Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kenana Conference, from a different prospective


By: Luk Kuth Dak

In a democratic atmosphere, all people have the right to congregate and express their views on matters that are important to them. Indeed, debating the issues is a healthy process that should be admired by both the rulers and the oppositions alike.

Take for example, in the United States of America [USA], the two dominant political organizations- the Republicans and the Democrats- parties, have sharp differences on just about anything and everything, but when it comes to the American’s national interests and security, the two giants normally put all their ideological differences aside and join hands as a solid block, against whoever the adversaries might be. In short, they put the country’s interests above their own.

As far as South Sudan is concerned, it remains unintelligible, and only time will tell what really went on behind closed doors, or what was going through minds and hearts of those Southerners, who have wrapped their highly suspicious conference in al- Kenanna, just south of the capital, Khartoum. Practically speaking, the participants were within their rights, as free citizens, to congregate and debate on issues of their political areas of interests. However, the view of the participants, from up close, and the significance of choosing al- Kennana of all places, is quite chilling and it makes matters all the more cloudy and suspicious. In addition, most, if not all of the participants, have one thing in common: they are strongly leaning towards the National Islamic Front [INF] of the indicted war criminal President Omar Ahmad al Basher, and their hatred of the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement [SPLM].

These are dark days for Southern Sudanese people, who believe that our strength is in our unity, especially during these difficult times in the history of our nation. This should be a time in which we put aside our personal, ideological and political differences, for the common good of our people, who have suffered long enough due to fact, that there are indeed, some of us who are more concern about their personal goals, and not the nation’s, even if they lead to the disappearance of South Sudan from the face of earth.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above his individualistic concerns to broader concerns of all humanity.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

A couple of years ago, Reik Gai Kok was quoted as saying: “ South Sudan is part and parcel of the Arab and Islamic Nations.” Reik, a former Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement’s recruiter, turned Islamic, and Dr. Lam Akol among others, are the real agents of evil in South Sudan. No one would ever forget when the two of them, along with other traitors celebrated the promotion of intelligence chief, Selah Abdullah Gush to the rank of Lt. General. Clearly, it’s one thing to be a member of any Northern political party, but it’s totally a whole different thing to be associated with an Islamic radical ideological lunatic organization, whose main objectives are the destruction of our core values and norms, and who’s responsible for the murder of over two million lives of Southern citizens, not to mention millions more in Darfur and the East.

All over the Sudan, the Islamic National Front’s Southern[ golden boys] are on the move promoting division among the Southern people, turning one tribe against another. Luckily, on the Easter Sunday, President Salva Kiir Mayardit, for the first time said that, some individuals are fueling tribal conflicts in the South Sudan, but, why did he fall short of naming those responsible for all the troubles in the South? Well, Mr. President, that time is now, to veer from this political correctness rhetoric, and begin to name things with their names, and make those responsible accountable for their actions. It’s for that reason that the people have elected you to lead them, in the first place.

Silence is no longer an option, sir.

The author is a former radio Juba anchorman and Sudan Tribune contributor. He can be reached at: [email protected].

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