Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei County changes name

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 14, 2009 (BOR) – A peace and reconciliation conference between Atar and Khorfulus communities of Jonglei State has resolved to adopt the Canal County as the new name.

The former name, Khorfulus, has now been abandoned for the sake of unity, an official said. County headquarters relocation to Wun-aruop [in Atar area], equitable distribution of power at all levels of governments and non-compensation for losses incurred when the situation was tense were also agreed, Hon. Peter Chol Wal told the Sudan Tribune here on Tuesday. Both communities had demanded disintergration of the county into Atar and Khorfulus but the conference turned down the request.

“But at last we agreed and signed [the documents] and I even went to Atar for the first time,” Hon. Chol Wal said. Mr. Wal is a State member of parliament (MP) from Khorfulus. Efforts made to reach a MP from Atar area were futile.

Khorfulus and Atar communities have been in hot contest over County name, headquarters location and distribution of positions in the governments for last four years of the comprehensive Peace Agreement. Lives and properties have been lost then. The communities, however, don’t have a history of cattle raiding or child abduction. Hon. Chol Wal says the major challenge to Canal County security now will be external attacks.

A peace and reconciliation conference, similar to the recent one, was held in December, 2008 and the same resolutions were agreed upon. However, an estimate of over 90% of intellectuals from the area did not attend the conference thus, prompting fresh negotiations under Southern Sudan leaders’ supervision at Malakal.

South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit, SPLA Affairs Minister Nhial Deng Nhial, South Sudan Minister for Justice and Legal Affairs Micheal Makuei Lueth attended the conference. Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk and State Ministers/Legislators from the area also attended the conference.

Jonglei State media was not invited to the peace conference but no other presses seem to have so far covered the event. Thus, whether the peace will hold is big questions remain seen chiefs whose powers affects local people daily could not be access independently. However, Hon. Peter Chol said he confident that last peace will prevail between the two Communities.



  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Jonglei County changes name
    Dinka chief Salva Kiir and Dinka miniters as mnetioned in this article held the conference in Malakal recently to unite Dinka against other neighboring tribes and to confiscate Shulluk land in Canal and allocate it to Dinka of Jonglei.
    What does it mean if conference held in Malakal included only President of Southern Sudan and Vice president of Sudan president, GOSS defend minister, just minster and other Dinka officials in Upper Nile while exluding other tribes from taking part in the conference?
    This move is very clear indication SPLM/A and GOSS of Dinka encourage tribalism, nepotism, confiscation of other tribe lands and allocate them to Dinka and well as indication that those who attend the conference are not responsible for South and Sudan rather than Dinka.
    Ignorantly Salva said to the church during easter celebration that other politicians are igniting the fire of tribalism in South.

  • William Okuch
    William Okuch

    Jonglei County changes name
    Addition to the above comment:
    What pains me and makes not to sleep is seeing legistor violating the law he/she legislated. It is sin for the legislators to violate their own laws they have legislate. But it could be wrong for worker for violate the laws which is the work of other man.

    To comrades in SPLM/A,(Nubians, Darfuris, Funjs, Easterns, Northerners and southerners), we are all lovers of justice, eqaulity, freedom and respect of human dignity. Because of those qualities and values bestowed in our humanities and in our consciences by our God, most of us have denied their lives for the notion of the ‘New Sudan’.

    Let me say this. You might before do not know the cultures of our Dinka friends. Many wrongs were done against the will of the southerners that brought our loud outcry which you also will feel later on or you might have felt it already. Many Dinka politicians have worngly informed you since the reception of SPLM/A that other tribes in South do not agree with Dinka because of the notion of Sudan unity.
    No, no, no, no,that is not true. The true is the reality on the ground. Dinka has sold Abey to Arab. Dinka has sold Renk to Arab. Dinka has destroyed Addis Ababa Agreement that was fought for 17 years. Again, southerners went to fight that caused us millions of lives. Dinka is corrupting in GOSS and Dinka is killing other tribes who have no even pistol or spear or lance in their hands through SPLA. These are the realities on the ground my dearest comardes. Do not liars and let us be rule by traitors. please listen to the news from different media and understand by yourself which acts and sayings are true.
    Our destiny is one because we are against injustice. Our brother Barack Obama was elected because he has something in common in the entire world community. Nelson Mandela has his statue erected in front of the Common house in UK because he is the fight of justice.

    We all must denounce Dinka arrogance in order to retain the vision of the new Sudan. Dot not listen to their lies which we southerners are tied of hearing them.
    Long live New Sudan.

  • aguthon

    Jonglei County changes name
    Dear Okuch,

    Okuch, I could have responsed to your opinion posts, but because you don’t what you are talking about; I better stay without retaliating to your nonsense posts. You are contradicting yourself, what you said here, is not the same thing you said in the other part of your posts.

    Be mindful that attacking whole tribe is not good, not all Dinkas are bad. Each tribe has some good and bad individuals. I am sickened by your poor analytical skills. how come you always attacked the liberal tribe. You need to appreciate the bled blood. My advice is that you should not liken youself with Gatwech; Gatwech has good analytical skills to extend that he can convince a fool person like you.

    And moreover, Nuers participated in the New Sudan Revolutionary war than your double standards tribe of yours. It is obvious we are hated just because for the SPLM’s leadership, how about if we gave freedom fighting up in the 1980s? How would you be like today. Believe of what you think, but not what others think.

    Any rational person knows the boundary of his farm, and what he sows on that farm of his, reconsider the level of your participantion based on human resources in the past not at present and the influence you want to impose now.

  • Thyinka

    Jonglei County changes name
    Hi Jayo,
    Wise words there man! Keep it up. Southerners need more love and less hate so that they can come together as one. Of course, there is a need to condemn the bad but praising the good always goes a long way.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Jonglei County changes name
    This is not a case of dinkas/junglese madness, born crazy has to remain with their craziness, brought up in jungle has to adopt jungle life, changing whatever from &^#% to *#&@ has nothing to do with the barbaric spirit of dinkas. Don’t let yourselves to be fool that this changing of *$#&$ will be the solution to ongoing conflict. To me, I say no this is not a solution because this jungle tribe of junglese and lost community of junglese will never understand their own madness. Just wait slow but sure they will have to kill themselves in their own territories without interfacing with others. They like it or not it must happen. Even an Equatorian chicken, goat, cow, dog, sheep and etc are now looking at dinkas as an enemies they have recoganised them since bush time upto date. The time when Equatorians where in frontline with arabs, ie chasing arabs from abusing dinkas, while dinkas where in frontline with Equatorians properties, slaughtering of Equatorian animals. What a shame on you jungle and lost tribe. This is a reason why you are addicted to meat, during the 21 years of freedom to meat in Equatoria. Now you are putting yourselves in trouble by riding cattle and etc stealing of food in Equatoria. You better get yourselves out of this madness.

    I hope you agree to this advice. BIG LOGIC BOY IS THE CHAIRMAN OF ERM ! !

  • Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.
    Wiyual Wech Puk D. Payol.

    Jonglei County changes name
    what a pity,jonglei is chaning the name khorfulus to canal,is that a big job for the president of south sudan to do? where the peace did jonglei officials make among their people?

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