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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan president says no peace with Israel, hails resistance forces

April 18, 2009 (WASHINGTON) — The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir said today that his government does not believe that there will be any peace or normalization with Israel.

Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Reuters)
Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Reuters)
Sudan official news Agency (SUNA) quoted Bashir as saying that “our convictions that there will be no peace with Israel”.

“All these classifications on right wing, extremist right wing and leftist in Israel is nothing but role swapping to serve the Zionist agenda” Bashir told a delegation of the World Popular Friendship committee.

“The Arab world is a target of conspiracies and plots to target its resources” and added that the Palestinian cause “is the focal Arab issue’.

Bashir said his country believes that normalization with Israel “will weaken the spirit of resistance among the Arab people”.

Sudan does not recognize the Jewish state but it supported a Saudi proposal calling for normalization in return for lands occupied by Israel during the 1967 war.

The Sudanese information minister Al-Zahawi Malik claimed this week that his government was offered lifting of sanctions and normalization with the Western world in return for recognizing the state of Israel but that his country refused the offer.

Israel forcibly became part of Sudanese politics as hundreds of Darfuri refugees flowed across the Egyptian borders into the Jewish causing an embarrassment for Khartoum and dilemma for Tel Aviv. The latter however granted some of the Sudanese refugees temporary residency.

The Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) headed by Abdel-Wahid Al-Nur inaugurated an office in Israel and paid a visit to Tel Aviv this year. Sudanese officials saw this as evidence of Israeli involvement in fueling the six years long Darfur conflict.

Last month it was revealed that Israel launched secret airstrikes inside Sudan against arm smugglers. Khartoum has maintained silence over the incident saying it is still investigating the alleged and will take appropriate actions after findings are made.

Bashir said Sudan supports resistance forces in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Gaza. He hailed the Palestinian resistance against Israeli forces and determination to free the land from occupation.

Sudan has hosted a number of Palestinian militant groups including Hamas displaying public support to them.

Ironically in 2007 the Los Angeles Times quoting CIA officials said Sudan’s intelligence is assisting them in spying against the insurgents in Iraq.

Sudan had assembled a network of informants in Iraq providing intelligence on the insurgency. Some may have been recruited as they traveled through Khartoum.

Sudanese intelligence service has helped the US to attack the Islamic Courts positions in Somalia and to locate Al Qaeda suspects hiding there.



  • Makeethy

    Sudan president says no peace with Israel, hails resistance forces
    First, Bashir should bear in his mind that Sudan is not an Arab state, and hence should not generalize all Sudanese as enemies of Isreal. We refuse to be bound by those Islamic agendas anymore, as we are not Arabs. Want to defend Arabs land, go to Arabia.

    Isrealis are welcome anytime they wish in Sudan, that’s what we faught for…..to be friends with anyone who wish to be a friend with us. Look at all Sudanese passports. It is written that you can travell every around the world using this passport, but not to Isreal. Regardless of the fact that there are many non-arab civilians in the country, who have nothing to do with Isreali occupation, they are bound by this stupid rule.

    If Isrealis are considered occupiers, then Arabs in Sudan must also be considered occupiers too, because they have occupied the African land. Stop bringing Arabian issues into Sudan. If Bashir and the likes feel the need of being Arabs, then cross the Red sea…back to Arabia. We don’t want to continue listening to these nonsense all the time.

    It’s just a matter of time. Like Late Dr. Garang said, Sudan will never be thesame again. To all black Africans, your land is under occupation…and therefore; it’s time to fight back.

  • DAVID N.
    DAVID N.

    Sudan president says no peace with Israel, hails resistance forces
    First of all, Yisrael has not involved into Darfuri conflicts in the past, but to assist Darfur’s civillians into safe heaven from the Sahel conflicts, because the Israel knows the pain from the past in West, so to save every souls to protects from the war in Darfur.
    But question, why Mr.Bashier depends on Ethiopia?
    The Ethiopia is the biggest supporter of Yisrael from the beggining and they hates Arabs! They are not even call themselves Arab but Bantu East African descendants as Kenyans or Nigerians are today!
    Again, the Ethiops are more Afro American types than Moroc’s are being Arab in backgrounds!, even though as a Hebrew themselves.
    The Darfuri are technically being more Arab or Middle Eastern than Ethiopian as a African Bantus.
    Al-Bashier, “YOU are not even NOBIIN, so why don’t you going back to Ethiopia?” It may be best for you…

  • garang peter majok
    garang peter majok

    Sudan president says no peace with Israel, hails resistance forces

    Mr Bashir forgot to rermember that sudan is not an Arab country but the illegitamate ruller of the state is a muslim.we are demanding Isreali embasy in sudan leave apart from your normalisation with them.we don,t consider isreal as enmy mr.bashir.

    Somali pirates took thier training in sudan,which was facilitate by what is known as (gout albaria al sudania) sudan navy force.and the same is giving a little leakage to CIA about them.people have witness some sudanese who took part in Iraqi insurgency.like Hamed al fazari whom his fellows praise for being brave and given the name, (jodi al iraq) means iraqi soldier.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Sudan president says no peace with Israel, hails resistance forces
    Please Mr Bashir Sudan is not an Islamic state nor does it save Arabs interest but a BLACK LAND FOR BLACK PEOPLE OF AFRICA and therefore has nothing to do with Israelis-Arabs conflicts over lands,religious,races or whatsoever.These parochialism thinking will doom you a fatality.

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