Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Arab League to appoint humanitarian coordinator for Darfur

April 9, 2009 (CAIRO) — Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Amr Moussa, announced that his regional organizational would appoint a special coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Darfur to coordinate Arab humanitarian assistance to the troubled western Sudan region.

Displaced_women_lineup.jpgThe Arab summit in Doha last month decided to allocate 8 million dollar monthly during one year to relief Darfur internally displaced persons (IDPs) also the Arab leaders urged Arab aid organizations to boost their activities there.

In a joint news conference with the Sudanese state minister for foreign affairs Ali Karti in Cairo on Thursday Moussa said that Darfur coordinator would cooperate with the Sudanese government and the international agencies there.

He also added that it had been agreed on a number of steps to be implemented soon in cooperation with the Sudanese authorities and the African Union to improve the humanitarian situation in Darfur.

Following the ICC’s arrest warrant against the President Omer Al-Bashir, Sudan ordered out some 13 international aid groups filling an important part of the humanitarian action in the war torn region.

The government rejected calls to reverse its decision and saying Sudanese and Arab organization would cover the humanitarian gaps in Darfur.

For his part Karti pointed out that more than forty Arab humanitarian organization would soon operate in Darfur to support of the humanitarian situation.

In addition to the humanitarian situation in Darfur and the steps to be taken in accordance with the resolutions of the Arab summit in Doha, Moussa and Karti, discussed the Arab-African coordination meeting on the resolution of Darfur issue that to be held in the upcoming weeks.



  • Seeds_of_God

    Arab League to appoint humanitarian coordinator for Darfur
    The Arab League engineered the ejection of aid groups so they can replace them with phony Arab humanitian groups to coverup crimes commited by Arabs in Darfur.

  • Shogar

    Arab League to appoint humanitarian coordinator for Darfur
    The whole Arab states are a combination of dictatorships ruled by elite families grasping the wealth and leaving the citizens impoverished, hence we as wrongly forced to be part of them and due to our orgin its not a suprise that they have waken by ICC. The simplest question where they were when the regime in sudan killing 2millions of its citizens? forget a bout that up to 2007 there are a bout 108 international aid agencies in Darfur supplying foods and medics. In fact from 108 agencies only 3 from arab states and they’re mainley supplying advices to the regime
    misleading them about the west. The first plane hit the ground with aid was westren plane, also the first plane came from arab states to straving people of darfur was full of quran books!!
    Anyway the came is over as a marginalised people in sudan today is different from 10years or 50years ago! we as darfuri were misled by regimes to kill our brothers in south,and they understand that; cos now its all about right to live like a human. Time of placing their arse on chair and order marginalised to kill each other has gone for ever,

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