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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official

April 4, 2009 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese presidency will summon foreign minister Deng Alor upon his return from Washington on statements he made criticizing the decision to expel more than a dozen aid groups from the country last month, a senior official said today.

Alor-3.jpgThe London based Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted the unnamed official as saying that Alor’s stance on the International Criminal Court (ICC) will also be probed.

“Alor talks about the ICC in his capacity as an SPLM member even though he has a higher position as a foreign minister besides the fact that he is a crucial partner in government” the official said.

The Sudanese foreign minister speaking last Wednesday at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars said that he was not consulted about the government’s decision to expel the groups from North Sudan.

Alor, who is a leading figure at the southern ex-rebel Sudan People Liberation movement (SPLM), revealed that he had read the news in the newspaper like anybody else and that he had been angered by the move.

The Southern ex-rebel group which is the main partner in the government of national unity (GoNU) with the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) but have often complained that they are not part of the decision making process on foreign policy issues.

Furthermore despite his position as a foreign minister Alor was excluded from a meeting between Sudan 2nd Vice President Ali Osman Taha and former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held last September.

Alor had angered his partners at the NCP when he publicly spoke about cooperation with the ICC which in March issued an arrest warrant for president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.

The Sudanese official speaking to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat said that the SPLM position on the ICC is conforming with that of the NCP suggesting that Alor is bilaterally violating it.

But it is not clear how far an official probe would go or what decisions it would take. The foreign ministry post is reserved to the SPLM per an agreement with the NCP on division of cabinet.

The SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum, who was the Sudanese federal minister for cabinet affairs, was probed by presidency over statements describing Sudan as a failed state but no disciplinary action was taken against him.



  • Makeethy

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    Nice work Deng Alor,

    There is nothing to be afraid of Elbashir and his NCP. Facts are facts, no lie. Truth must be told!

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    Deng Alor is a true hero of African Sudanese and there is no need for Arab Sudanese to celebrate his work if truth and justice are not in anyway part of their culture.

    The only thing that worried me is the position of those three GOSS & SPLM top position holders in Juba. Will they stand on their own feet by Mr. Alor and veto so-called presidential sumon for questioning or will they give-in as they did to Mr. Amum? may be a matter of days for their positions to be known.

    But now and after that, Deng is a man of people. So, starving Darfur population have got a voice within GNU in Khartoum.

    What will JEM followers say about this Hero? May be wait, listen and see.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    Deng Alor and Pagan’s stance towards NCP regime which often disregards bipartisanship in many political areas is fundamental for SPLM and the southerners’ sake. But the problem with SPLM is that these folks fail to get a backup from their silent leader Kiir when it comes to facing the dictatorial regime.

    Now SPLM is in the brink of collapse financially and they have large amount of money in arrears with the NCP and Kiir’s leadership fails to boldly face the regime instead they send people abroad to beg instead of asking for their entitlements.

    SPLM needs to ask for their entitlements from the regime and the most outspoken figures within SPLM who can possibly do that are those being left alone to wrestle with the regime.
    There are pragmatic chances that SPLM can achieve none with this Bashir’s regime if the leadership remains so naïve and voiceless that way. In this instance, it would be sensible if SPLM unites and voices out the unilateral decision taken by regime to expel foreign aid organisations which is an absolute violation of bipartisanship. SPLM and NCP are both required by CPA to jointly debate and decide on national issues.

  • Lual Garang De Lual
    Lual Garang De Lual

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    Bravo, bravo Mr. Deng Alor for the firm stance you have taken from the brutal regime that silences any descending voice of the voiceless.You have proven to the marginalize Sudanese that the only voice from SPLM is you and Pa’gan Amum. Bear in mind that though all the leadership of SPLM takes a different stance, your position is the position like by 85% of the Southern Sudanese population leave alone those who burry there heads under the sand for the benefit from our own oil money being given by the NCP.

