Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 16, 2009 (BOR) – Students at John Garang Institute of Science and Technology – Bor, who have been “patient enough”, met on Wednesday April 15 to determine their ‘academic future’ stranded at Government Southern Sudan (GOSS) delays to allocate it budget.

John_Garang_students3.jpgInstitute authorities, however, call for more patience but observed that there is still no budget to start activities at the campus.

In a charged meeting, also unclosed to the press, the students expressed worries over GOSS impediment to cater for the Institute despite the fact that South Sudan acknowledges it existence. “Why is there is no budget for our Institute?” the Dean of Student, the only Institute official attending the meeting, is asked but has no immediate answer.

The students overwhelmingly proposed and backed a sit-down-hunger strike [at the campus] – what they call “plan A”, only to be put off after five (5) hours of intensive talks when the Institute chancellor Prof. Agrey Ayuen intervened by a phone call from Khartoum.

Jonglei authorities were also engaged in a meeting discussing possible release of loan to the Institute refundable by GoSS which assisted Prof. Agrey Ayuen to convince the students. A final meeting is scheduled for Friday April 17 to be also attended by Deputy Governor of Jonglei State Hussein Mar Nyuot.


Dr. John Garang de Mabior Institute of Science and Technology in Jonglei capital Bor had it established commenced during the regime of former Governor Philip Thon Leek in an agreement with ASCOM Co., a Moldovan oil companies operating here.

John Garang de Mabior, whom the Institute is named after him was a born from Bor and the former leader of Sudan the former rebels – the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) which now rules the semi-anonymous South as part of the peace agreement reached with Khartoum Government in 2005. He was killed in a helicopter crash few days after becoming the First Vice President of the Sudan and President of Southern Sudan Government.

Following his pre-successor footsteps, Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk sealed a separate agreement with Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) in January, 2008 enabling the later to send lecturers to the Institute which officially opened on February 2, 2008.

104 students were admitted for four courses including Pharmaceutical Technology, Ecology (Natural Science), Law and Forestry & Agriculture. ASCOM catered for the of students’ well-beings as well the whole running of the Institute in yet another agreement in 2008.

In the same year also, Jonglei authorities requested South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit to recognize the Institute and hence, an Act of Establishment was signed by the President, who also appointed Prof. Agrey Ayuen Majok as the vice-chancellor in July that year.

The vice chancellor, as a presidential appointee, labeled all agreements signed before him as ‘null and void.’ Thus, in February, 2009, Prof. Agrey Ayuen Majok, as government representative, took control of the Institute halting the activities of ULIM.

A first semester for the first year students ended on December 19, 2008 and the seconded was scheduled to begin on February 1, 2009. Two-and-half months on holidays pending budgetary allocation, time has ripen for the students to decry the continuing delays.

“When the president of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) issued a decree, appointing Prof. Agrey (Ayuen Majok) as the vice chancellor, it signaled that the government was nationalizing the Institute. But we are surprised that there is no budget to run the Institute!” a student identified as John wondered.

But what is so funny is that South Sudan took full control of the Institute this year, he continued, stopping the Free International University of Moldova (ULIM) from sending lecturers only to left us hanging. “We have been patient enough,” his colleagues applauded.

David Malual Wuor, the dean of students, explains the delay to start activities at the institute with lack of budget as the only obstacle.

When South Sudan parliament pass 2009 budget, John Garang Institute was not included but the Council of Ministers in Juba, is working on a possible supplementary budget prepared by Prof. Agrey Ayuen, the dean said.

Jonglei State is also considering releasing some fund in loan “as in this proposed semester expenses,” he said asking one student to read loudly a sheet of paper addressed to Deputy Governor Hussein Mar Nyuot.

However, the students insisted that the government have a lower commitment while dealing with institute budget “because they don’t know much we are suffering…..without studies.” “What we need is to study. There is nothing greater than this,” another student stressed.

But big question marks remain as to why the Institute budget was eliminated by South Sudan parliament and why is the Council of Ministers in Juba taking long to reach a ‘comfortable amount’ to support the Institute?



  • Ayuen Buol mum
    Ayuen Buol mum

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    I think that is a big mistake from the Jonglei state to nationalize the institution that they cannot afford to fund. I argue the state to let the organization that build it continuing to control it because the GOSS is a failed institution that cannot delivery the services to its people.

