in Fondog.

? Hygiene education for 532 households was conducted and hygiene kits – jerry cans, water jugs and washing basins were distributed to five water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) committees in Fondog, Seasaban, Almatar, Aldelaib and Sekahadid villages, Rehaid al Birdi locality.

? 70 pits for new latrines were dug in Manawashi.

? Hygiene promotion visits to 540 households in Duma and 65 homes in Manawashi were conducted by WV. It sensitised them on proper storage of water, use of latrines and cleaning of jerry cans.

? A group discussion on hygiene was facilitated in Kereri and Duma. More than 500 participated. Topics included water-borne diseases, water storage, food storage and hand washing.

? WV delivered materials for construction of six latrines in the Yara corridor.

? Clean-up campaigns in which 617 people took part in Duma, Adwa and Kereri were organised.

West Darfur

Short-term response to suspension of NGO activities

? In general water supply services are being maintained in all IDP camps through temporary arrangements between the State Water Corporation, UNICEF and remaining NGOs. However, sanitation, hygiene promotion and solid waste management have not resumed in any of the camps. UNICEF is working with the State Water Corporation to identify stop-gap responses to these needs, using staff from suspended NGOs still available in high priority camps.

? In the last week UNICEF has continued temporary support to operation and maintenance of 15 motorised water schemes and maintenance of 254 hand pumps in Krenek, Habila, Forobaranga, Nertiti and Um Dukhun camps, serving 220,000 people in IDP camps formerly being managed by suspended NGOs.

? UNICEF has agreed to pay salary costs until the end of the month only for former staff from suspended NGOs in areas where no other partners are providing water supplies, including Nertiti and Hassa Hissa and Hamidiya camps.

Other programmes

? The State Water Corporation, supported by UNICEF, undertook 523 household hygiene education visits in Dortei, Ardamata and Ryad camps, while two environmental cleaning campaigns took place in Dortei and Ardamata camps and training was undertaken for 30 hygiene promoters in Ryad camp.

? TGH is proceeding to hand pumps rehabilitation and assessment of latrine needs in Bendisi Shamal, as well as a fence for the wells in Bendisi camp and improvement of water evacuation.

? In Bendisi, cleaning campaign takes place on a regular basis, involving both TGH’s garbage and hygiene promotion (HP) team, and mobilising community a few days a week.

? TGH is preparing Water Day in Bendisi (for the 8 April) with a specific HP session for children in order to sensitise them on the use of water for example.

? TGH support the creation of a souk committee at Bendisi level in order to base the hygiene promotion on the community participation and to make the souk community (being part of the community and camps) aware about their responsibilities for the cleanliness and good hygienic condition of the souk.

If you have inputs for the next edition or questions and comments on this one, or other media and public enquiries, please contact:
Imad Hassanein, Media Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12178035
For other media and public enquiries, you may also contact:
Orla Clinton, Head Advocacy and Public Information/RC/HC Spokesperson, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan,
Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12174454
Cecilia Attefors, Public Information Officer, United Nations, Khartoum, Sudan, Email: [email protected], Telephone: +249-9-12179084

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