    Did I here that NCP wants to summon you to answer questions about your stance on the ICC crisis and comment you made about the NGOs expulsion in Darfur. See how double standard these Arabs are in this country. Imagine a foreign minister was not told about the expulsion of these NGOs yet you expect him to answer foreign queries and questions surrounding the expulsion of the organizations. What do you think he can communicate to the foreign countries, put yourself into that position as a minister for foreign affairs and different ambassadors, consulate generals and foreign diplomats ask you to why your country (Sudan)expel these International Non-governmental organisations providing foods, medicines, water and other necessities to innocent civillians. What will be your response knowing that you were not part of the planning neither were you informed prior to the decision that will be taken by the Government. As we know Deng Alor is charged with foreign affairs relation, how come that he was not informed about the actions to be taken by the government, this makes me feel naive and disgusted about the arrogant of Arabs in this country. Any person out can judge in this scenario even a child of six years. It is a deliberate act ochestrated by the NCP so that SPLM can potest and pull out of the government hence giving them a chance to change the system in place again.

    I urge SPLM leader and first vice president 1st Lt. Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit to veto that summon to defend Mr. Alor because he was elaborating that he does not know the reasons to why NGOs were expelled and upto now is not in a position to answer foreign press. Let the Intelligence chief answer foreign press questions and queries as to why NGOs were expelled. Shame, shame on the double standard of Arabs in this country. God willing one time one day we will be a separate two independent countries to see your survival in the North of Sudan without our water for irrigation and oil for money to bribe others. “One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important” Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1870)
    The experienced of Arabs in this country of being arrogant, extravagant and conservative has led to the failure of Sudan in international forum. Hence the solution will be to deal with them promptly so that they come to terms with the inhabitants and respect us. This will be done through exposing them by talking tough like SPLM Secretary General Pa’gan Amum Okiech and Sudan foreign minister Deng Alor Kuol against the NCP. Exposing their bad deeds is what they hear much and counteract hence this will make them to be on the defensive position.

  • Hillary B.M.L,M
    Hillary B.M.L,M

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official

    This Brave Man sure will be summoned and either be warned or force to leave, this is general Life in Sudan. I one day was called to Explain myself in an Office, though it is not Political Office am serving in, My Colleagues (Arabs) took very strong measures against me, finally they gave me a Leave when i came back, sorry, they said, You are terminated.Guys in Sudan there are exclusive Meetings even you are the highest Man in the Institution your subordinates will surprise You. Take these in to account,Color, Religion,Party, Social Status etc.

  • tayeb M. Alhassan
    tayeb M. Alhassan

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    OK OK … Saif El Hag, Kabarika Jackson and others

    Since that is the situation so, what is the way-out? What are you doing now? What are you planning to push your way thru? These are the most essential questions to answer in order to put the converted picture on the right position.

    Negative resistance against bossing, nagging or just grumble will not help the change for equal chances, charity for all and malice towards none in a hoped for NEW SUDAN.
    We live the worst attitude reign when hopelessness conquers crave to make real change in our lives and stay damning the devil instead of throwing it with stones.

    The best way to discuss the general situation in Sudan we must stop admiring floating top of the glassier mountain to get disappointed when it smelt under the blazing sun. Simply Mr. Deng Alor is a public figure represents the Republic of the Sudan regardless whether he is from the South or the North. We have to evaluate and assess man by his performance to fill his job as a minister of foreign affairs without knocking his race belonging-ship. Yes, we are concerned by the equal chances process as much as we concerned by the quality staff to sail Sudan ship.

    Buoyancy ladies and gentlemen !!!

  • Thondet Manyang
    Thondet Manyang

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    Sir Deng Alor,
    GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!
    Why not Bashir to face jusitce.
    For me, it is not your mistake but bashir`s.
    If Darfurian were treated well, then you would have not say anything.
    Let them summoned Occampo not you!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is another way of trapping you people Southern Sudanese.
    Is that not true that Bashir chase INGOs leaving children and women without any supply??
    ARE THEY NOT HUMAN LIKE BASHIR????? What a hell.
    Nothing is secret in SLPM, but NCP always change.
    Who will probe the remark??????? Arabs court???????? Oh God!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! don`t go to them.
    Who summoned you? He/She is guilty too.

  • Deng Chol Malual
    Deng Chol Malual

    Sudan FM to be summoned over aid groups remarks: official
    The GOSS and SPLM should not allow Deng Alor to be tempered with by the ICC criminals.

    If the Al Bashir is still blocking the border demarcation,equitable sharing of oil and right issuance of census figures.

    Then we should increase or open a second court [ICC]case against him.
    I beleive our President Kiir Mayardit will not spare time to allow Deng be badly handle by the NCP.

    e-mail: [email protected]

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