    My question goes to the people like Agrey Ayuen , and the governor Kuol that let the private institution who come to Jonglei state do their job and do not aggitated those private institutions, they are very important to the development in the state. However, without private institutions government cannot do everything and that why they are important to supplement the development.


    Ayuen Mum

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    Hey mongrel folk, your demonstration is well understood and to me, I welcome it, but to your dictator savage Kiir, he will turn blind eyes and deaf ears to all this roar. You are crying for notorious garang while savage Kiir is planning for his own way of becoming popular and famous. He is already famous like now he own houses abroad in those of USA, UK, AUS, S.Africa, Kenya and etc. How about your notorious garang who even found the foundation to savage Kiir, does Kiir even care about anyone in South rather than his stomach and family as whole. The solution is that if you pray hard and harder garang in his grave will know what to do to this second notorious, selfish, arrogant and visionless man who claim himself as a leader in South.

    A budget that is suppose for developing with garang institution has gone to abroad development of Kiir’s properties, plus even the shares that South gets from centre of criminal arabs has also been taken into Kiir’s accounts in foreign countries. Next time when Kiir ran out of $$$ or when he get into huge debt, he will either go to exile or invite the arabs to continue further rapping, torturing, killing and bartering (slavery) with his own junglese dinkas like before. One skinny dinkas with a pack of sugar (1.5kgs), this is how some dinkas who claim to be leaders where trading with their brothers and sisters before. At that time price was equally for bother male and female, but in this days I think that girls will be much higher for the great advantage that, the arabs will gain from them. But mans are just servants looking after animals and doing domestic jobs in the family. Oh God junglese walk up don’t let that regime rotate to yourselves again. The Bible says ” a human is not created to be a slave for another human kind, but all people should be slave to God” this does not apply to public servants, but to the way how the dinkas where treated by their master arabs. Shame on your second donkeys for arabs.

    deny this facts if you have no logic, but acdept if your wise

  • ayuairech

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    I really wounder why there is no budget allocated to this institute by the government of south sudan. When this project was first initiated by former jonglei state governer Philip Thon Leek’ majority of people were happy about the news.To be short, I do blame the government of S/sudan who have forgotten to include the budget for this institute.The days of the thief are numbered .Misuse that money and you will be cought red handed.

  • Kwaje D
    Kwaje D

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    If there is anyone outside there claiming that GoSS is a Government of Southern Sudan but not Government of Self Services, then s/he should be isolated.

    I had never seen or even heard of such blind decrees being issued by Presidents in any other parts of the world! How can you sign an Act of Establishment and appoint a vice chancellor only to leave the Institute and the students in hell?

    Well, time is ripening for SPLM failing plans and we shall see comes few months or years.

    But I can’t blame Mr. Kiir for he don’t know the importance of University education. Elements like Riak Machar are happy for failing SPLM plans for they have a hiden agenda…

    The students need to forget and go to their villages to help in cattle raiding and child abduction. This is wat the SPLM want ,,….. everybody must be a rustler.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    Logic Boy,

    Teach those Dinka Janjaweed , Dinka Toriya Genge
    The number one slave of Arab
    I just came back yesterday from Khartoum I have seen those evil Dinkas cleaning streets all over Khartoum I hear they also cleaning the house’s of Arab terrorist

  • kuduhal

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    Anyway thanks you guys for your commences before me and i think all what you did is what i was to.
    But remember if you are commending about this budget issue it is advisable that southern sudan is like anew born baby or an egg in the cage
    iam not encouraging rioting but we should understand that southern sudan lack many thing to be good with itself.

    otherwise student got right but they are to be patience and wait to see the responses on green light they had made to the authority concern.

    John The Great.

  • J.James

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    Hi Jongkoth

    Why worry, how should you dare to ask government to help tribalistic and dictatorial institute?

    Please leave the government alone and let Dinka Bor finance their Boric institute! simple.

    Why should anyone’s dollar spent on another person’s basket?

    That institute was not founded as national institute but Bor’s institute, theorefore, they should be fully responsible.

    God bless

    The writer helped Bor to move out of Nimule.

  • Ajith Deng
    Ajith Deng

    Why is there ‘no budget’ for John Garang Institute? Students ask
    Definitely, i agree with those Students because de GOSS should do some thing to supporting Institute!

    By Kuku

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